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South East, UK
Nutritionist, businesswoman, writer, swimmer, twin, eternal optimist!
Interests: Natural health, natural food and natural living! Reading just about anything & everything to do with human health, human behavious, food & nutrition! Ancient health and healing arts - e.g. Ayruveda (I am a trained Ayruvedic Diet and Lifestyle Practitioner, and trained with the European Institute of Vedic Studies) Swimming Triathlon, Singing Cooking & preparing delicious food Dining out Clothes, & I love shoes - hey I am woman! Flowers - my favourite flower is the Red Rose Herbs and spices Yoga The countryside and the natural surroundings & coastline where I live Travelling Spontaneity
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Lucy-Ann is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Lucy-Ann is now following john williams
Jan 5, 2010
Lucy-Ann is now following Zachary Quinto
Aug 18, 2009
Lucy-Ann is now following Metric
Aug 18, 2009
Lucy-Ann is now following Ryan Star
Aug 18, 2009
Lucy-Ann is now following Bobbin Talk
Aug 18, 2009
Lucy-Ann is now following Ali Edwards
Aug 18, 2009
Hi Lucy, You will love this place so it is worth a visit - for sure!
What a great post Neil! Can I add a further "play it forward" result you might want to think about... that is how are you going to FEEL?! How will you feel once you have a) made the decision, and b) acted upon it! Will you feel empowered & strong about the positive and self-loving decision you've just made, OR feel low or depressed, or worse bad about yourself etc etc. Taking a moment to think this through also helps significantly to choose the best action or make the best choice to take you where you want to be! Love Lucy-Ann (of
Toggle Commented Jun 1, 2009 on Play it forward at
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I don't know WHAT to say Claire - which I know is a little bit unusual for me!! Thank you so much for your kind comments... and for all your help and support. You are truly THE businessblog "ANGEL", infact I think you should re-brand to BusinessBlog GODDESS! I am creating a shrine as we speak! I am very excited about the Vitality Network...people are already subscribing and I only lauched it a few hours ago - SO people... come and join me for a healthy, happy future - WITH your personal Nutritionist!
1 reply