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When you see a swat team called by Onoz to be on roof tops checking on Peace Loving Americans, you know damn well we are in very serious trouble NOW!
The Gulf Coast Oil rig explosion was deliberate. Onoz has called out the swat teams to protect the other oil rigs. We are in very serious trouble NOW!
Muslims are already sitting at our tables at the White House planning our Nations demise. They must be removed or we will loose everything.
We Are In Very Serious Trouble..NOW!!!
Congressman John Carter on The Fort Hood Attack Cover-Up
This is all part of Obama's Jihad. He took an oath to protect and defend the US against all enemies foreign and domestic, and he is both. This is legally actionable, but who will do it? Who will lead us out of this nightmare? The Fort Hood Attack: Unresolved By Congressman John Carter Anwar al...
There's no way I can sit quietly and allow this to happen to our country. I have sent hundreds of e-mails out about this travisty.
btw,, I can no longer access SOIA facebook. I click on the link and get my own page.
BREAKING: PENTAGON CAVES, DISINVITES GRAHAMUnindicted Co-Conspirator, Hamas Linked CAIR Warns Pentagon, Demands Franklin Graham Ban
BREAKING NEWS! The spineless and gutless military caved to Hamas-tied CAIR. GRAHAM IS DISINVITED: WASHINGTON – Christian evangelist Franklin Graham says the Army has withdrawn an invitation for him to appear at a special Pentagon prayer service. In a statement Thursday, Graham said he regrets ...
Thank you, Lt Col West. Your words were very clear and true. Sadly, as each day passes, we see how vile the media is and how fearful they are of us.
What I cannot understand is why the military has not addressed the issue that we have a thief in our White House. I am certain the Joint Chiefs know all too well what a delima the American People are facing. This man, Obama, hates America and is hell bent to destroy it.
Will Lt. Col Larkin be the only man to stand up?
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West: “Kiss the Ring”
Salvation and succor in abundance for a deeply trouble nation starving for honorable, honest and courageous leadership. Lt Colonel Allen West sent me his latest.................just in time. “Washingtoons” 19 April 2010 Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired) “Kiss the Ring” Greeti...
Pamela, fear not. The "Bus" is getting ready to leave the station. Thanks to you and Robert we are on a roll. Americans can hide from the truth no more.
I read alot of blogs and internet news and I am telling you the tide has slowly begun to turn. It will get ugly but I am "At the Ready".
God Bless, Be well
Taking it ALL over: Next up, Control of Wall Street
He gives the term rogue regime new meaning. He rewrites history before our very eyes and close to half of the people in this country are shaking their empty bobble heads and saying, please, master, may I have some more? This crap is so insulting to any thinking man. The crisis he refers to belo...
BRAVO!!!! Just Taking Care of Business.. nothing
Suing Muhammad
Danish cartoon protest Reverse lawfare -- a lawsuit is being prepared against the 94,000 Moe descendants for over a millennium of jihad wars, land expropriations, enslavements, and humiliations of the conquered non-Muslim populations on three continents. Back in March I reported on a new fro...
Good Lord, with all this action from CAIR, when do they have time to beat and slaughter their women and children??
I digress..Many states, such as Arizona,Iowa,California would love the extra dime for their bus ads. Many would actually welcome it.
CAIR is desperate. As CHOI points out.. we have our ways.."Faith Community"
Un-indicted Co-Conspirator, Hamas-tied CAIR Hails Crushing Defeat of Free Speech in SIOA Miami Bus Campaign
Who will stand for America? Who will fight for freedom of speech, religious freedom, human rights? I thought readers should see the dreck CAIR is sending around in their latest victory in their war on the West and the Constitution. CAIR, un-indicted co-conspirator, Hamas-tied, terror front for t...
Not surprising.. but I sent out many e-mails letting people know of the organization. After watching O'Reilly with Megan Kelly last night, I realized how terrified people really are of Islam. Will sell their souls.
Keep up the good work, Fox, we know who your allegence is to.
Obama’s Betrayal of Israel Spurs a Jewish Group for Sarah Palin
This is a long overdue development. I, for one, am thrilled, and hope to work with this group. The Jews lost their way long ago, but I equate their treatment of Sarah Palin with taking the gas pipe (literally). Palin is, and has been, a staunch supporter of the only freedom-loving American ally ...
My, my.. how clever. The Great Deceiver now acknowledges that their women have Rights
We will just tell these women of Islam to..
"Just Get on the Bus, Gus, no need to discuss much, Just make a new plan Stan, and set yourself FREE!"
CAIR Lawfare Army: Opening Fronts in the War Nationwide -- Attention Muslim Shoppers ......
This is how you build an army in the stealth jihad against America. I hope CAIR is advising the Muslimas that porn pics on the side won't help their "modesty" case. (hat tip Patti) Ladies, Do You Know Your Rights in the Workplace? How Can You Maintai...
OMG.. I have to laugh at these fools. I guess it beats grenades.
I do suggest that prior to any shoe rioting, bags of broken glass should be strewn all over the pavement. Real tiny slivers. Payback's a bitch.
Scotland Yard Sanctions Muslim Shoe Throwers: Allowed to Throw Shoes at Politicians, Police, etc
So now all of these flying projectiles are sanctioned and legal. One can only imagine a pair Richard Reid's shoes flying through the air. Good luck with that, asshats. Crippling self-destruction. Bowing to "Islamic sensitivities" (and they are a sensitive lot, aren't they -- except when it ...
I was a young child when my Dad was sent to Germany. He was an Army Captain then and set up medical facilities. We, as kids, played around in bombed out buildings and fought with the German boys.
I recall our maid telling my mother how the Germans knew what was going on and did nothing in order to save their own lives. They could smell the ovens burning from miles away.
Today, we have this filth in our own country. Parading around under a guise of Peace. This same evil that I saw in Germany is now in my White House. I will die fighting before I see this happen to our Land.
Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holocaust Day (Yom HaShoah in Hebrew) is Monday. I, for one, am sick and tired of the fetishism of dead Jews and the endless memorials to holocaust victims while the world rubs its hands in gleeful anticipation of holocaust the sequel. I am sick of the false narrative. The role of Islam ...
Latest word coming out is ..
Russia Today and other television stations reported that even before the first attempt to land, the pilot had been dumping fuel — indicating some form of mechanical problem — so by the fourth attempt there was no alternative but to put the aircraft down.
We will know soon what we already know.
and this as well..
Obama leaves WH without press, breaking protocol
President of Poland, prominent Military and Civilian Leaders Killed in Plane Crash, Pilot made multiple landing attempts.
An unthinkable tragedy has befallen Poland. All of Poland's leaders from the President on down, military and civilian, were wiped out in a plane crash while trying to land in Russia. The pilot made three unsuccessful attempts to land before the crash. On the fourth try, the plane fell apart, In...
Since F-16's were called they can't play this one down. Having a Marshal on board makes me think...
God is waking us up.. as of tonight 2 planes could have killed hundreds of people. I am anxious to hear from Miss Nappy and Mr NoMan as to what really happened here.
Janet and
Muslim Tries to Light a Bomb on DC to Denver Aircraft UPDATE: Fox and others reporting it's likely a "misunderstanding."
NBC is reporting that a muslim passenger attempted to light an explosive device on board an aircraft from Washington to Denver, sources tell NBC News -- this on the day that Obama said jihad and Islamic terrorism does not exist (neither does his birth certificate). A Qatari with a diplomatic pa...
All I can say is as with Islam Radicalism it is what it is..
No matter how hard Obama tries, he still can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
But Can Obama Remove Jihad from Islam?
Of all the subversive acts ever in the history of the United States of America ................ this one is the killer. You can avoid evil, you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding evil. In a word..................... duck. The jihad president in action:Islamic radicalism doesn't exist NY P...
Standing Ovation here for Col West!!
One point I wish to make.. that video of our military supposedly killing Iraqi's as a game..
Confirmed: Media’s Military-Hating America-Bashing Allegations Proven False & Misleading (Video)
Lt Colonel Allen West Making Salad out of Caesar
I thought you would enjoy this exchange. George Bennett of the Palm Beach Post asked Lt Colonel Allen West (rousing applause) how he would respond to the smear, trash and chicanery from the Head coward of the Broward Democ-rat Party, Mitch Caesar. Here is leftist anti-America vomit being spewed ...
You are dead on, my friend.
The one advantage that we have is Obama and his idiots have zero respect or understanding when it comes to America's Military.
This one fact alone will help me sleep tonite.
Great article, Pamela. I respect the grief you must be feeling when you report this
tyranny. I appreciate your dedication.
God Bless, Be Well
NObama's "Nuclear Posture Poser Review": No Nukes, Even in Self Defense or if Hit with Chemical/Bio weapons ... G-d Help Us
UPDATE: Ahmadinejad Rejects Renewed U.S. Call for Engagement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obama says to our enemies, bring it on, we won't fight ya -- leaving us bare naked vulnerable like a virgin slipped a Rohypnol on her first da...
Keep it coming, Pamela!! I pass this on to many. It is simply deplorable and needs to be removed.
@ Mooseandskwerl Great Point!! lol
"We Need Another Holocaust"
Any Jew who ever asks again, "how did it happen?," needs a swift kick in the head. Go over to the left wing sites (Puff Ho, KOS) -- they are preparing the ovens, asshats. All of the nets and the cable will ring their hands over the imaginary racism and nazism of the tea parties (FOX Loves to dis...
BRAVO!!!! This is wonderful news.
Where ever or what ever I can do to help, I will be there.
God Bless
New Leadership of Stop Islamization of America
New leaders of Stop Islamization of America I am honored to have been asked by Anders Gravers and Stephen Gash to assume leadership of the Stop the Islamization of America movement. Joining me is my partner in crime, Robert Spencer :) We are very excited to work with our "brothers" in Europe,...
Appears as if the White House no longer exists either. It is now the Animal House.
So, my friends, I believe we have gotten the message. Obama must be removed and quickly.
US State Dept: Israel "can't be found and may have moved"
While visiting the State Department's official website, curious to see if Hillary or Obama would post a Good Friday/Passover message to the Jewish community, as he is so fond of recognizing other foreign national holidays, I clicked onto the "Countries & Regions" tab at the top, a list of ...
There is ZERO doubt in my mind that the "Circus Parade" was a complete set up to cause trouble. That's their mantra. Lie like it's cool, baby. Clooooooooowns, all of them..especially the one who needed a gavel shoved up her hinny. No Apology.
These are the same people who gave our country such terrible grief against our President and military during the Iraq war. I view them as our enemy.
Thank you for exposing them and please continue.
God Bless
Pamela Geller, Big Journalism: In Cantor Case, Media Fanned Flames of Violence: ‘There Will Be Blood’
Check out my latest in Breitbart's Big Journalism: In Cantor Case, Media Fanned Flames of Violence: ‘There Will Be Blood’ His threats to Cantor come after the congressman’s office was hit by what police called a stray bullet, and he received anti-Jewish threats from left-wingers. A difficult...
This has nothing to do with religion. It has every thing to do with power and control.
My prayer is that the Texas grows a pair and kicks the bastards out. That's exactly how we need to handle this BS.
Muslims Attack Christianity At Trinity University
Muslims tormenting Christians for a change. These Islamic supremacists can't stop themselves. Why are these jihadis going to Texas "Trinity" if they can't bear the thought of Christianity? They want Christianity removed from the American public square and replaced with Islam. Texas Muslims Want ...
Simply amazing..if we didn't have Atlas we would all be in the dark.
Another story is Obamas twitter was attacked.. he has twitter???? Now he wants more control on the internet. Anybody buy this BS??
Death Threats Against Jewish Republican Whip Eric Cantor UPDATE: Muslim Obama Donor Arrested and Charged with Threatening: "Remember Eric . . . our judgment time, the final Yom Kippur has been given. You are a liar, you’re a Lucifer, you're a pig"
Muslim anti-semitism. UPDATE: Obama Donor Charged With Threatening to Kill GOP Whip Eric Cantor A Philadelphia Muslim man was charged today with threatening to kill GOP Whip Eric Cantor and his family. TPM reported: Today, a two-count complaint and warrant was filed charging Norman Leboon w...
Ahhhhhhhh Yesssss!! This all stinks to High Heaven. Just add a Muslim.. it's a GO.
Remember, Jerimia, Louis, Ayes all the boyz sit in our White House while the FBI haunts Americans.
Despite Record Levels of Islamic Terror in U.S., FBI raids Christian Groups
In a word, nuts. Seven people have been arrested for allegedly selling pipe bombs in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, Fox News has learned. How about raiding Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.? Was the armed camp in New York, Islamberg, raided? The Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) is alr...
Fantastic job!!
How sad this comes as no surprise for those of us who knew sometime ago this would happen. As I have said before, it's time for our military to make a plan and soon.
The Israeli and American people are disgusted. This OB Dog won't hunt. I can feel it coming in the air.. I am At The Ready.
MARCH UPDATE: J [Jihad] Streeters, Soros, Zogby Frequent White House Vistors, AIPAC not
The White House visitors list was updated yesterday indicating, yet again, the influence of malevolent corrupting forces, as displayed here: WHITE HOUSE EXPOSED: Farrakhan, Ayers, Wright, Sharpton, Jackson are in the house. In the March update, notorious Jew-hater George Soros and J Street jewic...
What a tragedy.. with more to come. Obama declared open season on Israel and this is the beginning of the end. I have no doubt that Israel, knowing who Obama truly is, will be left with all out war.
This is the truth that no one wants to face. We have a muslim in the White House. Our military must act and soon. He and his ilk must be removed.
North Korea knows it, so does Russia. We all know Obama has been sent to destroy our country and Israel too.
I heard word that Fox News is having a special on Obama this Sunday at 9:00 pm eastern. I can't verify it, but am told it will expose Obama. I pray this is true and not too late.
God Bless America and Israel.
Palestinian Muslims Kill Two Jewish Soldiers
More of the poisonous fruit of Obama's "leadership" ........empowering Islamic jihad in Gaza, from which, everyone fails to mention, the Jews unilaterally withdrew. Obama's intifada. Good job. Two IDF soldiers killed in Gaza border clashes Free Republic via HaaretzTwo Israel Defense Forces ...
An absolute tragedy, Pamela.
We are all to blame in one way or another. Be it complacency or complete disregard for those who suffered and died at the hands of the Devil.
I can say this. When I read of Obamas horrid disrespect of Netanyahu, I knew it would be open season for the "Jew Haters". Obama had sent his message.
Pamela Geller, Big Journalism: Barack Hussein Obama II’s War Against Israel
The six million are cold in their graves, weeping for what awaits you. The only difference between American Jews of the 2000s and the European Jews of the 1930s is Israel. This is what separates you from the dehumanization, the oven, the end. A Jewish homeland is the thin blue and white line b...
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