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Maureen Boyden is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Oh how fun! Safe and wonderful travels for you Elizabeth :)
A Year in the Life
Edited to add: comments are closed! I'll post the winners tonight : ) Provided Frontier Airlines is running on time, this giveaway should appear the moment my plane takes off for LAX, on my way to CHA (with a short but wonderful detour to Juliette's 2nd birthday party first, hooray!). I ha...
Awwwwwwwwwww! So sweet :)
Play Dough Love Notes
Thank you Miss Meg. I adore YOU too!
Huge hugs Layle :( I'm sad for you and for SR. The industry is definitely taking a huge hit in this economy. First, the best/biggest lss for me is closing, then I hear about Simple, and now SR. Such a bummer.
I believe in that saying and I'm happy somebody said it for you to hear :) Just have faith and know, the wait may be longer than you hope it to be but it will all work out in the end.
You are one talented chick!
And you know I'll still be stalking you up a storm :)
When One Door Closes...
I've typed and retyped this post what seems like 1000 times. Friday was officially my last day with Scenic Route. The economy has affected so many of us in so many different ways. And now it's hit really close to home. About as close to home as it can get. For those of you Scenic Route lover...
She is beautiful and blessed to have you as her mommy!
Look Who's TWO!
Surely it wasn't that long ago that Lauren came into our world, was it? Most of the time this sweet girl gets a bad rep. When folks ask how it is having three kids, I am notorious for describing how we probably wouldn't have had a third if Lauren were the first or second child. She's just so AC...
omgosh....those are ADORABLE! Love them and wish I had thought of it...or seen them last week ;)
So cute Susie!
7 Days till Christmas
At least I don't have to think of anything unique for titles this week... We're getting a lot of hits around here for teacher gifts... this Christmas season, I decided to go the gift card route (to a favorite beverage place, of course). But, I added a nice touch of clementines, too. Two of my ...
Aww, Layle! That is so sweet :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you!!!
Straight 5's
(caution - proud mom/daughter gushing moment ahead) Jack came home with his report card a few weeks ago. Straight A's! In fact, two A+'s - science and language arts. He made the school Straight A Club. The Straight A Club. Proud Mom gushing moment. That night Jack called my Dad, my Mom an...
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