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I'm a girl living life, being a wife, mama to 3 kiddos, daughter, friend, neighbor, etc. Although I no longer post on this account, I still enjoy sharing the creative ways our family lives. Please visit me at Hope to see you there!
Interests: healthy living, being inspired, reading, good movies, time with family, doing a project, unique anything, more projects and crafty things....and biting baby toes.
Recent Activity
I know it has been a while, but I hope you'll follow me over to my neew blog at Its comming together...I look foward to seeing you there! alison
Toggle Commented Apr 12, 2010 on getting ready for baby at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
Thank you so much for this! Honestly,you have made my day! alison
Toggle Commented Dec 7, 2009 on a little cpr at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
Thanks for the link, I'm off to check it out right now! This was really fun! You have a great weekend too, and thanks again! a.
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2009 on scavanger hunt at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
Thanks for this! I'm looking foward to doing alot more soup this year. My little one's love it and barely realize what a healthy, veggie filled meal they are getting down! : ) Have a great weekend too alison
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2009 on little bits at SouleMama
1 reply
Thanks! You have some good instincts! Funny I actually started writing this before I had gone for the ultrasound...then just saved it and left it until we knew the results! It is all really exciting, but kind of a whirlwind with the start of school for my big boy! I'm looking foward to getting back into a routine; being able to work on some little projects and post regularly! Hope all is good! a.
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2009 on baby news at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
I am really feeling how fast time flies by right now! It is amazing that after all of the "thinking about" kindergarten begining, that it is finally here! It seems that with all of the excitement, this duo has been getting into it more frequently...I know the time apart, spending time in school and activities with kiddos thier own age, will be good for them. How exciting, Kindergarten orientation is this morning! I can't wait to meet some of the new classmates and their mamas and find out more about what these little one's will be learning this year! Thanks for posting! I so enjoy hearing about how others have created a wonderful, full experience for their little ones without signing them up for activiites that cost hundreds of dollars each month! It can be done!! : ) alison
Toggle Commented Sep 8, 2009 on plans for a little one at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
Yeah... I could live on that diet! Especially when in project mode! I couldn't imagine heading away for a weekend with a quilt hanging over head to be finished... But if anyone can do it...YOU CAN! : ) a.
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2009 on the Quilt report at SouleMama
1 reply
I agree with you, spraying separately would be best...I think it would make it look even nicer!
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2009 on Tiny puzzles at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
I could have gone for apple pie for breakfast this morning! I am really looking foward to apple season which is starting here, um, now! Your quilt will be beautiful...and I am going to be giving some pie freezing a try this season! alison
Toggle Commented Aug 31, 2009 on thoughts on the eve of September at SouleMama
1 reply
Thanks! The shop was not what I had originally planned on, but all summer I was having some pretty wicked mornign sickness that kept me from even going near the sewing machine! I had committed to doing the craft show, so this was what came out first. I'm happy with the start and am feeling like now that the shop is up and going, it will be a little easier to get going on some other projects : ) Have a great weekend! a.
Toggle Commented Aug 29, 2009 on Back to school shopping at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
This was really fun...only because I braved reusing the paper, other wise it would have been tough. Once I peeled the freezer paper off, I dabbed it with a cloth,and then replaced it to iron on the next item... You could smell the paint a bit when I hit it with the iron, but it did not effect the stenciling, so...? I was bummed that none of the t's sold at the craft show...I hope you have good luck with your show comming up! I know I am looking foward to printing some items for myself and for some holiday gifts? : ) a.
Toggle Commented Aug 27, 2009 on printing T's at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
So true...I think I might whip up a similar dish myslef this afternoon! : ) a.
Toggle Commented Aug 27, 2009 on savoring summer at SouleMama
1 reply
I agree with you and am sure that both of our guys will just love school when they start in another couple of weeks! Not that I am a huge Hillary Clinton person, but I agree with the title of her book, that it does take a village to raise children...we are not meant to do everything on our own...haivng help makes us all a little better. : ) a.
Toggle Commented Aug 26, 2009 on thoughts on school at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
Thank you, thank you, and too right you are. So much to be busy with! I am trying to stay in the moment and attempting to enjoy the last weeks before September...but I feel like a kid before christmas! : )
Toggle Commented Aug 25, 2009 on Nesting the bedroom at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
Sometimes the days at home in the backyard are the best ones! Looks like a great time...with 4 kiddos it is kind of like having a constant playdate going! Looks like everyone is having fun! a.
Toggle Commented Aug 25, 2009 on savoring summer at SouleMama
1 reply
Looks like so much fun! I love special outings with my guy too! : ) a.
Toggle Commented Aug 24, 2009 on savoring summer at SouleMama
1 reply
Let's plan to go the begining of the week! : )
Toggle Commented Aug 21, 2009 on just add water at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
So right you are! I'll be looking for a little mama's helper for next year.
Toggle Commented Aug 21, 2009 on just add water at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
Right on, we don't need any heart attacks with the ocean waves crashing about! Spray parks are so fun...there is only 1 near us, and it is still a ways away, so we only brave it a couple of times a season...I'm so ready for this heat to pass! Thumbs up to us for getting out there to make the most of these last couple of weeks! a. :)
Toggle Commented Aug 20, 2009 on just add water at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
As always, thank you! I so look foward to hearing from you! Hope all is well! a.
Toggle Commented Aug 20, 2009 on how goes the craft show? at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
You know I'd be thrilled! I thought I would be happy that the show was over and ready to relax, however instead, I just keep thinking of different ideas of things to put together! I really do enjoy this : )
Toggle Commented Aug 19, 2009 on how goes the craft show? at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
I love you! You are the best...and you know I would never refuse a Sophia tutu photo shoot!! Just tell me when : )
Toggle Commented Aug 19, 2009 on how goes the craft show? at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
Thanks so much!...I was instructed to load up my items one at a time to keep on the Etsy fore front, so more items are ready to be listed and are comming... Thanks so much for checking me out and posting, I hope you'll continue to! Have a great day! alison
Toggle Commented Aug 19, 2009 on how goes the craft show? at My Sweet Babu
1 reply
We followed summer to the beach where it was so hot, 90+, that the kids never left the water! Your photos of summer remind me more of what fall is like for us here. It's cool though, those of us who enjoy a love affair with the sea really pay our dues. Whether it is the summer heat, or when my husband crunches across the snow covered beach to surf the winter waves {which look more like black mountains than water}, it is what we locals do. Keeping in mind how drastically the seasons change our experience of this familiar place makes us appreciate the moment we are in. alison
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2009 on savoring summer at SouleMama
1 reply
You should! It is a great way to stay I like being able to direct it toward my plants so the water does not go to waste! : )
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2009 on happy birthday honey... at My Sweet Babu
1 reply