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Crystal Wright
Los Angeles. My kinda' town.
I am the Empowerment Diva. I get people unstuck, and YOU are on my list of things to do.
Interests: golf, skiing, enjoying the company of friends and family.
Recent Activity
The artists who graduate from the PYP Workshop program are expected to operate with integrity and shun a fear-based economy that makes them afraid to share a tip or technique with a kindred spirit because they know that what they do is the way they do it, and as a God-given gift, it can't ever be taken away. Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
Never underestimate or undervalue the power of surrounding yourself with whatever or whomever keeps you motivated and moving forward in your career. There is rarely a price too high to pay for that which propels you to greater heights. Four things you can implement into your life RIGHT NOW that can positively impact the 2nd half of 2013: Do not... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
We're looking for 2-3 writer/bloggers with passion, experience and great interviewing skills to do 12 in-person video interviews w/beauty & fashion pros in NYC, LA and Chicago. The pay is $75/interview + $25 travel expenses. Must have verifiable interview experience, a non-confrontational style, genuine spirit of curiosity and the ability to work with deadlines. You will need to have your... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
Friday, May 31, 2013 From: Imani Hood, Administrative Assistant to Crystal Wright To: Friends of Crystal Wright, My name is Imani Hood, I am Crystal Wright’s administrative assistant and the proud mother of a 9 year old boy, DeAndre Ford Jr. Domestic violence in the home forced me to divorce DeAndre’s father over a year ago. For nearly a year,... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
The hair stylist pretended to be her (the makeup artist), got flown out of town to the Midwest to do the job and it became apparent within an hour or so that she was not the same person. Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
If you prepare like a PRO instead of WINGING it when the spotlight is on you to perform, you won't spend the rest of your life fooling yourself and everyone else into thinking you didn't get your break. You got it. You just blew it. Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
Just now I answered a question for a friend today who couldn't understand why someone they loved so much had chosen to leave after many years of marriage. Here was my response. Hello Friend: There are so many things that go unanswered in our lives. Sometimes it's years before we get our answers, like the one you get when God... Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
If you're sure that God has given you something to do, you might recognize His hand it it by how overwhelmed and inequipped you feel in trying to get it done. This morning I am reminded (while reading Joyce Meyer's book, Starting Your Day Right/Ending Your Day Right) that He often uses ill equipped people like Me to get the... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
FASHION STYLISTS, WARDROBE STYLISTS & PROP STYLISTS or folks who know these artists. A photographer that I work with in LOS ANGELES needs, wardrobe and prop stylists. It looks like the rates will be somewhere between $350 and $450/day. If you are not interested in this rate, do not reply. If you are interested you MUST be based in Southern... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
If you have never read it, do pick up an old book titled The book of Qualities by Ruth Gender. I lost mine and just ordered another one at for $3.00. It's a phenomenal read––short and sweet, but its impact leaves you pondering for hours, days, weeks and years. It's one of those books that you go back to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
I often hear people say every time I take one step forward I end up taking two steps back. Well look at the glass half-full, imagine where you would be if you weren't taking any steps forward. Those backward steps are not forever, sometimes they're just the only way we can learn our lessons. #JustaThought Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
What steps can you take as an artist to begin to pursue your authentic artistic self? 1. Identify your artistic style. 2. Identify your beauty/fashion/style vision. 3. Make a wish list of what your ideal career would look like. Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
What should you do if the career path or actions you are taking right now don't feel right? 1. Cease the activity. 2. Analyze where you went wrong. 3. Make a correction. Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
Regardless of your specific discipline or pursuit, there are 4 things you need to know about YOURself in order to find your niche. 1. Likes 2. Dislikes 3. Strengths 4. Weaknesses Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
Do your daughter, friend, niece, sister, cousin, or neighbor a favor today and arm them with the ammunition they need to bear up under the pressure of a 15 year old boy who is trying to get under their skirts Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
Okay, now I'm convinced. You gotta' get this NO thing under control. It is the KEY to your new found happiness. I took my 30 days article and turned it into a 5-7 minute speach titled, "Embrace Your Inner No," which I delivered at my Toastmasters meeting on Tuesday evening. Some of you have read and commented on that article,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
I got a call a couple of weeks ago from a young lady who needed to interview someone for her high school project. I agreed to do it and gave her a day and time to call. She called me 5 days later and when I asked her why she didn't call at the appointed time, she said, "I was... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
If I just tell them, they'll forget. If I show them, they'll remember. If I Involve them, they'll understand. If I make them accountable....... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
...last night was quite special, when on their own, they got TOGETHER and created their first LA PYP Hair workshop! Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
It always makes me laugh when people want to discredit everything that is in the Bible. The truth is, there are many life lessons, as well as business lessons to be found. Last year when I was about to buy a car and only wanted to buy what I could afford to pay for in cash (remembering that the economy... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
It always makes me laugh when people want to discredit everything that is in the Bible. The truth is, there are many life lessons, as well as business lessons to be found. Last year when I was about to buy a car and only wanted to buy what I could afford to pay for in cash (remembering that the economy... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
If you want to get your portfolio in front of decision-makers who can hire you for a job, sign you to an agency or take you on as an assistant, then join Crystal Wright and her host of Industry Experts for an engaging and interactive review of your makeup artistry portfolio. During this 90-minute session you will have an opportunity... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
I will be there personally, to help you get UNSTUCK! I'm happy to answer your questions, look at your print or online portfolio, autograph your old Career Guides or just share an encouraging word. Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
This Sunday, February 24th at 4PM EST (1PM PST) the "Empowerment Diva" Crystal Wright sits down with me on talk radio's hottest show "the Conversation," to talk about how she's getting people UNSTUCK!! Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2013 at Freelance Advantage
There are countries like Botswana where the incidence of cancer is less than 1 person per 100,000. Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2013 at Freelance Advantage