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Maris Callahan
Recent Activity
These look very tempting! Happy holidays to you.
Happy Holidays!
We would normally be in Germany now but due to finances and the bump, we decided to stay in Ireland this year. Just as well, seeing as the snow has completely buggered up Dublin Airport, and now Mr G is going down with a horrible cough, so it'll be a quiet one for us. And as a friend (with kids)...
I have never had vindaloo before but I am dying to try it. Yum!
Vinda-Who? It's Vindaloo! A Christmas Tradition Of Slow Cooked, Spiced Pork from the Shores of Goa, India
Goan food is a celebration of hot, tangy and spicy flavors. And Vindaloo is a quintessential Goan specialty and especially popular during the holidays. In fact, Christmas would hardly be Christmas if it were not for the highly anticipated Sorpotel and Vindaloo in Goan homes. It was a muc...
Your blog mom taught you well, didn't she? ;)
Motivation Monday: Just Do It
Have you ever wanted to try something new, but were afraid to take those first steps? Maybe you doubted your abilities, didn't have the experience, the education, or the talent you thought you needed to succeed. It's in those very first moments, those twinklings of inspiration, that an idea.....
You rock! Thanks :)
Baking with Tea: Vanilla Rooibos Biscotti Recipe
One thing I love about cooking is when I set out to make a recipe thinking it's going to be screeching-nails-on-a-chalkboard frustrating and it surprises me by being so intrinsically simple that I could probably duplicate with with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back. What can I s...
Congratulations, Jory! Thinking good thoughts for you and hope you're feeling great.
I saw a line, and a lighter line next to it. I read the box again; negative would be just one line. Any second line, light or equally dark, meant yep--with child. Or with embryo, or multiplying cell mass, whatever you want to call it. "What's taking you so long?" H-band said, walking into the ba...
Some of the best recipes come from taking an already excellent one and adding your own special touch!
The Morning-after Banana Bread - or how I can't leave a perfectly good recipe alone
Just like my friend The Amateur Gourmet Adam, who posted about his recipe-tweaking habit recently, I'm not one to leave a perfect good recipe alone. Even when it comes to something so simple, and so seemingly perfect, I rarely could stop myself from tweaking it a little. At times the results...
Maris Callahan is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hi Pim! This looks delicious but I stopped by to say that it was nice meeting you and chatting at the post BlogHer cocktail party.
This post is reminding me that I haven't done enough with plum lately - I feel like I jumped from strawberries right to squash this year!
How to make a crispy fruit crumble
I don't know about you, but I think all this talk about baking being a-precise-science-and-all-that is scaring a lot of people away from baking. I mean, I'm sure baking a ten-layer wedding cake or five hundred tarts may well be precise science. But baking just a pie or a few cookies, that's ...
Sounds like you've certainly been busy! Can't wait to read about your yummy CSA recipes!
what's been hapa-ning
It's hot, I've been away, my computer only works when the charger is attached, my left shoulder's been killing me for weeks, and I've just overall been running running running. And maybe have been somewhat cranky at times. But mostly happy-go-lucky. (Did you catch that movie, by the way? I r...
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