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Kevin Miller
Pied Piper of being a Free Agent...with your work and your life
Interests: food, health, kids, faith, jesus, mountains, wife, drink, passions, ambition, self-employment
Recent Activity
Grateful for your pursuit of truth and health and our Lord...
A Change Of Seasons
I love autumn. But... Fall is usually a crappy time of year around the Miller house. Outside, the world gets golden & glorious, but inside, Mommy gets crabby & contentious. Which of course makes the whole family grumpy... Technically, autumn refers to a time of harvest, the golden season whe...
as will "Husband" and "Daddy" for me
The room is packed. About 995 women & men mill around in front of me, squeezing into the narrow rows of theatre-style seats. A cacophony of voices rolls pleasantly through the balconied lecture hall here at Belmont University. Smiles everywhere, and an air of expectancy, as we all look for...
Who wants to ride a roller coaster alone, eh?!
Makin' It Happen
I used to think Makin' It Happen was all about me. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, right? I'm the master of my own fate! If its gonna be, its up to me... And yet, when I finally let go of all the trying & straining & stressing & pushing - God started making things happen. --------------...
My honor Love
Kinda Pregnant
Just so no one has a, I'm not actually pregnant. But in a way - I'm kinda pregnant. After growing seven babies in my belly, you'd think I'd be plenty weary of pregnancy. I'm no spring chicken either; at 43-ish my body is past the birthing years & cresting the mid-life-crisi...
You are an amazing person Teri. You're Super Mom, and much more. You don't do anything small, including parenthood. So grateful for your incredible devotion to our kids, for sure. But understand and honor your heart for a calling that goes far beyond the role of 'Mommy'. Love you.
The room is packed. About 995 women & men mill around in front of me, squeezing into the narrow rows of theatre-style seats. A cacophony of voices rolls pleasantly through the balconied lecture hall here at Belmont University. Smiles everywhere, and an air of expectancy, as we all look for...
Idle, neutral, passive, lazy, boring...all words that are NOT Teri. I'm grateful for your drive. Most of the time...
Proud of you, and yes...I'm feeling pretty pregnant too. Grateful for the story God calls us to.
Kinda Pregnant
Just so no one has a, I'm not actually pregnant. But in a way - I'm kinda pregnant. After growing seven babies in my belly, you'd think I'd be plenty weary of pregnancy. I'm no spring chicken either; at 43-ish my body is past the birthing years & cresting the mid-life-crisi...
Interesting to read as I take all the deconstructed pieces of my business and ditch a lot while researching new to reconstruct it the right way. The way that fits me and how God made me, not what fits my baggage.
Thanks for the confirmation Teri.
Mid-Life Deconstruction
Some people call it a mid-life crisis. I sure wasn't gonna have one. And sheesh, I'm what...42, 43? That's not like mid-life already or anything. That's way down the road. Ahem. I definitely didn't see it coming. I mean, who does? Cause in the middle of yelling at my kids, blaming my ...
I'm so, so stoked about what you feel called to and are going after. I want to be a tool God uses to help make things happen for you my Teri.
Makin' It Happen
I used to think Makin' It Happen was all about me. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, right? I'm the master of my own fate! If its gonna be, its up to me... And yet, when I finally let go of all the trying & straining & stressing & pushing - God started making things happen. --------------...
Kevin Miller added a favorite at Stumbling Around in The Light
Apr 16, 2013
Just read the blog, and your reply Wendy. Totally get your perspective. Completely. But made me think, again...can I be content anyway? Is it about the destination, or the journey of doing what I feel called to do? In ten years, if you've influenced many, many women's lives for the better, what if you make a million bucks, or 'just get by'? Doesn't minimize the work, eh? And what's the alternative? Ten years doing something just for a buck that doesn't matter to anyone's life?
Not a perfect perspective, but relevant to myself and others I think.
Fast Forward
The healing journey is mostly a long, slow, arduous path. Alone, ashamed, convinced its all up to me; rushing forward, then collapsing exhausted. Tripping and stumbling through briers and mud and dark valleys, it feels like I'll never find that light at the end of the tunnel. How long, O Lord? ...
Such a gift to read your heart my Love. This line is beautiful, "You don't need to see the light at the end of the tunnel;
You just need to have faith it's there."
Makes me think of people whose life's work never comes to fruition while they are alive. They worked their entire existence in without seeing. But I want and expect my payoff...soon. So I can fully enjoy and ride it.
So am I working for the faith in what I do mattering? Or just for the reward and payoff? That's a paradigm shifter. I want both of course, but which is priority sure alters my attitude.
Thanks for the wisdom...I need it today.
Light At The End of The Tunnel
There were dark days this winter. Endless mornings of bitter cold and dim light; wishing I could stay curled up in bed and avoid the drudgery of housework, chasing after little ones, laundry, bills, home school lessons... Each day so much the same as the one before, mind-numbing with repetit...
The great gravity? I could cite many things that support my belief, but it's ultimately a core faith that I choose and can't deny, of my Creator's plan for me. For better or worse, I was destined for you as my wife.
My Valentine
We've never had smooth-sailing. For us it's all adventure, passions, risk. Mountain-top heights of heart-pounding, all-consuming love. Earth-shattering moments of God's presence so real we can scarcely breath. Darkness so deep and vast, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. And yet we ...
Thank you so much for this my Love. I have no 'file' for this (don't like you but long for you) as the counselor would say, but it's true for me as well, "Even now, 20 Valentine's later, I can't help myself from loving you, desiring you. Even when I don't like you, you're the one I long for."
That segment you read to me from Blue Like should read it on a video and post it. Seriously.
My Valentine
We've never had smooth-sailing. For us it's all adventure, passions, risk. Mountain-top heights of heart-pounding, all-consuming love. Earth-shattering moments of God's presence so real we can scarcely breath. Darkness so deep and vast, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. And yet we ...
I so wish I could be the Hero and fix everything. But I can't. I'm not the Hero. I'm just...Kevin. Your line above hit me, "There will always be those who think ill of you, no matter how you perform or try to please."
I know this, but hard to walk in it when I'm hard wired for approval. But I can't think of any voice or authority or 'leader' that I haven't thrown a stone at. Yet I want a platform and to come away unscathed. Not possible. I've gotta give more grace to others for one, but as you say in so many words, start with grace for myself and just be Maybe when I learn that, I can start an academy for freedom or something...
Afraid. No More.
Linking up with Lisa-Jo and Five Minute Friday What if I were to become unafraid? What if I were to let go? Release. Trust. Hope; without fear. Fear of regrets. Fear of what you think. Fear of my children suffering. Fear of falling, failing, flaking out. But wait. What's that? What's that...
I'd love to sit down in some quiet time with you...just you...and pray and discern that section of scripture. It so coincides with where I'm being drawn in Ephesians...but I languish some in translating it to the present.
Diving Deep
Linking up with Lisa-Jo and Five-Minute-Friday I tear off the page of my calendar and take a deep breath. Ready... Set... Go. Diving Deep. Into a new day, a new year, a new hope. Glad to bid December farewell; kindred with Jamie, I ponder the pleasant escape and comfort of Prozac. Would th...
Wow. This is beyond convicting and compelling and...real. You are an amazing communicator with an amazing heart. This is really beautiful Teri.
My Little Girl
She steps out of the dressing room, deep-blue denim shrink-wrapped to every curve of her bottom. I wrinkle my nose in disapproval, "Too tight." "But Mommy! They're the only ones that fit me up here...all the others gap out at the top!" "No way." I shake my head decisively, "They're painted o...
Great wisdom Teri. Happy Birthday, eager to really celebrate it in New Mexico!
When 43 Feels Like 15
Happy Birthday to me. Yep, for the 43rd time. Really? Time is such a weird thing. Sometimes it feels all stretched out & molasses-slow, like when I'm waiting on Nekoda to just finish his stinkin' 3am poop so I can wipe his adorable, pain-in-the-neck-hiney and stumble bleary-eyed back to bed....
This is great, and I feel a calling to put more fun and enjoyment into our family. I've gotten so wrapped up in 'purpose' and 'service' and 'life is serious' that while I may appreciate things, I seldom take time to just enjoy. Like our amazing kids.
Sometimes You Just Gotta Celebrate
It's Wednesday afternoon. Time to celebrate. Cause Wednesdays are hard, y'know? Okay, well maybe not as hard as Mondays...but tough anyway. And when we make it through the chores & classes & agenda & work, we could use a little celebration. Fall is consistently a challenging season for me. ...
I'm so grateful. Thank you my Love.
How quickly I slip away. Wasn’t it just last week I felt the burn of Your Word in me? Oh. That long? Has it really been that long? O Lord, spit me not out; lukewarm and comfortable… It doesn’t seem so many weeks ago, but I guess it was. Approaching the bubbling heat of His call, stok...
As you know...I'm suffering in my own way. So often struggling with my joy. My peace.'s hard. And my church-bred logic just naturally equates doing 'good works' and acting in 'righteousness' equates to the Jabez prayer! More money, more peace, more BLESSINGS in regards to life circumstances. Yet my Bible of course just talks about the blessings of the heart and eternity, not circumstances. Not sure I'll ever really reconcile that. Just have to accept it.
Well...I know PEACE amidst hard circumstances comes from understanding and accepting God's truth. I fear I'm failing cause I'm still so wrapped up in the desire for circumstantial ease and payoff.
Shadrack and his bros had peace going into a freakin' fire place, presumably. God same them. But John the Baptist...did he have peace as he was about to get beheaded? Would I have any support from anyone if I acted in a way, even in service to God, that might be me beheaded? Wouldn't that be irresponsible in regards to my family who I must care for? That just jacks up my dogma, as Scott Stearman would say.
I'm with you. Even as we feel out of control with our current 7 kids and seek an 8th that may entail too much money, too much time, too much heartache, too much too much.
I love you. What else would we be doing, eh?!
Following Jesus Gives Me Hives
Ten years ago I thought following Jesus meant waking up early to read the Bible. Going to church twice a week. Praying more than just before meals. Not walking away from my marriage even when my bitter heart already had running shoes laced up & ready to go. Carrying the banner of my son's de...
Holy're amazing. Reading this, seeing the pictures...made me misty. Yeah...why DO you love me so? I'm just grateful and awed. What a story we have, eh? It's hard to understand how much I liked you and how fully I fell in love with you...when today you are SO MUCH MORE. You are an amazing and ridiculous and awe inspiring woman. Just as our God is Amazing. Ridiculous. And truly, fully Awe Inspiring. I love you most.
Hey, I Just Met You...
And this is crazy; but here's my number, so call me, maybe? Or we could just do away with all that nonsense, and get married... Twenty years ago today, I met you. You had been racing with a cycling team in Europe; I'd been performing 'A Chorus Line' at The Grand Opera House in Galveston, T...
Almost a month after you wrote this...I'm reading it. And interesting timing. You say "Answering the call is so risky." And it's now that we're feeling the real cost of the time away. It didn't all wrap itself up in a pretty bow. We served and God pays us back by making our life easier. I think it's harder now. Why do I have that natural tendency to think that if I do good, I WILL GET THE PAYOFF. Jesus did good and got murdered. So hard to grasp that we're not here to build our kingdom on earth. Thanks for this reminder Love.
When It's Just Too Much
I sit on the back deck of my dearest Scott & Hermine's log home. The view before me blurs and trickles; gratitude-tears softening my vision. It's just too much. The sky is crystal-clear, azure blue. A light breeze cools me from the intense high-altitude, Colorado-mountain sunshine. Pikes P...
Thanks for this Teri. I think I'm learning. Learning that the only peace is in seeking God's direction. And we won't get a clear map from our seeking. Just a clue here and there. And...I'll screw it up. He gives me that power, for better or worse. So we constantly realign, eh? Like Romans 12:2 that I gave to the teens today. We renew our minds. Every freakin' day. Or we can't have faith that 'He'll work all things for good'. He can...IF. If we seek Him. Ask him. Renew our minds. I think I'm just starting to see some truth in being messy. Out of control. Uncomfortable. Almost to the point that going home seems...strange. I know there is need and worth in that. But how much time do we give to Our little lives? How much time do we spend in shallow waters, eh? Maybe just enough for a bit of rest? I love you. Wouldn't want to swim with anyone else.
The Risk of Deep Waters
It was a risk coming here. I kinda draggggged my family along. I mean, they were willing and all (…under-their-breath-grumbling). We all read Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years - so the kids were on board with pursuing a bigger story for our family (…eye-rolling). And Kev...
You captured so much here Teri. Yeah, I feel humbled to say the least. But I love the perspective we keep coming to of, "If we weren't here, what else would we be doing? We'd be home, padding our own little lives." Why NOT be here, doing what we can to aid real servants?! Thanks for sharing your heart, as always Love.
I Don't Need My Cape After All
Sometimes the answer to the call isn't quite what we think it will be. We've been here at the Manuelito Navajo Children's Home for over a week now. It's been incredible so far. And hard. Hot. Heartbreaking. Humbling. I'm learning alot about myself. And God. Like for one thing -...
Makes me think of 'anchors of truth' that we've talked about before. We can so easily forget. But also makes me dwell on just being grateful. Focusing on what I have instead of what I have not. Thanks for bringing me back to truth my Love.
Stones of Remembrance
If I don't write it down...capture photos...somehow grasp the moment... I forget. For months the Holy Spirit has been calling me to place Stones of Remembrance. Just like Joshua was called to place stones in the river Jordan, to remember God's miraculous way... I'm called to mark these mirac...
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