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Clarke Green
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An Eagle candidate can choose their own advisor OR no advisor.
I am confused that you say it must not be a parent. Can you show me that in a BSA policy statement?
Nearly all of my Scouts who have earned Eagle have not had an advisor. I agree that they are useful but they are not required or, in most cases, necessary.
Why Life to Eagle Guides?
Why would anyone need a "Life to Eagle Guide"? We already have a Scout Handbook and an Eagle Project Workbook - any Scout can understand and work their way through the trail to Eagle with these resources alone. Yet every Council and District seems to have 'resources' that are often confusing and...
It's interesting that more experience often leads to more doubt in what we are doing. I remember something about the most dangerous pilots being ones that have many hours of flying and, thus a false sense of confidence in their abilities. Less experienced pilots are more careful because they know they are inexperienced, and veteran pilots are more careful because they've likely had more close calls and seen more accidents.
I think this is true with Scoutmastership too. I always have second thoughts and question my own conclusions because I know, from experience, how fallible I am.
Oddly, though, this theoretically makes me more competent - I know I don't know. That's not a bad place to be for beginners or veterans.
Scoutmaster Podcast 61
Levels of Competence, Scouts and power tools Scoutmaster Podcast 61 Links in this Podcast Guide to Safe Scouting You can participate in the podcast by calling (484) 734-0002 and recording a voicemail message. Tell me your favorite scouting joke! Keep in touch READ the Scoutmaster Blog- LISTEN...
New Jersey(and many other states) prohibits the use of power tools by minors only as a condition of employment. I cannot hire a minor to work with power tools, nor can I hire them to work twelve hours a day. Child labor laws are there to protect minors from exploitation and assure their safety in their place of employment.
These laws do not prohibit minors from using power tools at home or as a part of something like a merit badge or Eagle project. As for the shop class caveat you mention I could not find it in the state code - I checked.
Can Scouts Use Power Tools?
Assistant Scoutmaster Michael from Troop 2000 in Brockton Mass. asks: Can Scouts use power tools? I'm confused because I've been told they can't yet the BSA guidelines say they can. My other problem is that these guidelines are completely void of any specific information as to which tools are a...
I 'd pick the centennial uniform nylon shirt by a country mile!
Lightweight, dries fast, cleans easily - way better than the old cotton-poly shirts!
"The way to the brain, goes through the hand"
This post on Doug Stowe's The Wisdom of the Hands blog discusses a saying I find particularly compelling: "The way to the brain, goes through the hand" This isn't a new thought, but it is particularly relevant to Scouting. (If you take the time to look at Doug's writings you'll soon discover tha...
Hey Larry
Almost every good idea has reasonable exceptions!
I kind of thought that the tarp-in-tent tip would cause controversy. My Scouts think I am crazy to put a groundcloth inside my tent (and for other reasons too numerous to mention here) but it works.
Truth be told I am camping under a tarp 80% of the time on top a a sheet of Tyvek so go figure.
Scoutmaster Podcast 54
Interview with guide and author Cliff Jacobson Scoutmaster Podcast 54 Feel free to send your questions and comments (you can rate the podcast on iTunes). Use the email link above left or the comments feature of the blog. Links on Podcast 54 Cliff Jacobson's website Expedition Canoeing - 20th ...
It's okay Larry - you'll hear the 1001 strings again! Don't blow a gasket brother!
I have two or three different versions of taps (maybe four!)
Scoutmaster Podcast 51
Eagle ambush, patrol ages Scoutmaster Podcast 51 Feel free to send your questions and comments (you can rate the podcast on iTunes). Use the email link above left or the comments feature of the blog. Subscribe on iTunes Scoutmaster Podcast Music Widgets
See this post;
Pioneering Made Easy
Pioneering Made Easy has a great collection of pioneering knowledge with down-loadable plans; worth a look!
There's a new edition of the G2SS that includes the ban on homemade liquid fuel stoves. You can see it online here:
Soda Can Popcorn
This looks like fun! I don't know why you'd have to sand the outside though.
This is different - it is not burning any fuel. This is a homemade pot, not a stove.
Soda Can Popcorn
This looks like fun! I don't know why you'd have to sand the outside though.
Clarke Green is now following Account Deleted
Dec 18, 2010
I don't know of any place to get actual accident reports that would tell us the nature of the fatalities. I wish we had access to them.
Staying Safe; Training is not Enough!
Leading scouts in the out doors is an exciting challenge and a serious responsibility. It is difficult yet vitally important to read about incidents like the one below. If the account below is accurate the adults involved compromised the Sweet 16 of BSA Safety with tragic results. We are a...
Thanks for your thoughts Tracey.
I'd agree that leaders knowingly putting Scouts in harm's way is rare. What usually happens is well-meaning leaders do not recognize dangerous situations.
I thin the writer actually did a very good job researching the article. He did include several statements that placed the number of accidents in context with the number of active Scouts.
Staying Safe; Training is not Enough!
Leading scouts in the out doors is an exciting challenge and a serious responsibility. It is difficult yet vitally important to read about incidents like the one below. If the account below is accurate the adults involved compromised the Sweet 16 of BSA Safety with tragic results. We are a...
Good thoughts Larry!
What we really need is to define the difference between review and test. We also need to consider exactly what would constitute reasons for a Scout failing a board of review.
Scoutmaster Podcast 45
Boards of Review Scoutmaster podcast 45 Links for Podcast 45 How to support Scouting Blogs and Podcasts Board of Review Training PDF version Ask Andy has a great true/false quiz Board of Review IQ Feel free to send your questions and comments (you can rate the podcast on iTunes). Use the emai...
Thanks Will!
There were two economist jokes, not accountant jokes.
Two accountant jokes would be out of the question!
Scoutmaster Podcast 45
Boards of Review Scoutmaster podcast 45 Links for Podcast 45 How to support Scouting Blogs and Podcasts Board of Review Training PDF version Ask Andy has a great true/false quiz Board of Review IQ Feel free to send your questions and comments (you can rate the podcast on iTunes). Use the emai...
Thanks for the head's up on the links! I've fixed them.
How to Support Scouting Bloggers and Podcasters
A handful of Scouters are blogging and podcasting regularly. Many others have tried and discovered that it requires more work than they first thought. (Hands up everyone who ever started a blog). The vast majority of us are readers and listeners rather than publishers. Scoutmaster blog started f...
Sorry to hear about the SPL - but this happens from time to time - similar things have happened to me too. It follows if this has happened to two of us it means it has happened to two hundred more!
I have a bigger mouth than you Larry! It cuts both ways, sometimes we get a pat on the back, sometimes we get a kick in the pants.
We both know the Scouts will work this all out. Sometimes the committee's job is to be nervous, the SM's job is to calm them down.
Scoutmaster Podcast 43
Leadership tenure email question Scoutmaster Podcast 43 Feel free to send your questions and comments (you can rate the podcast on iTunes). Use the email link above left or the comments feature of the blog. Subscribe on iTunes Music in Podcast 43 First Call - U.S. Air Force Band The Happy ...
Thanks Jerry!
It is energizing and inspiring to hear from readers and listeners - we do need to remind folks every once in a while how things look from our perspective.
I feel the same way you do about appearing to beg for a response. I am conflicted over posting numbers too - but they are one way to interpret effectiveness (a very imperfect way).
I think it is important that folks understand this does cost money. None of us are going broke but none of us are getting rich either!
Keep on keeping on.
How to Support Scouting Bloggers and Podcasters
A handful of Scouters are blogging and podcasting regularly. Many others have tried and discovered that it requires more work than they first thought. (Hands up everyone who ever started a blog). The vast majority of us are readers and listeners rather than publishers. Scoutmaster blog started f...
I totally agree Allan - adults often have a very different idea of what 'fun' is. We need to see the world from a Scout's perspective to understand what 'fun' is to them. As your story recounts it is almost always linked to some challenge.
Scoutmaster Podcast 44
What does 'fun' mean? Email questions. Scoutmaster Podcast 44 Feel free to send your questions and comments (you can rate the podcast on iTunes). Use the email link above left or the comments feature of the blog. Subscribe on iTunes Music in Podcast 44 First Call - U.S. Air Force Band Th...
Good thoughts Allan! You guys keep me on my toes!
If, as I suggest, Scouts can elect a Patrol leader whenever they want it does not immediately follow that they will do this impulsively every two weeks. While this could happen in theory it does not commonly happen in practice.
I am not so much concerned that Scouts are learning about types of government as they are about the underlying principles of autonomy tempered by responsibility - the heart of the democratic process.
In the situation that was described to me it was clear that the no-show patrol leader needed to start carrying his weight, or to be replaced.
The question was how does one replace a patrol leader. My answer was that the patrol elects a new leader. So the next question follows - when and how does this happen? My answer is that the patrol may elect a leader at any time but this does not mean they do this cavalierly.
There's a common false dichotomy when discussing youth leadership; we often think that if we give them full responsibility and authority then we have to stand by and watch them descend into chaos. The other extreme is the adults making all of the decisions and plans for them.
Coaching and mentoring from older Scouts and adult leaders are a check on Scouts making impulsive, poor decisions. We invest our Scouts with autonomy to make decisions but this comes with an expectation of responsibility.
As you note building patrols is hard in the absence of a strong model but we are not so much aiming at an ideal as taking our Scouts through a process.
Scoutmaster Podcast 43
Leadership tenure email question Scoutmaster Podcast 43 Feel free to send your questions and comments (you can rate the podcast on iTunes). Use the email link above left or the comments feature of the blog. Subscribe on iTunes Music in Podcast 43 First Call - U.S. Air Force Band The Happy ...
I buy from several and always look on Ebay before I do to see if there's a better deal on something I am looking for personally.
Campmor suits us for the group plan.
Camping Gear for Scouts from Campmor
I mentioned that we conduct an annual group gear purchase from Campmor on podcast 39. We started doing this at least ten years ago. Before this we would give a Scout a list of gear he needed and he would come back with whatever he and his parents could find. This led to Scouts spending more than...
Total cost, depending on what choice of sleeping bag and pad (foam vs. self inflating) is as little as $184.00 or as much as $200.00 after the 20% discount.
As to weight - about 11-15 lbs for the list(depending on the choices of bag and pad)
I encourage parents to but the larger sleeping bag but we offer the smaller one if they want(can be handed down to a younger brother)
The Z lite is nice, but at three times the cost I'll pass.
I have seen the Frogg Toggs, frankly not impressed. Two of our crew packed them on our Canadian Canoe Trip and they got shredded in short order.
The rain gear isn't breathable but I get few complaints. Waterproof/breathable (Gortex, etc) does not keep up with my ability to perspire so I am usually pretty wet anyway, but the polypro layer keeps me comfortable and warm.
Camping Gear for Scouts from Campmor
I mentioned that we conduct an annual group gear purchase from Campmor on podcast 39. We started doing this at least ten years ago. Before this we would give a Scout a list of gear he needed and he would come back with whatever he and his parents could find. This led to Scouts spending more than...
Thanks for letting me know, fixed it!
Camping Gear for Scouts from Campmor
I mentioned that we conduct an annual group gear purchase from Campmor on podcast 39. We started doing this at least ten years ago. Before this we would give a Scout a list of gear he needed and he would come back with whatever he and his parents could find. This led to Scouts spending more than...
I am working on the results of the patrol system survey right now. I'll have it posted soon.
Scouting in the Electronic Age
How far back do you go? Did you have a Little Orphan Annie or Captain Midnight decoder ring? Did you marvel at Dick Tracy's two way wrist T.V.? Were you amazed by the communicator on Star Trek? How about Mr. Spock's tricorder? As fantastically implausible as these futuristic technologies looke...
Thanks Nick- I changed it to 'Mr.' Spock. That simultaneously took a corner off my geek card and added 10 points to my 'dotty old man' score.
Scouting in the Electronic Age
How far back do you go? Did you have a Little Orphan Annie or Captain Midnight decoder ring? Did you marvel at Dick Tracy's two way wrist T.V.? Were you amazed by the communicator on Star Trek? How about Mr. Spock's tricorder? As fantastically implausible as these futuristic technologies looke...
Excellent approach to the question. Apply the Scout Law - simple!
Scouting in the Electronic Age
How far back do you go? Did you have a Little Orphan Annie or Captain Midnight decoder ring? Did you marvel at Dick Tracy's two way wrist T.V.? Were you amazed by the communicator on Star Trek? How about Mr. Spock's tricorder? As fantastically implausible as these futuristic technologies looke...
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