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Some of my interests include knitting, scrapbooking, mystery novels, genealogy and growing orchids.
Interests: knitting, mystery novels, altered books, scrapbooking, orchids
Recent Activity
Welcome to my stop on the Operation Write Home Memorial Day BlogHop . I hope you are having fun checking out all the great cards being posted. I used OWH Sketch number 145 as inspiration for my card(s). This is... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2013 at Slightly Scrappy
It was a long time ago, but I remember my first bike being blue with a basket in front.
Love these new designs. They will be great for Operation Write Home!
In case you aren't familiar with the free Craftsy mini-courses, here are thoughts on some of my favorites. I have enrolled in several of the free classes and they are awesome, All courses have the same top-notch production values with... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2013 at Slightly Scrappy
Craftsy is an awesome online learning center. The courses cover a wide range of crafts including Quilting, Knitting, Cake Decorating, Sewing and several more. My favorite thing about Craftsy is the fact that you have lifetime access to every course.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2013 at Slightly Scrappy
This looks like an awesome class. Thanks for a chance to win a spot!
1 reply
Thanks for all these great files!
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2012 on CD Case Calendar at Write. Click. Scrapbook.
1 reply
Congratulations on your exciting news!
1 reply
I have started on Clue number 1 of the Easy Street mystery quilt by Bonnie K. Hunter. So far, so good. The first photo shows my progress with the 4-patch blocks as of Sunday. I now have about 100 finished... Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2012 at Slightly Scrappy
Summers spent at my grandparent's farm were the best vacations. :-)
These sets will be perfect for cards sent to Operation Write Home. Can't wait to try out some red, white and blue designs!
I love all the new hexagon possibilities. I'm a quilter and the hexagon is my favorite shape to use. Can't wait to see them in person :-)
Welcome to my stop on the Operation Write Home annual Memorial Day Blog Hop. I chose OWH Sketch Number 121 for my inspiration. This was a pretty simple sketch to work with, and is great for using up narrow strips... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2012 at Slightly Scrappy
Love today's sneak peeks! The wrought iron impression is so pretty and I'm very happy to see a new Tag Sale die.
I became a member of the Ambassador program for genealogy bloggers a few weeks ago, but have not had a chance to make a post. Yesterday, I watched the recording of Thomas MacEntee's webinar at Legacy Family Tree and was... Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2012 at Central WV Genealogy
What a fun new collection of dies! I can't wait to give them a try. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize package, too. :-)
15 for me, too. Love all the projects and look forward to using the new goodies soon.
I love the new Framed Out series already and look forward to seeing the new version every month.
I think the new Frilly Flowers will be a great addition to my growing collection of flower stamps. Can't wait to try them out. Happy Anniversary!
It's great to see the new boards for Pinterest This will make it so easy to find inspiration. I love that this year Stamp A Faire will be online. It sounds like a lot of fun!
I love a lot of things about Papertrey Ink. Your great designs and attention to the small details being at the top of my list The design team provides so much inspiration, too. Congratulations on another great year and thank you for the opportunity to win a wonderful prize.
Wow, thanks so much to everyone that posted a comment. You all are so kind! Without further ado, the Random Number Generator chose these two winners: "I love using negatives along with the positives! I love the cards and thanks... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2012 at Slightly Scrappy
Happy Anniversary! What a great prize package. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win so many great PTI products. I'd like to add my thanks to all of the design team members and those behind the scenes for making it such a joy to work with all of your products. I'm looking forward to many more years of inspiration!
Welcome to my stop in the latest Operation Write Home Blog Skip. You are in the correct place if you came from Petunia's Paper Passion. (Opens in a new window) Check back in at OWH Stars and Stamps blog if... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2012 at Slightly Scrappy
What a great collection of cards. Thanks so much for supporting OWH!
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2011 on Operation Write Home Blog Hop! at Blog | Ranger Ink