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Terrific ideas and metaphor David! Any thoughts yet on how this will be presented, so people feel they are part of something bigger ... and what weaving will be needed to get the substantial benefits that can arise when the pieces join up? Or maybe you just have to set out you stalls and get cooking...
Toggle Commented May 19, 2010 on Frugal innovation at David Barrie
1 reply
Thanks Dave - and also picked up the discussion here. I agree about blogging under a personal banner, which is one reason I moved. I was wondering whether to using Designing for Civil Society as the banner for a new sort of site with a focus on games and interactive events, linked to howto resources. I could import some stuff from here allowing me to close the Typepad account. Or I do have a neighbourhoods domain ...
davidwilcox is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010