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a postive psychiatrist
Interests: psychiatry, positive psychology, narrative medicine, empathy and creativity
Recent Activity
a postive psychiatrist is now following Robyn_McKay
Aug 22, 2011
With the students graduating this week, I was reminded of this very special transition and that I had not told you that this blog entry is truly wonderful. Thank you for openly sharing your story. I am looking forward for reading more about your extraordinary life and ideas.
a return to school
When I was 5, I decided that I was going to be a doctor when I grew up. And though my ideas about careers changed over the years until I actually became one (I also imagined myself as a freelance photo journalist, microbiologist, trapeze artist in the circus). I beat the drum of becoming a doc...
a postive psychiatrist is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Robyn, it all sounds like lots of fun. Congratulations on your workshop! I can't wait to read more about it.
Taking the Show on the Road
Just got back from a long holiday weekend in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Have you been? If not, it's worth the trip. There is nothing like the perfume of sweet clover as dusk ushers in a summer night. I grew up there. First in the artsy town of Deadwood, where Wild Bill Hickcock and Ca...
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