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Jeff Vankooten
change catalyst and idea generator
Recent Activity
Welcome. If you were looking for me somehow I've moved over to my professional website: Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2011 at Crunch Time
I’m told the advanced degree many businesses are now seeking is not the MBA but the MFA, Master of Fine Arts. Since so much of our left brain functions are being handled by technological advances, what is lacking is the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2011 at Crunch Time
Jim Collins in his book Good to Great talks about the importance of finding your hedgehog. The premise comes from an essay by Isaiah Berlin that contrasts the fox that sporadically does many things with the hedgehog who focuses on... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2011 at Crunch Time
We marvel at those who seem to navigate life with exceptional giftedness. Mozart was composing music at age five, first performing at age eight, and producing hundreds of musical masterpieces before he died at age thirty five. Tiger Woods defied... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2011 at Crunch Time
I need to put on my big boy pants more often than not.
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2011 on The hardest thing you'll do today at Crunch Time
1 reply
Carpe diem right back at ya!
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2011 on The hardest thing you'll do today at Crunch Time
1 reply
Thanks for the kind words. It is a daily reminder we need heed.
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2011 on The hardest thing you'll do today at Crunch Time
1 reply
Kim, Hope your day went wonderfully!
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2011 on The hardest thing you'll do today at Crunch Time
1 reply
Every day you're confronted with a choice. In the stress and strain of everyday life, you have to choose between two different mindsets. I believe doing this is the hardest thing you'll do each day. The choice is between allowing... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2011 at Crunch Time
It’s in the American DNA to romanticize the “rugged individualism” of the frontier cowboy, or the self-made millionaire. Yet, when history is accounted for and research is taken into account, the ability to achieve and be successful is really a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2011 at Crunch Time
"Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2011 at Crunch Time
We all have a persoanl story to tell. It is unique to who we are and the situations we find ourselves in. It connects to humanity. After all, everybody’s story is everybody’s story- it is part and parcel to understanding... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2011 at Crunch Time
There are many tough, challenging times in life, but the critical component in all of them is choosing how we are going to respond. In the silly movie Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story there is an exchange in a bar... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2011 at Crunch Time
There are 365 days per year available for work. There are 52 weeks per year in which you already have 2 days off per week, leaving 261 days available for work. Since you spend 16 hours each day away from... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2011 at Crunch Time
Stress in Crunch Time is the uneasy, often unhealthy agitation and energy that accompanies any change. We are prone to be reactive than proactive to its presence. We then respond with three knee jerk reactions: Retrench We retrench as a... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2011 at Crunch Time
There was an unemployed man looking for work. He found an opening at a zoo that was looking for someone to dress in a gorilla costume and sit in a cage. The real gorilla, the star attraction, had passed away... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2011 at Crunch Time
It’s important to recognize where we are. This is brand new stretch of water. It’s Crunch Time, a disorienting moment of change rife with such extraordinary potentiality that people are faced with the transformative decision on how to get through... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2011 at Crunch Time
An Army veteran named John Crabtree had been receiving benefits from the government. Evidently he had been wounded in Vietnam and was now on permanent disability. One day, out of the blue, he received an official notification from the government... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2011 at Crunch Time
I can remember the birth of my first child. So many thoughts and feelings accompany that moment- will I be a good father?, what kind of world will he inherit?, am I going to be able to fund his hopes... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2011 at Crunch Time
A ship ladened with gold, silver, and precious jewels was on its way back to port when it was suddenly confronted by a pirate ship, skull and crossbones flag waving in the wind. The first mate asked the captain what... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2011 at Crunch Time
Resilient people are characterized by actions, events and experiences which collectively embody the qualities that enable one not only to overcome what others may experience as disasters, but to utilize such experiences to bounce back to an exhilarating resolve. We... Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2011 at Crunch Time
During World War II, a Jewish woman was riding a city bus home from work when SS storm troopers suddenly stopped the coach and began examining the identification papers of passengers. Most were annoyed, but a few were terrified. Jews... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2011 at Crunch Time
You are welcome! Thanks always for the comments! continue to bounce back and thrive.
Toggle Commented May 13, 2011 on Facing the Lion at Crunch Time
1 reply
There is a story of a man who had a recurrent dream that he was being pursued by a ferocious, terrifying lion. The fear and subsequent retreat for his life left him exhausted, and weakened. He would eventually wake himself... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2011 at Crunch Time
We were made for the struggle. The human race has shown an amazing ability to be resilient in tough times- we all wouldn’t be here otherwise. Exposure to struggle, setbacks, and adversity can steel us to function better than expected... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2011 at Crunch Time