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Lindsay Rhodes
Interests: parenting, cooking and meal planning, reading, writing, couponing, organizing, and genetic counseling
Recent Activity
I recently wrote an email to family members, listing toy ideas that Ellie has either really enjoyed playing with or I thought she would have enjoyed playing with based on her interests. I would say that most of these toys... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Posted Apr 29, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Haha, very true. There was a LOT of exploring today. I decided from personal experience today that the best way to foil home intruders would be to spread ziploc bags all over your hardwood floor. There would be no getting past them!
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2012 on This place is a circus at Wishful Slacker
Check out the contents of the paper bag Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
My husband, who always stumbles upon all things wonderful online, forwarded me some information on this awesome website, Small Demons. Check out the video, and read this review. The guy who started it actually was once a part of the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
I have absolutely no attention span at the moment. I am sitting at City Grounds coffee shop in Lincoln Park, my favorite place to spend my Friday afternoons. In fact, even after my workplace moves downtown, I feel I will... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Is it a mess? Or a process of entropy returning to order against all natural properties??? Hmmmm. No. It's a mess. A total mess. Happy Friday! Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Thank you, Chicago, for always making your parking restrictions so clear. Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
When it finally starts coming together... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
I have always really loved Easter. It is spring, always such a happy time. Easter Sunday brings back memories of egg hunts organized by my grandmother, who always whispered into my ear where the eggs containing the $20 bills were... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
I returned from the ACMG conference in Charlotte Saturday evening. I walked in to our apartment with my arms outstretched, ready to receive my little girl, who, rumor has it, was a little clingy and seemed to miss me while... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Five days worth of business casual attire? Check. Shoes, undies, pjs? Check. Check. Check. Hair dryer, hair brush? Check. Check. Toiletries? Check. Purse for going out at night? Check. And that, my friends, is how you pack a duffle bag.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
And good luck at the Shamrock Shuffle!
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2012 on Aqueduck Faucet Extender at Wishful Slacker
I hope the faucet extender works well for Charlie as well! I really just stumbled upon it by chance. :-) As for the step stool, that was also by chance. We got ours from Ikea, $7. I took Ellie into the family bathroom and they had one near the sink. She was so excited to climb it (how do they know how certain things work???) and I figured, hey, $7, might as well try it. It's nice and sturdy. She can't always climb up on her own, but so far it's worked for us :-)
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2012 on Aqueduck Faucet Extender at Wishful Slacker
I found the Aqueduck Faucet Extender on Amazon earlier this week and it looked like it would be a great problem solver for us. I was tired of holding Ellie up at our sinks so she could reach the water... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Someone is feeling very hopeful about the upcoming season. Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Recently, I have been been feeling like one of those snails that slurps up the dingy scum from your clouded fish aquarium. Well, maybe the snails love their housecleaning lives and I am making an unfair comparison. Let me try... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
This is a replay from my blog last year at this time. Replay. Just like in basketball. That's about all I can do with connecting my life to the NCAA Tourney. I tried. Here you go!: From March 16, 2011... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
I set Pandora to the Toddler Channel, and our mornings are usually filled with renditions of the 'ABC's' and 'Wheels on the Bus.' But Ellie got a hold of the remote control, and suddenly this was playing. Now we're on... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Five in the evening starts Ellie's witching hour. It actually doesn't even last a full hour and she snaps out of it fairly quickly, but like clockwork every night she starts to fuss right as I need to start dinner.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Hi Abby! The Nose Frida rocks, only last time I tried using it on Ellie she had a wee fit. Yet another challenge that comes with the toddler months, I guess! Hopefully that phase won't last long, because it's the first thing I grab when she's got a stuffy nose :-) You aren't too far off with the green thing- it is called a Tie Chair. Here is the website: I see them sold on every-so-often. Ellie really liked it at the age when the picture was taken. She was able to kick her legs on the chair surface which she enjoyed. We don't use it a lot, but it does come in handy from time to time and I think she likes the feeling of sitting in a big kid chair. I love the pictures you've posted of Harlee. She is already looking so big! And such a cutie :-)
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2012 on Baby Gear Guide at Wishful Slacker
There are times when Jim and I look over at Eleanor, who is almost 16 months now, and think, 'Who on earth is that, and how did she end up at our dining room table?' I commented to Jim today... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
Our little family has become a tad inconsistent with our outings lately, mainly out of the necessity that comes with needing to stick to a particular little girl's very particular schedule. For example, we rode up in the elevator last... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2012 at Wishful Slacker
More weather like today's would be much appreciated! Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2012 at Wishful Slacker