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johnmoore (from Brand Autopsy)
Badlands of Central Texas
As a marketingologist with the Brand Autopsy Marketing Practice, I give companies “Second Opinions” about the business and marketing activities they are currently doing or considering doing.
Interests: Beer, Music, Business
Recent Activity
American has deep rooted issues that extend way beyond its visual identity as Ira points out. It’s one thing to redesign the logo and quite another to redesign a company’s culture. For American Airlines to become solvent (and to an extent, relevant) again, American will need to redesign more than its visual identity. A redesign of the American Airlines company culture is needed.
Greg ... thanks for having micro-me play along in the micro-reviews. I wish you, Powered, and the book well.
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2010 on Lots and lots of small reviews at Greg Verdino
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johnmoore (from Brand Autopsy) is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
kudos to you for deciding to follow the little voice inside of us that calls out for action.
Lee ... I never said the concept of Social Business Design is flawed. I did say, "The current design of its definition seems flawed." The jargon used by the Dachis Group in the definition of SBD reminds me of all the jargony language used in press releases from Silicon Valley tech companies in the late 90s to describe their holistic and frictionless paradigm-shifting approaches to reengineering mission critical client-focused applications, resulting in scalable and emergent outcomes. (Huh? My point exactly.) I believe, like you, using social media tools can knock down communication walls between departments inside a company and outside a company with both vendor partners and customers. Doing such, will improve how a business does business by being more coordinated and efficient. I just believe in using more elementary words to describe solutions to complicated problems.
Toggle Commented Oct 26, 2009 on Social Business Design (Flaw) at Brand Autopsy
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Kate ... as the comments have pointed out, the definition Dachis is using to explain "Social Business Design" is full of jargon. The marketer in me believes Dachis would be better served by dumping the jargon for real words people understand. Thanks for validating that my super simplified understanding of how Dachis defines "Social Business Design" is indeed the gist of what y'all use business buzzwords words to describe.
Toggle Commented Oct 16, 2009 on Social Business Design (Flaw) at Brand Autopsy
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Amy ... at least the Subway spots earn an opinion from people. Some people, like yourself, find the spots annoying but enough people find them interesting enough for that jingle to become a part of today's popular culture. Dig?
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Tracy ... basic as the advice may be, too many smart marketers still mess up with trying to make WOM happen.
Toggle Commented Jul 8, 2009 on Don't Tell. Do Ask. at Brand Autopsy
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