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I am the full time caregiver to my two small children.
Recent Activity
Hi there! Big Kid is in the 2nd grade this year, age-wise. I'm having a good homeschooling year so far, though Baby is an extremely poor sleeper, so we're off to a slower start than I'd like. I kind of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2013 at Terrible/Perfect
Ha! Excellent job, Steve. Way to keep it real.
Toggle Commented Jul 10, 2013 on SoulePapa Blogs :: How We're Built at SouleMama
1 reply
I've spent this winter digging into the sort of world-fear that arises when such violence shows its face, and your earlier words (in a post about your injury) have been vital to me: the multitude of everyday angels, stitching the world back up, every moment. Thank you.
They're called bolga baskets, or African market baskets, and there are a ton of places to buy them online if you do a Google search. Here's one. They are the best baskets. I feel like I can't have enough of them. And the little mini ones are brilliant for kids :)
Toggle Commented Apr 15, 2013 on April weekend at SouleMama
1 reply
Where did you find that print from Extra Yarn? I'd love one but all I can find are prints from his other books, which aren't nearly as dear to my heart.
Toggle Commented Apr 15, 2013 on April weekend at SouleMama
1 reply
I always called my babies my little peachy-pink things, too
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2013 on Sun Spots at Posie Gets Cozy
"...for I have often observed that resignation is never so perfect as when the blessing denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our estimation." -Mr. Collins The time came, sort of, to have a go at something I've... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2013 at Terrible/Perfect
Whoo. Been busy. Also borderlne cripplingly depressed. Better now! Glad we got that out of the way. He's awful, awful sweet. Gorgeous, luscious boy. Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2013 at Terrible/Perfect
Ha! John Denver :) Although Bob Denver and the Muppets may have had a certain value of its own.
Toggle Commented Dec 19, 2012 on Winter Wonder at Posie Gets Cozy
Snow here in Olympia, too, and it stuck. White roofs everywhere. My girls and I are listening to Bob Denver and the Muppets Christmas, making apple bread and the 7 year-old is writing a Christmas song. Love indeed.
Toggle Commented Dec 19, 2012 on Winter Wonder at Posie Gets Cozy
This is the work of my daughter, age 7, 1st grade. Today I drank her in, her eyes, her hair, I folded her (cold) hands in my own in the dark of her bedroom and thought of those twenty (twenty,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
Puppet show...cookies...latkes...Zoolights...paper chains. I'm tired. And feeling really frustrated by a couple of projects I was really excited about but aren't turning out how I'd like them to. And while trying to get some craft projects done, I have a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 10, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
We do lots of things every year: see the Nutcracker ballet, go to an English-style "panto" (there may be one in Portland, they are so. fun.), take a walk in the woods and leave seed for the birds on Solstice, see Zoo Lights, get a picture with Santa (I keep these in a special photo book and *adore* them), attend the municipal parade and tree lighting, open a Christmas book early, get a new ornament for each child. We have so many traditions! You will have so much fun building your own. Enjoy :)
Toggle Commented Dec 6, 2012 on Sugarplums at Posie Gets Cozy
Waldorf fair...tree...peppermint play dough...glitter houses...snowflakes. And the process... I made them clean this up. They didn't like it. Heh. Baby is suuuuuper needy right now. He's acting like my other kids did when they were teething. Not likely at eight... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
We're doing something a little different this year with the advent calendar by trying an activity countdown. It's something I saw for the first time last year and was enthused about. We're just not able to accommodate anything else in... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
I'm enjoying a little rennaissance at the moment. The here and now is pretty dope, despite some left hooks here and there. When I'm happy, as I have been these past days (weeks?), and I mean "Whoa, I kind of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
Cleeeeeeeeeaning up in here. Whooooahh. I realized pretty quickly into this three-kids-and-1,200-square-feet-of-house gig that I needed my space clean. And I don't mean picked up, I mean organized down to the last paperclip. I notice that I get really, really... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
Funny baby. In four weeks I left my house in a vehicle four times: twice to the pediatrician, once to the obstetric nurse, and once to buy a minivan. All the rest was rest: putter around the home. Sleep. Cuddle.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
I love Halloween. Love, love, love. It's my favorite. Not to minimize the problems (Hi there, business that prominently displays intensely gorey, life-sized horror mannequins along a vital thoroughfare! You guys are jerks!), but I had a bit of a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
I had my own baby, our third and last, on October 6th. Our home is not as peaceful as yours looks, but rather chaotic and full of the negative emotions of family transition, but it's still an impossibly sweet time. I wanted to thank you for your generosity as a writer. It's been a true joy to "know" you all (and like so many others I have absolutely shed tears for you, both happy and sad). I wish every, every good thing to you and your beautiful family.
Toggle Commented Oct 27, 2012 on Magic Days at Posie Gets Cozy
He is two weeks old. It turns out that when healing up both physically and emotionally from a difficult birth there is nothing so efficacious as curling up with the baby and not letting go, nor going anywhere, for a... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
A week ago today, at about seven o'clock in the morning, I gave birth to my son. This is a blurry picture that my husband took of him in the special care nursery. It pretty much sums up how I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
These are a couple of vests. Eggplant on the left is Pebble in Paton's Classic Wool in Plum Heather, a color that looks nothing like the one showing up on my monitor right now. It's deep eggplant. Aubergiiiiine. Super great.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
Here's Baby's pilot cap knit up in the second half of the Eco Duo hank I used for the rainbow pullover. It used probably three yards shy of the whole hank. Perfect. Except that the hat very nearly fits the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect
I was in the car with the kids today, waiting at the bank drive through, when it came up. She had been sitting back there reading her current book of choice, Howl's Moving Castle, but paused to hold it up.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2012 at Terrible/Perfect