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Following up on David Grundy's point, here's a post by Adam Rothstein crunching the numbers on Chinese gold-farming prisoners versus U.S. farm-farming prisoners: His take is that surplus-value-extracted dollar for surplus-value-extracted dollar, the U.S. racket is more exploitative. YMMV. In any case, we'll want to add lettuce and such to the list of things we're against.
Toggle Commented May 26, 2011 on China Uses Prisoners to Farm Gold at Terra Nova
Also a reason to be against the production of mined goods, toothpicks, chopsticks, car-seat covers, and surrealism, apparently: "As well as backbreaking mining toil, [Liu] carved chopsticks and toothpicks out of planks of wood until his hands were raw and assembled car seat covers that the prison exported to South Korea and Japan.... But it was the forced online gaming that was the most surreal part of his imprisonment."
Toggle Commented May 26, 2011 on China Uses Prisoners to Farm Gold at Terra Nova