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Interests: surviving and thriving
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No burnt ends (aka Kansas City bean flavoring)?
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2012 on Get to the Point at IDEAS IN FOOD
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The gastrocave is a warehouse space occupied by the Gastropod and MsCheezious food trucks. The space is used for docking, prep, storage, office, and some very cool underground events.
Michael... pithaya are grown commercially a little south of us, so we are definitely in the dragonfruit zone. I've grown succulents before, and I've always had an appreciation for them so this was like having something good turn into something better. There is a grower named Roger (who I'm told has gone strangely missing) in Miami who has a farm called the red dragonfruit company. He had the most perfect specimens of pithaya I have ever used. One of the amazing things he had done was successfully hybridized the white and red fleshed varieties to create a 'pink' dragonfruit. My plant only has yielded one fruit thus far, so my uses have been restricted to just peeling and eating.
Toggle Commented Dec 19, 2011 on year of the dragonfruit at chadzilla
Yang... the baking powder is a leavener, which puffs out the meat where is stabilizes into a lighter product (hence the holes visible in the sliced portion).
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2011 on cha cha cha lua avec moi at chadzilla
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2010 on Seaweed Charcoal at IDEAS IN FOOD
1 reply
Linda, I am always amazed at how you find the time to capture every photo and detail of the ICC. Next year, I just won't take any notes and just refer back to your blog for reference. Great seeing you again!
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2010 on ICC 2010: the dishes at playing with fire and water
1 reply
How can there be anything wrong with using pre-made onion flakes. There is a certain strength in the bought product that is equal to, say, using dried shiitake in Asian foods. Both granulated onion and garlic are strong staples of cajun food flavor, and I have never been able to stop myself from using these in the majority of my dishes (even when fresh onion and garlic are present). The flavor boost is amazing. Is it not similar to Elena Arzak demonstrating their use of freeze dried squid to season fresh squid. Granted, you can't just go to the store and pick up squid powder, but if you could would there be any loss of integrity? The onion flake discussion also reminds me of my very first 'kitchen' job in a bakery mass producing onion rolls by patting them into partially rehydrated onion flake... I can still remember that intense smell.
Toggle Commented May 3, 2010 on Onion Soup Extract at IDEAS IN FOOD
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Beef and anise are happy also... at least star anise is. It's so often used to smooth out the flavors of beef and pork just like ginger. That shrimp sheet is really nice. Looking forward to seeing it's journey.
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2010 on Surf and Turf at IDEAS IN FOOD
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Mar 15, 2010
No matter where the chips fall, I feel no sadness over Adria's decision. I only equate it to the Beatles decision to stop touring circa Sgt. Pepper when they felt that the expansion of ideas in the studio would not be executed live in a lucrative manner. When thought of in this perspective, we should only feel excitement over the amazing things to come about in the future from this incredible team. I will only open more doors and show more possibilities to chefs around the world.
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2010 on elBulli - Losing a Love? at Docsconz- The Blog
Louisianians everywhere will applaud you for your developments in the roux browning process! I will miss the scent of roux slowly browning on the stove all morning though... the price of progress.
Toggle Commented Feb 5, 2010 on Roux in a Jar at IDEAS IN FOOD
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Sounds like an awesome trip, Linda. Grits are great and fall into that category of foods that 'stick to your ribs.' Now you know why, with the huge spectrum of beloved southern foods that have been touched by modern cuisine, Edna Lewis once said, "You know, people should just leave grits alone." You can understand her incredible sense of notalgia over this simple sacred dish. However, it never stopped me from messing with them either.
Toggle Commented Oct 16, 2009 on pulled beef bbq grits at playing with fire and water
1 reply
Not much going on now, Bryce. We're about to head to NY for starchefs. After that, we're going to a culinary convention in Venezuela for some demos. I'll keep checking my email to see what's up. Just trying to tie up loose ends before the travels. Chad
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2009 on pump daddy at chadzilla
This is ironic because my wife had found some sites in Chinese that discuss this very item. What we found even more interesting than the 'heating' capabilities was the fact that it is ground up and used in a special noodle dish. I've been wanting to order some online, and your post has just peaked my interest even further. If you search 'white charcoal noodles' in English, you will pull up several links to this dish. What could the flavor be like?
Toggle Commented Sep 9, 2009 on Binchō-tan at LaurentGras
Very traditional, I believe. The word comes from the French 'andouille' which is also very popular in Louisiana. The name is even pronounced something like andouille... n' doo-yah. Ironically, it's more like a salami than andouille, but does have a bit of piquant-ness. Like your newpaper hat avatar on Twitter. Cool. You should fold it up like a pirate hat. Chad
Toggle Commented Sep 8, 2009 on n'duja means heaven at chadzilla
Hey, Larry. Is this the product you are referring to... . Amazing how all this stuff pops up once you think you have an idea. Does it use a foam pump or is it aerosol? Someone else linked a product available in Italy that uses pressurized aerosol cans to dispense actual flavored foams (like a disposable iSi). I really had no intention of a patent here. Just a cool idea from an execution perspective that I wanted to share. Chad
Toggle Commented Sep 6, 2009 on pump daddy at chadzilla
How are you, Jaden? Great to hear from you. Congratulations on all of your recent success... books, TV, etc. You have it all!!! You've really pushed for this, so you deserve every bit of it. I'm just taking the low road at this point. Millions are not in my future. Just give me peace of mind and a nice backyard to hang in. A beer in my hand and a pig on the grill. Ciao, Chad
Toggle Commented Sep 5, 2009 on pump daddy at chadzilla
Linked recently in a FoodPlayer tweet
Toggle Commented Aug 12, 2009 on Tasty Fat at IDEAS IN FOOD
1 reply
There was a honeysuckle vine at my bus stop during my early school years. We used to drink the nectar while waiting for the school bus... much to the dismay of our neighbor who was growing the flora for aesthetic purposes. I can never remove that association with the flower from my mind.
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2009 on honeysuckle at playing with fire and water
1 reply
Are the orange translucent flecks rock salt?
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2009 on Pumpernickel Pasta at IDEAS IN FOOD
1 reply
How about cool ranch filling?
Toggle Commented Jul 6, 2009 on Potato Chip Agnolotti at IDEAS IN FOOD
1 reply
The real value of this product is that you don't actually have to waste a can of beer.
Toggle Commented Jun 24, 2009 on Grilled Beer Can Chicken at IDEAS IN FOOD
1 reply
Oh, yeah. And nice shot at CDM with the unavoidable powdered sugar spots on the bluejeans.
Toggle Commented Jun 19, 2009 on Gumbo Tales at IDEAS IN FOOD
1 reply
That book made me homesick. I was actually reading it while we were in the hospital having our baby girl... well, as much reading as is possible in such a situation, and a sad wake-up to my forevermore limited time.
Toggle Commented Jun 19, 2009 on Gumbo Tales at IDEAS IN FOOD
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