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In January 2004, I retired as a solicitor after nearly 30 years work as a criminal advocate. I now divide my time between helping to look after Plot #12, catching up on 30 years of lost reading, trying to keep this blog on the go.
Recent Activity
OK you've taken the mick, now how practically do you propose to deal with the consultation? I'm afraid three things mean the profession will lose big time. Firstly it no good talking about striking, secondly you're in a dream world if you think there will be solidarity within or between the professions, and finally PCT is government policy. Tesco/G4S/Virgin will be happy to take the Ministry of Justice cash. Though I believe there are already large solicitors firms preparing to enter into the consultation with a view to bidding. Doing nothing or standing on the sidelines shouting a las barricadas is a recipe for disaster
The President of the Law Society lives in the real world. In op-ed piece in on line version of the Gazette is on the right track!
bvt response toDAG
For someone no longer involved in supplying criminal legal aid services reading David's forensic analysis of the BVT/PCT Grayling consultation reminds me of a couple of past battles solicitors have had with government. I remember a mass meeting in the Station Hotel in Newcastle in the early 1...
1) My recollection is that the Law Society argued that franchising would destroy the independent high street lawyer. Once the government was involved, then it would use its contracting power to squeeze prices to such an extent that it would be difficult for small firms to survive on legal aid alone.The Society has not been proved wrong. In my local area all three firms offering Legal Aid have closed.
2) No contract has been offered yet, so it's difficult to predict just what the ultimate reaction of firms like Tuckers would be. The idea they would not be involved in negotiating within the consultation with the result the firm would cease trading , is fanciful. If no solicitors were prepared to tender then the field would be left open to the ABSs and/or the Public Defender Service. The latter has clearly been tested by the Ministry of Justice 'as a safeguard against market failure' see para #467 3rd bullet point.
4) Of course the Tories didn't get a majority in 2010. That hardly matters.The coalition has a majority in Parliament. The LibDems will have agreed to the consultation document. It has been robustly supported by their Minister, Lord MacNally. This is what is reported he warned last week "that while the MoJ would listen to feedback from the consultation, it wants to ‘maintain the momentum for the reforms’ and will not turn back. ‘The profession will undergo a restructuring – it will be painful and there will be resistance, but it is inevitable,’ he said.
PCT is a Labour concept, and although there is a lot of grandstanding by a few of their MPs, it is hard to see them voting it down.
bvt response toDAG
For someone no longer involved in supplying criminal legal aid services reading David's forensic analysis of the BVT/PCT Grayling consultation reminds me of a couple of past battles solicitors have had with government. I remember a mass meeting in the Station Hotel in Newcastle in the early 1...
I'm surprised no one on the statutory backstop side hasn't mentioned the protection offered to the press by Art 10 of the European convention, now incorporated into the HRA. Of course most of the media rubbishing Leveson want to withdraw from the convention
By fear or favour once more let down
By John Charles Dyer, UK Correspondent 30 November 2012. Yesterday Judge Leveson delivered his long awaited report into Media ethics. It was hardly the storming of the Bastille. The Judge seemed to some to lean over backwards to shield the police, Ministers and the Prime Minister from critic...
for genuine libertarians,tax, except for pretty limited uses is worse than theft, it's forced labour and forced labour is slavery!
Child benefit, ideology & bias
The coalition’s plan to cut child benefit for 40% tax rate payers seems to have run into confusion. Which raises the obvious question: why bother? If you want richer folk to bear a bigger share of austerity, why not simply raise the 40% rate by 2p, and raise its starting point a little, which wo...
Tony is now following Peter Harvey
Mar 31, 2011
there's a paper by monica threlfall from the royal statistical society on your point Threlfall88.pdf
Unemployment: prejudice vs curiosity
This piece by Sam Bowman irritates me. He says: The minimum wage is pricing young people out of the market… All the job schemes in the world wouldn't give young people as much of a fighting chance as letting them compete freely for jobs. Let’s ignore, as Sam does, this paper which argues that ...
nice to see you again ronnie.
prisoners on remand already vote. they have a postal vote. i suspect this will happen when convicted prisoners are given the vote.
the summary of evidence from the house of commons political and constitutional reform committee can be found here
another headache for the coalition on prisoner voting
i do hope those mps who will debate the votes for prisoners motion realise that its not just the european convention on human rights realise that the european union treaties also give them votes. this is part of the evidence given to the house of commons, political and constitutional reform com...
yep, just love those rhymes
Lock Katrine
On our visit to Scotland, Loch Katrine became a favourite. It's the Lake in Sir Walter Scott's Lady of the Lake. The weather wasn't great. This, believe it or not, is a colour photograph. 12th August 2010. I've just found this from that great Scottish poet McGonagall. BEAUTIFUL Loch Katrin...
is your definition of productivity gdp/hours worked? if not, what difference,if any, would that make?
Tories vs the OBR
Fraser Nelson has chided the media for not giving enough attention to the OBR’s forecast that the private sector will create 1.5 million jobs in the next five years. If I were he, I wouldn’t crow about this. My chart, taken from my day job, shows why. It shows annual labour productivity growth ...
don't lose any sleep,there's nothing jammed.
and there's me thinking it was the content that was important.
have you seen this?
menu dal dia..€6.90- barcelona style
me and mrs rambler had been due to visit barcelona in may but the trip had to be postponed until last week. on tuesday last, the day before the chancellor was due to lay austerity on with a trowel, we decided to revisit one of the best value restaurants we've found there. you can find the 'a...
the difficulty with your assertions is that there is absolutely no evidence that this nonsense works. those who support its effectiveness must produce some evidence.
don't waste your time looking for research- there is none
You can find this sort of drivel all over the net. Just Google Brain Gym. BRAIN GYM - THE THEORY… What is Brain Gym? Movement is a key part of the process of development and learning. Brain Gym is a programme of simple exercises, developed over a 25 year period by a remedial educational speci...
the acpo guidelines are clear. i'm simply inviting a careful study.
Raoul Moat- the use of taser-did the police follow ACPO guidelines?
'The Police have commenced the operational deployment of the taser. This equipment has been made available to specially trained firearms officers to provide them with a less lethal option in incidents where they are confronted with an armed individual, and the officers and members of the publi...
Tony is now following Andrew Boer
May 20, 2010
nope on these figures, brown will try to form a government.
++ Marginals poll gives Cam 4-seat majority ++
DAVID Cameron is on course to become the next Prime Minister - with a knife-edge majority of just four – according to an exclusive marginals poll in tomorrow’s News of the World. The Tory leader has pushed ahead as Labour voters desert Gordon Brown for the Lib Dems. Voters were quizzed in 96 La...
Tony is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
is that better?
A Couple of Questions for Lord Goldsmith
When the former Attorney- General, Lord Goldsmith appears before the Iraq Inquiry tomorrow, I have little doubt that the panel will spend some time on his advice given to the government at the beginning of March 2003. This forms the legal basis that Blair used to invade a sovereign state without...
I'm suprised that Sizer has not as yet claimed his piece has been used by AAAGH, without his authority/knowlege. Most bloggers are aware that their stuff can be used on other sites, sometimes out of context. Often this goes unnoticed, but in this case the piece was pointed out to the author. Had that happened to me,I would have e-mailed the site involved and asked them to remove the offending piece. Had they not done so, my next step would have been to complain to their web host. If those actions had failed I would have been in a position to explain what had happened to any interested enquirer. No way would I complain to the police let alone then go on to lie that one of my correspondants had been 'cautioned' by the police when I knew, or ought to have known, the truth.
Sizer - well and truly sized up
The Revered Stephen Sizer Today, a story has exploded over the blogosphere. Late last year, a Christian student blogger, Seismic Shock, was 'debating' with a fellow Christian, the Rev. Stephen Sizer. The Reverend Sizer's writings appeared on a Holocaust denier and anti Semitic website, AAAG...
i remember the bishop of carlisle blaming the floods in yorkshire on homosexuals. not presumably in yorkshire though!
Is Dr Pangloss really dead?
François-Marie Arouet-Voltaire Voltaire wrote this letter shortly after the Lisbon earthquake. This “Act of God” killed an estimated 70,000 out of a population of 185,000, many of whom were attending the mass. It occurred on All Saints Day 1755. Les Délices, November 24, 1755 This is indeed ...
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