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Samit Sarkar
New York
Associate Editor at Destructoid, mostly covering sports games
Recent Activity
Kevin Butler is my hero. Every ad he has ever done for Sony is GOLD.
1 reply
I wonder if MLB licensing could allow for Negro League teams in, say, MLB 10 The Show. That'd be great!
Toggle Commented Oct 23, 2009 on When games look back at Brainy Gamer
1 reply
Aw, that's great! She'll be taking on "Birthday" on Expert before you know it! The best way to get her started might be to have her play the drum track on Easy -- "no fail" is on by default on that difficulty.
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2009 on Zoe on the skins at Brainy Gamer
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I love how two of the bits of text in the image are, like, "That Tiff chick is pretty sexy!"
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Absolutely. As someone who's had a PS3 pretty much since launch (New Year's Eve, 2006), I always felt like I had to champion the few great games it did have early on. I never felt like enough people were talking about (or playing) a game like Warhawk, for example. And as a preview/review writer, I often see/play games that most people would prejudge and write off, so I always like to spread the word if I see potential.
Toggle Commented Jul 24, 2009 on The pulpiteer at Brainy Gamer
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Samit Sarkar is now following .tiff
Jul 23, 2009
Even in the twilight of his career, it was great to see him on the Rangers.
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Hahaha...I didn't even read that far; I just replied as soon as I saw the first mistake lol
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"Scabbard" has two Bs in it. Thus, your 12-year-old self fails. :)
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Yay Noby Noby .tiff!
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2009 on the last few weeks' drawings at .tiff
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Again, "Pooping never gets old!"
Toggle Commented Mar 10, 2009 on Hey Ma, I'm on Internet TeeVee! at .tiff
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Highly recommended: playing Noby Noby Boy in a large group. We did this at Josh's (Zen Albatross) apartment a few weeks ago — there were like ten of us watching one person play, but everyone was shouting suggestions and stuff. It was awesome. And I imagine it was also rather disconcerting for someone just hearing it on its own... "Grab all three clouds!" "Get tangled up in that spring!" "Okay, so you have to eat the guy, and then an animal, and then shit them out slowly to combine them." "Aw, you broke in half. Eat your own ass to fix it!"
Toggle Commented Mar 10, 2009 on Hey Ma, I'm on Internet TeeVee! at .tiff
1 reply
Noby Noby Boy + Tiff = awesome beyond words.
Toggle Commented Mar 10, 2009 on Hey Ma, I'm on Internet TeeVee! at .tiff
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There we go!
Toggle Commented Feb 25, 2009 on I Love Blogging at .tiff
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1) Holy fuck, that was a lightning-fast response. 2) Well, I don't really use my Dtoid c-blog at all. I have a Tumblr blog that mostly comprises reblogs of other people's stuff, but there's a good amount of original content on there too. That's it, though. I still haven't made a single post on my Vox blog -- but hey, at least I'm using a theme you designed! 3) It's hilarious that you mentioned my avatar, since, as soon as I posted that comment, I went to my TypePad profile and decided I wanted to upload a new one. Unfortunately, I have yet to come across a photo of me in which my face can legitimately be described as "lovely" or anything close to it, so I'm probably just going to use the same thing I use everywhere: a New York Yankees logo.
Toggle Commented Feb 25, 2009 on I Love Blogging at .tiff
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Hahaha, I had a Xanga back in my high school days. Eek. But yeah, I blog because it's unbelievably cool to be able to share my love of videogames with millions of readers all across the interwebs. And I also love oddities of the 'net!
Toggle Commented Feb 25, 2009 on I Love Blogging at .tiff
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Hm...apparently, I waited too long to edit. Anyway, I FOUND IT!!! Here it is, in Pedro's photostream! It was totally a spur-of-the-moment thing, too. (In case you couldn't figure it out, my hand is on the left, and Velcro's is on the right).
Toggle Commented Feb 21, 2009 on Goatse in The Legend of Zelda at .tiff
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Haha, awesome. There's a photo of Tyler Perry goatse somewhere, featuring me and Dtoider Velcroman, from the very first NY NARP...I'll see if I can dig it up.
Toggle Commented Feb 21, 2009 on Goatse in The Legend of Zelda at .tiff
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As you wish, m'lady. Also, looking the pages of your notebook makes my eyes hurt (and it's not just from the ZOMG PINK! color). Anyway, you may (or may not, I have no legitimate idea) be "a real shitty oil painter," but you're a fantastic sketch artist, at the very least. Granted, I may not be the best judge of artistic talent, since I suck at art-related things -- so my opinion may be worthless to you. But I gave it anyway, unsolicited, and there's nothing you can do about it! BWAHAHA!
Toggle Commented Feb 5, 2009 on this week's drawings (and a meme) at .tiff
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30 Rock is currently, IMO, the funniest show on television. Great choice!
Toggle Commented Nov 25, 2008 on this week's plushes at .tiff
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Toggle Commented Nov 22, 2008 on TypePad Connect = Happy .tiff at .tiff
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Toggle Commented Nov 21, 2008 on Oh, hi. at .tiff
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