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Believes the future of enterprises and brands is all about customer management. Thinker, change agent, writer and customer management architect
Interests: Loves Indian Classical Music, trained percussionist, avid reader and a cricket fan.
Recent Activity
Music, marketing and mathematics can combine beautifully to create a million possibilities
As I reflect back over the year, this is one conversation that has left some deep impressions on me. The challenges that are there in rewiring our skills, learning from different streams and applying them in our day-to-day working is... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2019 at Customer World
Here's the second episode of my podcast ContraMinds - Mediocrity Epidemic
In this episode, we explore how mediocrity is one of the greatest epidemic facing people and organizations. It explores how a mediocrity mindset sets-in, what differentiates people who strive for excellence versus people who want to be mediocre and what needs to be done to quarantine ourselves or organizations Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2019 at Customer World
Here's my Podcast - ContraMinds
I am launching my own Podcast - ContraMinds - Decoding People, Minds, Strategy & Culture. This is a podcast that explores thoughts and conversations around the DNA of purposeful minds. It tries to decode what really goes behind the minds... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2019 at Customer World
Why India needs to take data privacy seriously
Data confidentiality and privacy is a primary right which Indian consumer needs to demand, as the economy becomes more and more digitally driven. Data privacy and protection is a fundamental foundation for an emerging data-driven economy like India. Permission marketing... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2018 at Customer World
"When you implement a new technology in your organization, look at it thro' a customer lens"
Recently, I had a chat with Kate Visconti, Managing Director of Acumen Solutions, USA who takes care of the Sales Acceleration and Change Management Practice. She is also an Adjunct Professor with Santa Clara University, USA. It was an interesting... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2017 at Customer World
Will AI replace Elite Consultants?
Recently, I read a very provocative and interesting article in HBR - 'AI may soon replace even the most Elite Consultants' As I read thro' the article, the key question that came to my mind was- really, how close are... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2017 at Customer World
Four Era of Data
I loved this article by Jeff Leek on how the era of data has evolved over time. The era of not much data This is everything prior to about 1995 in my field. The era when we could only collect... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2016 at Customer World
Information monopolies and customer empowerment in the digital economy
Recently, I got a news alert on a topic that I was interested. When I clicked on it, I got this message below: I was extremely perturbed as I was not expecting a pop-up message like this, as I really... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2016 at Customer World
Unilever buys Dollar Shave Club - Is this the emerging era of direct mass marketing?
Last week, Unilever announced it had acquired Dollar Shave Club. Tech Crunch carried an interesting article on the $1 billion acquisition and the challenges reputed & established FMCG brands face with the onslaught of innovative and emerging brands. FMCG companies... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2016 at Customer World
Deep Learning, Personalization & Privacy
These three - Deep Learning, Personalization and Privacy are indeed oxymorons. The fact that when they come together for contextualization, relevance and differentiated customer experience - privacy takes a back seat! When Privacy takes centre stage, then Deep Learning &... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2016 at Customer World
Building a data coalition around personal data
Last week Facebook's Chief Privacy Officer - Stephen Deadman, wrote about the need to refocus the debate around personal data. It was a thought provoking article where Stephen talks about the need for a kind of a new coalition between... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2016 at Customer World
Software vendors as data vendors - How will convergence, interplay & privacy make a difference?
Last week, we saw Microsoft announcing the acquisition of Linked-In for US $ 26.2 billion. With the acquisition of Linked-In, Microsoft now has access to over 400 million accurate profiles of professionals from Linked-In across the world. Over the last... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2016 at Customer World
Marketing in "micromoments" in a post digital world
I was reading an interesting update on Forrester Marketing 2016, where companies & marketers were asked to take cognizance of micromoments. I don't disagree fundamentally with this theory but I was thinking how do marketers prepare & adapt to this... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2016 at Customer World
Cost-to-Serve(CTS) Vs Cost-to-do-business(CTB) - Looking at it from customer's eyes!
I often hear a lot of businesses and managers talking about a metric Cost-to-Serve(CTS) - reducing cost-to-serve a customer. They continuously talk about moving customers to lower cost channels and hence reducing the cost-to-serve & improving profitability. I find this... Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2016 at Customer World
We live in a complex world today where customers reach or talk or share their views about companies or the products they like, own or use or their experiences thro' a multitude of ways. The touch points, the IT systems... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2016 at Customer World
How IoT is the third age of marketing technology & giving a voice to products!
I was at the Loyalty Summit in Mumbai where I shared my thoughts on how "How IoT is the third age of marketing technology". Here's the presentation. IoT is truly giving a voice to products! Also, it is changing the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2016 at Customer World
Will IoT strengthen customer relationships or undermine it?
I have been reading a lot of interesting developments about IoT(Internet of Things) and some recent trends on the kind of devices that will pop-up soon to influence a customer's life which were showcased in CES 2016. I often wonder... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2016 at Customer World
Defining the currency and value of customer experience
There is a very lovely article by Vala Afshar in Huffington Post on the current state, business impact, currency and value of customer experience. What I liked about this article is that there are really some lovely perspectives on how... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2015 at Customer World
How companies need to respond to rewired customers' brain.
I was reading this very interesting article by Peter Sena on how some of the new age companies like Uber and the like are rewiring customers' brains. I think the perspective he was bringing-in was that every company across the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2015 at Customer World
Thinking Customer Experience - Stop thinking platform,resources and bandwidth first
Whenever I talk to companies about customer experience, the discussion always is steered towards technology, process and scalability but sometimes first principles are forgotten. There is very little discussion around what is stopping them to deliver the customer experience today.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2015 at Customer World
The power of curious mind and the art of attracting customers!
I was watching this lovely chat with Brian Grazer - celebrated writer, producer of successful movies and TV shows like 24, Empire, Arrested Development etc. on how he develops curiosity! Brilliant and thought provoking. I have observed over time that... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2015 at Customer World
Is there a need for customer coach in companies?
I have been reading a lot of recent articles(Consumer Expectations For Customer Service Don't Match What Companies Deliver) on the need for building world-class customer experience and how companies need to become customer-centric. But, when I searched for professionals who... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2015 at Customer World
Confusopoly - A main deterrent to customer centricity
I was reading this article by Doc Searls on How do you maximize the help that companies and customers give each other? It's a lovely commentary of how companies make it difficult & complicated for customers to do business with... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2015 at Customer World
For successful digital transformation, should we practice digital transmigration?
I was seeing this interesting video from MITSMR on Building capabilities for Digital Transformation. What stuck me was to effect a successful digital transformation of business, should they practice digital transmigration - which is taking customers from one stage to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2015 at Customer World
What will be the trends in data-driven marketing in 2015? Take this quick survey!
Customer-Intelligence is becoming a competitive advantage in companies. Marketing is increasingly adopting the power of data, analytics & technology as a part of their intelligence-driven customer marketing strategy in addition to traditional marketing investments. What can we expect as trends... Continue reading
Posted Dec 25, 2014 at Customer World
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