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Lisa Souers
"ndustrial jewelry artist, love of junking for vintage goods"
Interests: letters, industrial, rusty, vintage finds, have always been into "serious junking", finding treasures and recreating with them, always "rearranging" to put one more treasure in my home..."it will fit".... alway metal, with a flair for words, writings...
Recent Activity
love me a fabulous August
it's been way too long in writing on my blog. I forgot how much I love to write here, but with facebook being so "instant", it has seemed so much easier to "facebook blog" everyday. I love connecting with my... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2013 at Lisa Souers Designs
spring junking.
spring I can say is "finally here" in the pacific northwest. I cannot say the same for the Minnesota area, at least when I was there a week or so ago. I planned on packing "light". You know. 50lbs in... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2013 at Lisa Souers Designs
needful things.
it's been a while since I have liked the "look" of my website. or the function of it. (or lack of function) so without really knowing this amazing person whom I stumbled on to redo it for me, I took... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2013 at Lisa Souers Designs
spring love
a very laid back easter. have my favorite girl and Mr. around... you forget how "time flies" until you dig through old photos and smile.... I have to say, I don't really miss the "early morning hiding of the easter... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2013 at Lisa Souers Designs
art escape
Anyone who really knows me knows I'm pretty random at times. I can go by the seat of my pants doing things that others have to "think through", analyze, calculate. It's more of my personality that I realize at times.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2013 at Lisa Souers Designs
a perfect little Monday.
February is my most favorite month . I don' know if it's because Spring is trying to peek through, or the birthday week that has always been with my late Auntie Beth, Mom and I or it's the beginning of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2013 at Lisa Souers Designs
sparkles and projects oh my.
I'm rushing the season. I know. We've had a few days of sunny skies, warm enough temps that I could get into refreshing for Spring. After so many days of fog, freezing fog, ice that won't go away, it's amazing... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2013 at Lisa Souers Designs
I heart you
blogging. it's a hard thing to keep up with these days, but I do love a "busy day". I think about blogging all the time. in my head of course. I'm always updating on my facebook page about what I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2013 at Lisa Souers Designs
What A Year.
What a year. A year a go I took a leap of faith and quit an amazingly high paying position where I had worked for 18 years... in the economy state that it was and a daughter gearing up to... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
A little updating.
I love Fall and it's really feeling like it's coming just around the corner. I've finally updated my website I know... it took forever, but now that my wee one is "off to college" , it's the perfect time for... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
Get Your Junk On
I love FREE And even closer to loving FREE is being apart of this AMAZING show! Last year my Mr. Souers and I were so honored to be a vendor at the Junk Bonanza. Wasn't so thrilled about a 24... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
One Amazing Show
Every weekend I swear there is a "show" Hard to keep up, attend them all, or even be a part of them. Wouldn't it be great if we could attend them all? Not possible. Last year my Mr. Souers and... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
A Little Farmchicks Recap
It's taking me this long to find a moment to recap one of my most favorite weekends of the year. It's all seems like a blur since the Big Show, but it was probably because I have been running like... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
All Grown Up
Seriously. Where did the time go? She's actually graduating the week after The FarmChicks Show. And I think she's actually pretty "okay" with it... Thank Goodness it wasn't the SAME week or I would of been on the CRAZY TRAIN... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
A Little Decluttering
Well, that was a bit of a misleading title. It's more of a big decluttering. I don't know the last time I have actually "seen" this side of our garage. I am still wondering about "a random hole in the... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
Six Months of Happiness.
Six months ago I thought life would be completely changed. You see. I was given a gift of being able to be free from the "daily grind" of being in charge of an incredible responsibility of a huge million dollar... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
page 108
It may not be very exciting to many of you but to me I love that I made page 108 this month And that I had to use my "teeth" to rip open the package when I saw the words... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
It's Spring. a perfect day to update my blog, my website, my laundry room. What else would one be doing on a Spring Day. It's so stinking blustery out and I've been fighting a super fun cold so I thought... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
She's At It Again.
That Serena. She's at it again. Wait until you see what she's up to now... Not only does she do one of my most Favorite shows in the world that I am stock piling for like a fat winter squirrel... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
Sweet Auntie Beth
Some people come into your lives and never leave They become a part of you. My Sweet Great Auntie Beth was that person. Today would of been her 98th birthday. We joked that we would see her picture on the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
A Studio Birthday
Some girls want jewels for their birthday I get a "honey do" list completed from my Mr. Souers Which is better than jewels in my world I tell you A little back story. When we moved into our early 1900's... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
Wearable Assemblage Art
I "heart" Yakima. Most days. We moved here a wee bit over 18 years ago to raise our sweet daughter, start our careers and build our lives here. Except when I am trying to explain "what I do" to the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
A Tattered New Year
It's January. I think I forgot how to blog. I'm always on Facebook where I seem to "update my random thoughts and useless wisdom" everyday. But blogging? I think I had forgot how to "do it" But it's a "new... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2012 at Lisa Souers Designs
Cabinets for Christmas
I'm not a bling sorta girl More sort of a "wood and metal" make me so happy kinda girl So those of you who keep asking for kitchen pictures I keep ignoring you It hasn't been finished Because all those... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2011 at Lisa Souers Designs
Something for free
Everyone loves something for free Ususally the "free box" isn't worth digging in... I always do. And can find some good treasures. But my "something for free" for the rest of December Isn't her Or her trinkets But the shipping... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2011 at Lisa Souers Designs
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