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Married, happy, working, scrapbooking mother of two, step-mother to two.
Interests: photography, scrapbooking, antiques, golden retrievers, decorating, organizing, kittens, friends and family, camping and traveling.
Recent Activity
Me! Canada?
A little something...
A couple of weeks ago I took some flowers to a neighbor who had just dropped her daughter off to start college in Colorado (you may remember her local restaurant themed graduation gift I loved putting together last spring). I took one of the many spaghetti sauce jars I continue to amass and stru...
Robyn'sNest is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Robyn'sNest is now following Ali Edwards
Oct 2, 2009
Totally love to have an organized lunch - what will you come up with next?? Pick me!
I'm hooked...
Oh my goodness is this bento thing fun. Yesterday I went to one of the local stores I learned about from here...and found some official supplies...including two real, actual bento boxes. I also went to the cake decorating store (the one my sister took me to before Mac's birthday) because I ha...
I LOVE pictures of your house, your rooms, your rearranging, your, love, love. Hope you're doing well!
Tomorrow will be better...
Hopefully tomorrow I will have photos of Air Force One since we have wanted to visit it for almost two years and have decided that tomorrow's the day. Today was the day to deal with the mess on my desk... Organizing a few binders for the school year...trying to make cute mailing labels (and s...
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