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Northern Foragers Club
Quebec/North America
A second generation food blogger is revamping and rewriting his mother's early aughts blog, One Whole Clove, to bring you his perceptive of Quebec and North American forests. Featuring predominately boreal forests, North American eating, restaurants, fresh markets, and apparel to get anyone curious about their local green space.
Recent Activity
The Sugar Shack
For many areas in the northern hemisphere March is synonymous with the colour green. Yes, green is the colour of the shamrock and all things leprechaun, and while Montreal, Quebec is the city that holds the largest St. Patrick's day... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2023 at Northern Foragers Club
Welcome to NFC!
Welcome to the Northern Foragers Club (NFC) blog. I am a second generation food blogger revamping and rewriting my mother's early aughts blog, One Whole Clove. I am eager to share my adventures in and around Quebec and North American... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2023 at Northern Foragers Club
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Mar 15, 2010
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