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Harry Delf III
New York City
Interests: history, games, art, comedy, basketball, new york city, urban culture, restoration, clutter.
Recent Activity
Harry Delf III is now following Moon Over Vaudeville
Jul 14, 2010
Hi Sue
Thanks for your comments. I just checked out your store on E-Bay and am blown away by all of the great old photographs you've collected. I look forward to spending some more time at the on-line store over the weekend.
A Theatrical Photograph
From the very first time I saw this shot of Harry and Juliet it was always one of my favorites. For reasons unknown to me at the time it struck me differently than the others. It somehow felt more resonant and personal despite the fact that I knew very little about it. Most photographs capture...
A Theatrical Photograph
From the very first time I saw this shot of Harry and Juliet it was always one of my favorites. For reasons unknown to me at the time it struck me differently than the others. It somehow felt more resonant... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2010 at Family Archive
Ancestor Approved Award Acceptance
Thank You Evelyn for giving me an Ancestor Approved Award. There are so many different people I need to thank.....starting with my Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother and my Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather I'd also... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at Family Archive
Hi Evelyn,
The Friars Club is an organization founded in 1904 for people in the Performing Arts. Their current "monastery" is located on 55th off Madison Ave in NYC. Members swap stories, drink, dine, play cards but the club is best known for its celebrity roasts. I've discovered some amazing relics from the club that belonged to my Grandfather and will be posting more about it soon.
Cigar Bands
Cigar bands were a novel early 20th century way of promoting something. Here are 2 examples of these I uncovered. My Grandfather's sister, my great aunt Juliet, did characterizations and impersonations on the Vaudeville circuits. During the early part of her career she went by the name Juli...
Harry Delf III has shared their blog Family Archive
Mar 15, 2010
Interesting juxtaposition of spiritual versus reality. I recently discovered that my fathers parents and my Great Aunt were all Vaudeville headliners and I've been immersing myself in the early twentieth Century and blogging about it. I just set up an alert with the keyword "Vaudeville"which lead me here.
the owl hooteth..
experimenting with a tumblr: the owl hooteth..
Hi Miriam,
Thanks for your comment. I'm a relative (so to speak) newcomer to the world of Genealogy and Family research but have read some fascinating blogs and met some interesting people in the 7 months I've been blogging about my Family History. I would welcome any advice or suggestions as to how to better familiarize myself with the best tools and resources that are available.
Old Things
I've always been attracted to old things. There's something innately valuable about them. They trigger a pleasure center by disrupting the context of the present world while providing insights into the future. Some people refer to this as history others might think its a form of escapism, sti...
Thanks Bren. I really appreciate the kind words and support. The project has been a thrilling and sometimes overwhelming experience for me. The story unfurling in front of me keeps me going as it continues to get more and more interesting the more I learn about entertainment history and the resources I have available to me.
My Grandfather Harry and Great Aunt Juliet were not the only Vaudeville performers in the family. Jeanne Densen (born in 1902 in New York City) was a stage actress who performed in Musical Theater and Operettas in the early to mid-1920's. Harry and Jeanne were married on June 19, 1927. They ...
My Grandfather Harry and Great Aunt Juliet were not the only Vaudeville performers in the family. Jeanne Densen (born in 1902 in New York City) was a stage actress who performed in Musical Theater and Operettas in the early to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at Family Archive
Hi Gini Thanks for saying that. My blood is pumping again and I can't wait to get back at it! I look forward to reading your stories as well.
Tap Into 2010
Happy New Year Everyone! Uninspired by the speed of community building and frustrated that my blog hadn't gotten the traction I would've hoped for I spent the last Tuesday of 2009 feeling bitter and unable to even sit down to compose a year end post. I hadn't posted in a week or so and my stats ...
Hi Christine Thanks for your comment. She was beautiful,fun and very talented. She never married.....she was married to the stage.
Thanks Evelyn for including me in your festival at As I mentioned I've recently moved and my Archive is packed away in boxes and I'm not able to find everything but here are three black and white real photo postcards of my Great Aunt Juliet in descending chrono...
Harry Delf III is now following David Jacobs
Jan 8, 2010
Great and somewhat ironic advice coming from Woody at least as far as his characters are concerned. My favorite Woody Allen movie has always been Broadway Danny Rose where he plays a Neurotic agent more concerned with the personal well being of his clients than his own self advancement and promotion. Interesting discussion piece and the subject of one of my other faves (Decononstructing Harry) relation...well maybe some... as to where do you separate the writer from his characters.
Woody Allen On How To Succeed In Anything
"When I talk to groups they always ask me for advice and I can never really give it, because there is no set way a person gets into the business or becomes a director. Everyone does it differently. They do it by hook and crook and manipulation. Marty Scorsese goes to film school and becomes gr...
Thanks Rich! I've been following your photography when you post on Facebook and think its spectacular particularly your Ny building exteriors. Great eye for composition.
Tap Into 2010
Happy New Year Everyone! Uninspired by the speed of community building and frustrated that my blog hadn't gotten the traction I would've hoped for I spent the last Tuesday of 2009 feeling bitter and unable to even sit down to compose a year end post. I hadn't posted in a week or so and my stats ...
Thanks JKM, Appreciate it.Hope is taking off. Liked your Genealogy idea and post. I've met a bunch of interestring Genealogy people from blogging. Lets talk soon.
Old Things
I've always been attracted to old things. There's something innately valuable about them. They trigger a pleasure center by disrupting the context of the present world while providing insights into the future. Some people refer to this as history others might think its a form of escapism, sti...
Thanks Chris, certainly my year-one blogging highlight and a manifestation of the possibilities. Been thinking about ways to build on it. Lets talk soon.
BTW If you had chosen the stage "fork" I'm seeing your niche in the space where Ray Romano meets Noah Baumbach :)
Tap Into 2010
Happy New Year Everyone! Uninspired by the speed of community building and frustrated that my blog hadn't gotten the traction I would've hoped for I spent the last Tuesday of 2009 feeling bitter and unable to even sit down to compose a year end post. I hadn't posted in a week or so and my stats ...
Tap Into 2010
Happy New Year Everyone! Uninspired by the speed of community building and frustrated that my blog hadn't gotten the traction I would've hoped for I spent the last Tuesday of 2009 feeling bitter and unable to even sit down to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at Family Archive
Harry Delf III is now following Jeff Katz
Dec 29, 2009
Celebrity Pantomime
December 22, 2009 Topsy-Turvy Christmas Foolery by Sarah Lyall from this mornings NY Times. "Pantomimes — recastings of old children’s stories with vaudeville, audience participation, puns, singing and cross-dressing — are an honorable, even essential, part of the British Christmas season." Celebrity Theater- Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2009 at Vaudeville Redux
Thanks Evelyn for including me in your festival at As I mentioned I've recently moved and my Archive is packed away in boxes and I'm not able to find everything but here are three black and white real photo... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2009 at Family Archive
Hey, I read this yesterday and, despite the fact that I looked up sartorial, it flew 5 miles over my head. Then this morning I was searching for gifts on the Abe Books site and it all came together resulting in an "I get it!" moment . Hilarious post! Hilarious idea for a site.
MISTER MORT - the Sartorialist from an alternative universe
via Came across this site on a list of great looking typepad blogs. Kind of like The Sartorialist's black sheep brother.
Palace Vaudeville Lineup.
Normally I wouldn't post a newspaper article of this length to a blog for fear that my readers would get totally bored and turned off by it and just skip on to the next post in their reader. I know... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2009 at Family Archive
Harry Delf III is now following Sara Pepitone
Dec 9, 2009
Harry Delf III is now following Seth Godin
Dec 9, 2009
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