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Interests: crochet, sewing, making, baking
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I'm shedding a little tear here reading your beautiful words and thinking about my own 10 year journey alongside reading your blog and watching your family grow. I remember those seemingly endless days and nights when they are small and thinking they will last forever. Sadly and happily they don't and we all move along sometimes not even noticing the huge changes that happen until much later. My eldest turned 13 in January and I realised there are only 5 more years until she is an adult. I see now that 5 years is no time at all. Thankyou so much for sharing your family moments with us. I have loved reading your blog over all of these years and I hope to continue with you as long as you decide to write. Even though we have never met or spoken I feel as though you are a friend, so thankyou.
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2015 on ten at SouleMama
1 reply
I can see by my choice of crochet projects that my thoughts are turning to Spring. And indeed it is March so it is officially Spring! Although there was a brief moment of snow this morning as I ran out... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2015 at Biffsugar
We went to visit Highcliffe Castle at the weekend. There wasn't a lot to see inside the castle particularly as they were filming "Don't Tell The Bride" there at the time. But it was interesting non the less and so... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2015 at Biffsugar
I found the greatest Apple Flapjack recipe. It is quick, simple, few ingredients and tastes AMAZING! I made 2 batches in quick succession and they all went! I convinced myself that because they contained mainly oats and 2 apples that... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2015 at Biffsugar
Well I've been quite pleased with myself for making this phone case for my daughter and her continuing love of the Unicorn. This is the first time I have made a lined pouchy thing and I always have a mental... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2015 at Biffsugar
The pretty pictures are to hide the fact that I got derailed this week. Just a sentence is all it takes sometimes to put you back where you came from and it seems harmless to those around you but you... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2015 at Biffsugar
Early February - it's the beginning of the end of the winter. Thankfully. But it's always darkest just before the light and I'm feeling that right now. I need to be warm. I need some sun. Related articles Snowdrop garland... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2015 at Biffsugar
I found this pile of granny squares in a bag the other day. They were the first things I worked on when I returned to crochet and I had just wanted something easy and pretty. I had then obviously just... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2015 at Biffsugar
We took a very cold Sunday trip to Lacock Abbey, a National Trust property near Chippenham. There were loads of Snowdrops to please me - real and otherwise. They had a series of outdoor sculptures which was entitled "Frozen World".... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2015 at Biffsugar
The nights are slowly slowly drawing out - I just about see the signs. I am completely ready for this. It has felt like a long winter. I know it's not over yet and we're still due some very cold... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2015 at Biffsugar
This is Beryl. She is so beautiful. I got her for £2.00 in a Charity Shop and I'm thrilled to bits with her. She is a custard jug. There was another one, slightly bigger, for £2.50 which I didn't get... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2015 at Biffsugar
I realised I had been stuck inside for days and days and really needed to get out for some fresh air and a bit of meandering to blow away the cobwebs. My son is still poorly with tonsilitis (which is... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2015 at Biffsugar
This week has been soft and slow as we have succumbed to feeling poorly with days off school. It has enforced its own pace upon us which has been reminiscent of the pre-school days when you could just snuggle up... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2015 at Biffsugar
I have been making this shawl for the last few weeks. It is in Simply Crochet Magazine No 26. I had wanted it in time for the cold weather and I have just made it - it was so cold... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2015 at Biffsugar
I thought I would take a look at my current wips. There aren't as many as I thought. I think it's because the other million and a half are still in my head! This (above) is some teacosies which I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2015 at Biffsugar
So, it was my birthday! I had such a lovely day. I wasn't really looking forward to it in the sense that I felt that I had kind of outgrown them. I remember as a child asking my dad what... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2015 at Biffsugar
Stunning photos - I have snow envy! That look of delight on your daughter's face at seeing her very own Snowman - priceless.
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2015 on First Snow at Posie Gets Cozy
I can at last show pictures of the Unicorn cushions that I made for my daughter's birthday. She turned thirteen at the weekend. I'm trying hard not to think about that fact and that she may only be here with... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2015 at Biffsugar
You've got to admire that kind of male thinking! Perfect cake :)
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2015 on Delight at Posie Gets Cozy
I have been hearing things about a book called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo. I haven't bought it yet but have read about it and watched a women on Youtube trying to implement it. Marie Kondo... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2015 at Biffsugar
So there I was the other day, just sat there having my daily cry when there was a knock at the door - of course! I hurriedly wiped away my tears - although it still looked as though some awful... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2015 at Biffsugar
There seems to be a shift this year somehow with many people who don't usually make resolutions now making them. For me I have chosen to focus on my word which is "create". An obvious word for many perhaps, but for me it is not just about making things but really about using those things to create a life. As my children grow older I see there is the space and the need for me to shift my focus onto myself a little more (just a little!). This is sad and scary and exciting all at once! So onwards into the New Year. I look forward as always to watching your year unfold. Thank you for sharing.
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2015 on in 2015 at SouleMama
1 reply
I just hope that one of your New Years resolutions was to keep on blogging! I have been reading you since the start - all those years! Where do they go? It is so wonderful to watch your family journey and see these Christmases now with your daughter. Thank you for sharing.
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2015 on Happy New Year! at Posie Gets Cozy
The New Year is well and truly here. Today both of the children are back at school and it feels as if January is definately underway. It was so dark and damp here this morning that I feel in need... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2015 at Biffsugar
Christmas was wonderful. So calm, so relaxed. It was the best one I can ever remember. It was just the four of us for most of it but lovely friends dropped by along the way and shared a meal and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2014 at Biffsugar