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That`ll put a spanner in the works! They could find muslim builders, I suppose, hope there aren`t any!
Thanks for your reply! You sound as passionate about the terrible evil of Islam as me! Sad to say I`m very familiar with all the information you have written about in your reply but it`s hard to make your family and friends take it seriously enough! I`m sure they think it couldn`t happen here in the west. It is happening though, isn`t it? They are infiltrating into the upper echelons of society and now Obama has tricked his way into the White House ( with the help of other shady characters in the plan for the New World Order)things will get rapidly worse. I am also familiar with Jihad Watch website and get regular updates. I don`t know what to say, but I have known this was coming from the early nineties when I used to attend Barry Smith meetings in London where I used to live. He preached on Biblical Prophecy for many years going around the world, but died a few years ago now. I have many of his books and videos which are a minefield of information concerning the rise of the New World Order and what would happen in the world which is rapidly coming to fruition now! The devil`s time is short and he`s making the most of it before the Lord Jesus returns! We must stay close to Jesus for our protection as evil deepens in the world, He will sustain us and keep us in His care! God bless and keep you, Jo!
You`re dead right, it`s straight from the pit of hell! Almighty God would not want his followers to persecute and attack unbelievers! They are even killing their own people for the slightest thing, members of their own family!!
I`m afraid things will only get worse in France and throughout Europe! Appeasement for too long has just emboldened them! What have we let ourselves in for?
Use a computer and send instant e-mails to friends and family. I think I`m probably way behind the rest of you but this is enough for me in my senior years1
1 reply
I`m flabberghasted, the UN is diabolical and a big waste of time. Right is wrong and wrong is right in that organization!!