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Elizabeth A
Recent Activity
You're such a relief in this crazy world -- honestly, I'd much rather muse about your question than dutifully go over and listen to Obama's strategy for dealing with the crazies in other parts of the world. So...
You're right! I can't think of the books I read as a teen and the cultural references within them. If the pattern holds, that would mean there would be references to Frank Sinatra or something, right. The stuff that MY parents listened to? Hmmm.
Cultural Reality. Or Something.
Chestnut wanted me to read this, because she loved it: So I did. And here's the thing: all the cultural references are to my generation. Now I know no one who is 13 is writing a YA book (or at least, they're not publishing what they write), so the author is no doubt being true to her own cultu...
Well, the Goldfinch crowd is certainly the wrong crowd for me, and I do love everything that Atkinson writes. I'm not much of a mystery lover, but I did like Case Histories, and I keep hearing about Tana French. Have you read her stuff?
Why Isn't Everyone Reading These?
I mentioned (does mentioned make sense in a blog? Maybe) that I'd read Life After Life, and found it lovely and moving and strange. But what I didn't mention was that the "about the author" section noted that Kate Atkinson also writes detective novels. I love detective novels. Not all of them—I'...
Truly wonderful post. I want a foot fountain. And I love the word "bilious." Brava to you for using it so beautifully!
The Library as Soul Restorative
We're going to take a moment to appreciate the excellence that is the Brooklyn Public Library (and, by extension, is really any public library). I was feeling cranky and hot. It's just my way. We were walking by the main branch, and Strider said, "Hey, should we maybe get a movie for tonight?" ...
Red Hot and Toxic
The newspaper sitting folded on my desk has been there since Thursday, June the 3rd. I read the front-page article, folded the paper carefully up and placed it on my desk with the intent to write about it. Perfect for... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2010 at LA Moms Blog
Wow. I love the starfish, but the last two lines of your post really resonate with me. Thank you for them --
Here is a starfish I made in honor of the living creatures and plants in the Gulf of Mexico. I want to continue making more representations of sea and wetland life forms, sending my hopes and prayers for ecological recovery to that area. The starfish is made of brown linen and gold du...
That is so cool --
Laurie Anderson Makes Music for Dogs
When I was in high school I thought Laurie Anderson was the coolest woman in the world. This was the 80s when her album "Big Science" moved her from performance artist to new-wave-pop-rock star status. There was a period when her albums had a permanent place on my hi fi (remember when y...
That exhibit looks really beautiful -- I especially liked the mermaid embroidery. Thank you for the link!
I have been too busy. I don't like being too busy. I am wondering how to let go of some responsibilities or activities. Or maybe it is just this time of year. I noticed recently that I have been drawn to round things. Of course, I have been covering far too many stones with crochet (hope...
I love how you've woven a tiny piece of your own history into this post. And all the paintings are great -- but the most amazing to me is the illuminated one --
Cleveland Museum of Art: Where it All Began?
The Thinker by August Rodin at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Photo by Chris Auman. Some parents strap skis on their kids as soon as they can walk, and hit the slopes. Mine hit the art museums. Growing up in Cleveland, that meant I was exposed to some of the greatest art in the world at...
I meant WON'T be the only testament to their life! But I think you'd know that --
the sea
I continue to be continually upset by the British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In many ways it is so unbelievable, but in many other ways it is totally predictable. I'm ready to make some significant lifestyle changes to alter my use of fossil fuels, but truly it is the ...
I just hope your and other's fabric creations of sealife will be the only testament to their life. Thank you for this moving post and for the links.
the sea
I continue to be continually upset by the British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In many ways it is so unbelievable, but in many other ways it is totally predictable. I'm ready to make some significant lifestyle changes to alter my use of fossil fuels, but truly it is the ...
I still remember the horror of seventh grade! I wouldn't take back that year if you paid me for it! I wore aviator glasses and was extraordinarily skinny, curled my hair into scary "wings" and wore a puka bead necklace around my skinny neck. I looked like a bug and was a "brain" to boot, which was completely uncool at the time. Just remembering gives me the creeps -- you sound like such a wonderful mother that I imagine all the dark days of your daughter's year will also be tempered by your concern and love. Here's to a happy eighth grade year!
We survived 7th grade!
There were times I wasn't sure we would make it. There was Mean Girls drama, there was re-defining communication, daddy drama, academic struggles, and sometimes, the only thing getting me through was knowing that in 3 years, I'll have a vacation from parenting. Just days after completing 7th ...
That's awesome. And I love, love that you're posting so much these days!
Dachshund U.N. by Bennett Miller
Via Gawker: For his new installation, Australian artist Bennett Miller has assembled a meeting of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights in the Melbourne Museum plaza. The part that is "art" is that all of the delegates are dogs. All together: Awwwwww. Dachsund U.N., part of the Next Wave Fes...
Excellent post -- and I'm off to donate more money to Homeboy. I have a friend who's on the board, so I'm used to the appeals but it's certainly a symbolic time to contribute! Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention -- especially those quick to judge --
Save Homeboy Industries
I wrote a post recently about Arizona's backward, potentially racist immigration law. In reading the comments and other blogs, I was reminded how many people associate illegal immigrants with rising gang violence regardless of whether there's any truth to that or not . Okay, if you're one of t...
Wonderful post -- I have such conflicted thoughts about soldiers and war -- your post articulated them nicely.
Memorial Day (belated)
An oversized artillery officer with small dog (from Michael Zucchero's collection) I meant to post this yesterday in honor of Memorial Day. It is from the book Loyal Hearts: Histories of American Civil War Canines by Michael Zucchero. My parents sent me a signed copy of this charmi...
Now that's a lovely little world right there!
little town
I have a bag of little discarded cardboard boxes, paper tubes, empty thread spools, and the like. I took it out the other day when everyone was a little restless and unfocused. Oh boy. Nothing like raw materials to get the tribe to settle down. Here is just a sampling of what was constru...
Congrats! This was actually my favorite one! Will it be difficult to get a bottle?
Kimberly Kelly Santini Wins 2010 Mutt Lynch Winery - Dog Art Today Contest
Rusty by Kimberly Kelly Santini Congratulations Kimberly Kelly Santini, this year's winner of the Mutt Lynch Winery - Dog Art Today Wine Label Contest. Winemaker, Brenda Lynch, label designer, Rae Huestis, and I are thrilled that this soulful piece will grace the bottle of an exclusive bo...
I was just trying to get to a yoga class
I'd like to say that when I woke up on Friday morning, I opened my eyes, stretched my arms over my head and wriggled in anticipation for today was the day that The Husband would come home from work and... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2010 at LA Moms Blog
I love this post. It's such a relief from the constant barrage of stuff I hear about marriage that inevitably makes my own seem inadequate, messed-up, less than, etc. Sometimes I honestly think that marriage is an outdated institution, at least as described in current romantic terms. You have written in a practical and lovely way about marriage, and that is refreshing.
Happily Married?
I love my husband, but I can not in good faith call us happily married. Most day annoyingly married, frustratedly married, even tiresomely married, would be a better description. We do not walk around beaming at one another all day. When we get to take a vacation with our friends we're happy ...
I have to tell you that when your blog post opened, my heart stopped. My son has been drawing what looks to be the exact same thing for a year or more. It's so freaky that I'm tempted to email you some scans.
My six-year-old son has been drawing obsessively lately. I am very interested in his drawings. He tends to use simple lines, and fill up the paper. Alas, many of the drawings tend to be war scenes, influenced by his interest in the Star Wars stories. But, some pirate ships, submar...
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