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Atchison, KS
Dennis Dunleavy is a teacher, photographer and blogger writing about visual culture in a digital age.
Interests: Photography, semiotics, writing, blogging, photojournalism, visual culture, digital culture, society and photography, ethics
Recent Activity
I. Defining New Media New Media for Journalism New Media for Public Relations New Media for Marketing II. Tools Websites Social Media Writing Photography Video Audio Graphics III. Creating Content IV. Packaging Content V. Analytics Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2016 at New Media
According to the New Media Institute, the term "new media" is a catchall term used to define all that is related to the internet and the interplay between technology, images and sound. In fact, the definition of new media changes daily, and will continue to do so. New media evolves... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2016 at New Media
Making Sense of Symbols of Corporate Identity: From Cosimo de Medici's rings to Steve Job's Apple Think of "big" ideas such as love, peace, justice, wisdom, patriotism, power, or death and the mind will create image. In many instances, our mind automatically generates a picture of heart, dove, scales, book,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
Every week I scan the web for stories about signs and symbols. Here are a few recent articles of interest. Simple symbols have surprising meanings Caitlin Dewey of the Washington Post reports on a company that designed a program to caption Instagrams with emoji. "In the course of developing the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
Credit: When a lady bug landed on man in Jamestown, Pennsylvania, "a nice Italian woman.... told me [him] that it was good luck and I [he] shouldn’t touch them,” he said. In Italy, ladybugs are said to bring good luck. The man decided to test the theory, bought a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
There was a point in the evolution of consciousness when the human imagination truly asserted itself. Perhaps this was gradual, but it appears that during the Paleolithic era human embraced graphic communication, the use of shapes, to convey messages. What happened next is remarkable. Over thousands of years small isolated... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
Yesterday, Dr. David Albert, Professor and Director of Philosophical Foundations of Physics, Columbia University, presented his views on why cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss is wrong about how the laws of quantum mechanics make faith and philosophy archaic endeavors (at least that's my "I am not-that-smart-big-take-away moment" from the evening"). I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
Understanding how human consciousness evolved is complicated by many factors, but in the end the same questions keep coming up, “Who am I?” and “Where did we come from?” Our quest for knowledge is insatiable and immutable. Our ancestors used symbols to bridge the gap between mental images and direct... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
We could say that a good photograph is one that is correctly exposed and properly composed or an image that attract and holds our attention by being emotionally compelling. Certainly, this definition will serve well in teaching the fundamentals of... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2016 at Dennis Dunleavy
In early cultures, everyday habit is simply the unconscious existence of primitive man. Through the symbol, the energy is freed from [attachments]. The symbol makes the conscious possible. Man’s worldview passed from the symbolic to the rational, from pre-logical to logical thinking. The symbol is an expression of the spiritual... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
It appears controversial symbols of our nation's turbulent past is forcing historians to revisit the importance of Confederate monuments and memorials. There is an interesting article examining the debate on the site Inside Higher Ed. Photo: Ryan M. Kelly A statue depicting Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson stands in downtown... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
What would it be like if the German artists of the early 20th century Dada movement could have gotten their hands on Photoshop? True absurdity for sure. After all, that's the reaction they were looking for in the aftermath of... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2016 at Dennis Dunleavy
This video is a must watch. "Thousands of years before the first fully developed writing systems, our ancestors scrawled geometric signs across the walls of the caves they sheltered in." Ted Talks Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
Carl Jung observed, "The dynamic principle of fantasy is play, a characteristic also of the child, and as such it appears inconsistent with the principle of serious work. But without this playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
It might be helpful to have some perspective, other than a personal gut reaction, to understanding the "Coke" bottle scene in the "Gods Must Be Crazy." Here are a few notes taken from Erich Neumann's The Origins of Human Consciousness. So long as this world [of symbols] exists and continues... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
Understanding the evolution of human consciousness is complex -- concepts such as mimesis, lexical invention and external memory developed over tens of thousands of years. It is hard to recognize how different we are today in terms of memory, language, rituals, and even motor skills as a species compared to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
“Symbolic consciousness is a world created from symbols that evolved to language and writing that allowed humans to express their inner world with the outer world. Just as today, all words are symbols for something much deeper. Our self-awareness allowed us to create a symbolic world in order to pass... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
Animism Animism is the belief that everything has a soul and is alive, even inanimate objects. Animists are more connected to nature than most universal religions, so their only real holy place is natural areas such as forests, mountains, and other things on a natural landscape. However, It would be... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
Many nations use animals to symbolize virtues, values and culture. America has the bald eagle; Australia - the Red Kangaroo; Canada - the Beaver. Cu Rua Yesterday, a rare species of turtle, one of four left in the world, died in a lake in central Hanoi Vietnam. The turtle, weighing... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
Understanding how symbols influence behavior, beliefs, perception, and emotions requires us to explore how the brain evolved to accommodate abstract ideas. In this paper, I attempt to examine some of the science behind how the human mind evolved to its present state. Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2016 at Signs and Symbols
This is the background for a theatre poster announcing Sam Shepard's play Buried Child. I painted the background to reflect the tone of the piece. Here's the final design for Inonesco's play Rhinoceros. The play is a comedy, but it... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2016 at Dennis Dunleavy
I have come to a fork in the ice Looking for things discarded or forgotten Is it strange to look at life sideways, eyes focused on things left undiscovered? Frozen wrapper Sign of hope buried Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2016 at Dennis Dunleavy
It is hard to imagine a more provocative and contentious topic than how human beings evolved as a species. I imagine a lot depends on your perspective -- scientific or spiritual. Merlin Donald begins his essay The Evolution of Consciousness with three important questions: When did consciousness first arise? Are... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2016 at Signs and Symbols