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Kick it in
Some of us are born rebellious. Reading the story of Zelda Fitzgerald by Nancy Milford, I identified with her mutinous spirit. I remember passing shop windows with my mother and asking why people didn't just kick them in. She explained that there were unspoken rules of social behavior, and that'...
Perhaps the flick is best understood as The Deer Hunter of the post 9/11 war era
Hi Tom, I haven't seen the movie yet, I've been afraid too. And I think ^^^ might be the reason. So thanks for putting that feeling into words for me.
Thanks for the link, too. Not my most well thought out post, but boy did Andrew Sullivan's post aggravate me, to put it mildly.
Closing War Film Credits and the Iraq Apologia Genre
We watched Zero Dark Thirty the other evening, and it struck me that as a big screen country we've reached the cinematic region located roughly halfway between The Green Berets and Platoon in terms of how America copes on film with disastrous, ethics-destroying wars of adventure. Of course, Z...
bluegirl is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I am so sad.
A Death in the Blogging Family
The great Jon Swift has died. That's the "blogging" angle to a personal tragedy. In reality, the voice of Jon Swift - the hilarious faux conservative blogger whose talent and passion were evident in every post - belonged to Al Weisel, a sweet and good-natured journalist who happened to be the c...
Yay! Good luck, you guys! And have fun.
Taking the Stage: There Be Dragons
Tomorrow night, we unveil the rock majesty that is There Be Dragons, with a gig at the fabulous Bayou in the scenic Fleetwood section of Mount Vernon, NY. TBD, as fans call us for short, is a five-man group that has been steadily working on originals and a handful of covers for the last year...
Well said, Slappy.
Elizabeth Warren: Killing the Middle Class
Today, one in five Americans is unemployed, underemployed or just plain out of work. One in nine families can't make the minimum payment on their credit cards. One in eight mortgages is in default or foreclosure. One in eight Americans is on food stamps. More than 120,000 families are filing for...
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