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Ed Moed
Recent Activity
Thanks for your thoughts Carl. I don’t disagree with you. But, have two points of rebuttal:
1)Blockbuster just went bankrupt. So have many, many newspapers. Blockbuster was way too slow in seeing how cable and the Internet were changing the content landscape With newspapers, it almost wasn’t fair how quickly the Internet killed their models. Still, the strong survive and natural forces should kill off those who can’t change.
2)Maybe we have to bail out government owned entities like USPS because the public needs it. But, that doesn’t excuse it from losing money due to poor leadership and zero innovation. I think instead we need to put people in charge who can change the way things are done there so that this doesn’t happen every few years.
Bring back the Pony Express…
The U.S Postal Service (USPS) is going broke. That’s not entirely new. Throughout the last few decades, our official government mail carrier has faced a myriad of financial woes which almost put it under. What I find interesting this time is that a complete lack of foresight and innovation is ...
Personally, I think he’d be absolutely terrible. The man doesn’t have an ounce of humility. With that character flaw, he’s much better suited to be king of a country or the next dictator of Cuba, Syria or Libya.
How smart is this man?
Donald Trump is front page news. This businessman filled with bravado has us all wondering whether he's really going to make a Presidential run. Or, is this simply a giant ruse that he's created to promote his still popular ‘Apprentice’ show on NBC, while also serving to prop up the value of ...
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Mar 15, 2010
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