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sweatpantsmom is now following Glennia
Jun 4, 2010
Lots of people seem to have memories of the slapping technique. Never got it myself, but I do remember the arched wrists, now that you mention it, and I do remember her yelling at me once because my fingernails were too long and I was playing with the pads of my fingers instead of the tips. Yes, I remember all of that but once again -- can't play Beethoven's Fifth to save my life.
Toggle Commented May 26, 2010 on Lessons Learned at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
Your piano sounds like my treadmill. I'm not very good at it's a great place to hang my clothes!
Toggle Commented May 26, 2010 on Lessons Learned at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
Such a timely post for me, as with two girls in middle school we've had more than our share of Mean Girls situations. It sounds like you really thought it through and gave your daughter some great food for thought. I'm going to remember your words the next time a situation arises with one of my girls. Which will probably be in the next ten minutes.
Toggle Commented May 24, 2010 on What my daughter and I learned at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
Looking back, I don't remember my parents forcing me to play -- I think I really wanted to learn and figured that was the only way. Who knew there were nice, cheerful teachers around who actually liked kids? I think the teacher makes all the difference in the world, and when they're young I'll take personality over technical skills any day.
Toggle Commented May 24, 2010 on Lessons Learned at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
Yes, I've heard of the yardstick method - my teacher's was more of a 'mental slapping.' And I just realized I'm a total failure as an Asian -- can't play an instrument AND I suck at math!!
Toggle Commented May 24, 2010 on Lessons Learned at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
I took piano lessons for years when I was young but don't ask me to sit down at the piano at your dinner party and play "Ode To Joy" or request my keyboard accompaniment when you sing, "Always and Forever"... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2010 at LA Moms Blog
sweatpantsmom is now following Jen L.
Apr 15, 2010
Amish dresses, chastity belts -- I say we get a couple of other moms and just go for the warehouse discount.
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2010 on The Hot Zone at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
No, I figure once they start swatting the guys on the butt it's time to say something.
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2010 on The Hot Zone at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
Yes, they're getting wise a little too quickly. Time to come up with a new technique!
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2010 on Grateful at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
Oh, I can so identify with this post. I don't know how many times I've been asked if I'm the nanny, how many years I've lived here, how surprised someone is that I "don't have an accent" when I talk. Also, I'm the only Asian in the world who isn't good at math. (And don't get me started on what my parents, who were born here, had to go through after WWII when they were stripped of their land and all their possessions and put into relocation camps...) Also, your neighbor is a tool.
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2010 on Who Aren't You Calling American? at Deep South Moms
1 reply
Amy, you're a great mom and Aubrey will be fine. Besides, here's your chance to write and star in a sitcom about a single, Asian parent! (And don't forget to cast me as extra as the lady who owns the dry cleaners. Or your manicurist.)
Toggle Commented Mar 23, 2010 on So Happy (Not) Together at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
Amy, you got in too quickly and I couldn't stop you. So sorry for all the french fries stuck to the back of your pants.
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on Making room to get closer at LA Moms Blog
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When we got married (almost 17 years ago!) we agonized over the kids/no kids dilemma and our wedding planner came up with a brilliant idea: we requested no young children at the ceremony, and hired a group of babysitters (I think there were 4) to watch them during this time. Our planner pointed out that the ceremony isn't the most exciting part for young kids, anyway. It was a little easier for us, because we got married at the Santa Barbara zoo and there's a playground nearby the area where we had our ceremony. The babysitters stayed on throughout the reception, and anyone who wanted their kids with them could bring them to their table, but they were also welcome to leave them with their babysitters. A majority of our guests chose to leave the kids with the babysitters, and they told us it was one of the most enjoyable weddings they had been to because they could cut loose at the reception sans kids but still check on them periodically.
1 reply
I'm going through this exact same thing (even the front-seat-as-storage conundrum. I don't like to having to clean up all my half-eaten food just for a passenger.) It's my 11yo that prefers sitting in the front seat -- my 13yo is quite content to sit in the back and immerse herself in her iPod playlist. Or maybe it's to avoid all my cussing, I'm not sure.
Toggle Commented Mar 19, 2010 on Making room to get closer at LA Moms Blog
1 reply
sweatpantsmom is now following Neilochka
Mar 4, 2010
sweatpantsmom is now following Liz@ThisFullHouse
Mar 4, 2010
sweatpantsmom is now following Kimberly
Mar 3, 2010
sweatpantsmom is now following temptingmama
Feb 28, 2010
sweatpantsmom is now following Anastacia
Feb 28, 2010
sweatpantsmom is now following TwoBusy
Feb 26, 2010