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Nancy Nally
Recent Activity
Huge congrats to all of you on the promotion! What an honor!
And I am hoping for you all too that the time just flies past till he is home safe with you all!
in the news at the howell household
1. Here's what I'll be doing at Crop, Paper, Scissors this weekend. I'll be bringing my favorite Lily Bee, October Afternoon, and Jenni Bowlin layouts and teaching you how to make them. Three Kits will be for sale and range from 10-14 dollars. There will also be giveaways. No registration neces...
Me and my dh both are so happy for all of you that you get this special visit with Jimmy! Happy Birthday Harper! ;)
I had to laugh because the first comment I saw was Gretchen's and it said the exact same thing I clicked over to the site from my Google Reader to say...
With your build and hairstyle, that pink J.Crew dress would be totally Audrey Hepburn elegant on you!
dress obsessed.
warning: this post contains lots of dresses from jcrew and anthropologie if you think my posts about clothes are boring or silly, do NOT proceed. or, do so at your own caution. and don't say i didn't warn you. ;) okay. so i'm still dress shopping. here are a bunch i've found and i want your opi...
I'd feel better about your "fixing typelist caching issue" item (which I'd filed a help ticket about) if you hadn't broken something else about the Typelist posting (new items are now posting at the bottom of the list, not the top like they are supposed to) when you "fixed" that.
Posting, Commenting, and more improvements
It's that time again - we've just done another upgrade for your TypePad blog. We're working out a couple of bugs that have come up with this release right now, but in the meantime, let's talk about what's new. One of my favorites is the collaboration we're doing with the TypePad Team in Japan: w...
Was so happy to get the chance to meet you in person! Wish we'd had more time to talk.
I loved that Jenni Bowlin stuff too and could have spent all day in their booth...can't wait to get my pictures of it posted.
and i'm home
it was so much fun. i'm still recovering from the kind of laughing that makes you fall on the ground and cry. seriously. i'm hoarse. i had the best time. we laughed and laughed and talked and talked... and i met so many lovely people. people with sincere, good hearts. people that i wish i coul...
Oh, I scored the last one of those at our Target! Santa needed one of those for B too! LOL
A good day
Happy Birthday to my honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my mother scored one of these for me today on a back shelf in an out-of-the way Target in Maine!!!!! Santa was desperately in need of one of these. :)
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