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Davis W. Frank
Recent Activity
Other people who are happy? Red Sox and Rays fans. Not so happy? Braves fans. Anyone want to predict who's playing in the 2011 NLCS?
understatement of the year
From MLBTradeRumors coverage of Cliff Lee: Phillies fans are surely thrilled to have Lee back in Philadelphia, but the MLB Players Association won't necessarily like his decision to leave so much money on the table instead of setting a precedent for other pitchers. However, this offseason has s...
Had this happen to my parents' house about 15 years ago. It was between floors, along one wall of the house, making the easiest access being through the floor of my old bedroom's closet.
Beekeeper game, moved the hive, we got several pounds of honey and I think he still paid my folks.
ps: hyperlocal honey is tasty
file under: this is not a metaphor
From BLDBLOG: "A single-family home in California has been 'invaded' by bees—so much so that honey is now leaking from the electrical outlets, coming 'from a giant beehive behind the walls.'"
Wow. Must tell me this story the next time we have lunch.
r.i.p. sparky anderson
One of my most vivid childhood memories is being lucky enough to go down on the field for batting practice at Wrigley before an afternoon Cubs / Reds game. Everything was larger than life -- the field, the stadium, the players. Everything except Sparky Anderson, who squatted down and had a short...
Or rather, "Whoa." This has caused me to throw an exception and I've not yet caught it.
putting it behind you
I had lunch last week with a writer I admire and whose work I love. It was one of those perfect San Francisco days; cool breeze, warm sun, and we sat on the stoop across from Little Skillet and enjoyed some fried chicken and cole slaw. We talked about media, magazines, book publishing, the iPad, ...
Those AdMob #s are nearly a year old! It's even more telling now.
It turns out it's not just having a full HTTP stack available so that APIs are easily consumable. Having a simple & consistent system for rendering the UI - thus making it easier to write apps that consume APIs - is just as important.
So thank Palm, Nokia and now even RIM for reinforcing the defacto WebKit standard.
Mobile is the future of cloud; cloud is the future of mobile
Note - this post is an expansion on an earlier draft posted at Sonoa's blog in early December 2009. Mary Meeker’s Web 2.0 presentation made a strong case for the imminent boom on the mobile internet. Some statistics that caught my attention: Mobile internet users will exceed 500M human beings...
I'm not sure I fully understand your solution.
Are you saying there's a market for API proxies for analytics, load balancing, and access control? Mashery does this now.
Or are you saying that webapp developers who support APIs would do well by themselves by separating these concerns away from their core application into a separate API proxy app?
Why modern applications need an API proxy
Structures of control are spontaneously generated in every environment and every wave of computing. Today on the web we have a model where browsers are the single point of control for much of what happens, not just at the level of applications, but at the meta-application level as well. Not simp...
How about casual computing? Your use cases demand a device that's lower start cost & simpler interactions. Like a smartphone, but more suited to sharing. So the software is done (mobile apps) but the form factor isn't quite right with a smartphone, hence something bigger.
Jeff Hawkins wanted this with the Palm Foleo (which never shipped) but attacked the wrong use cases (I was there, still have one, long story). Netbooks, it turns out, running desktop software are just tiny laptops. Nothing new.
So Apple makes their version of a netbook and will sell some, but not a lot, until people see the your use cases are valid - kids homework is a big one - and the price comes down a bit more. At $500 I'm not buying 2 or 3 of these to lie around the house. More likely I'll buy gen 3 or 4, or get a free one with my next iMac.
Meanwhile, a Kindle at $200-250 remains compelling.
the ipad is the family computer
My quick take on the iPad: this really is an entirely new class of device. Not because of the form factor (neat!) or the technology (fast!) or the vertically integrated content distribution channel (smart!). Instead, the iPad is something new because of its intended *use*. I see the iPad not as t...
Thanks for these. Absolutely awesome.
transcript visualizations from the apollo 11 mission
Brendan Dawes cooks up two beautiful posters that are visualizations of transcript data from the mission. Both are available for purchase.
Over 80% of Twitter's traffic is from the API. The website is one of their smaller concerns. So I guess a lot of people disagree. Silly, silly people.
more more more more!
How many people do you think are building just what Matt Haughey describes in his screed against downloading a Twitter client? Imagine if you had a permanent desktop application that featured Google Reader scrolling up every new post on every blog you follow combined with every new link on del...
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