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chuck ashley
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I have to admit I struggle strongly with this issue-as a Messianic Jew who unequivocally supports Israel & her Jewish people but with that said how can I as a fiscal hawk who has come down on all other unnecessary spending seeing as we're almost 15trillion in the hole now with a projected 1.3 trillion for this year. Some would say it's only 3 billion & they are our best ally in the region (they are) so lets help them but we just can NOT as it simply comes down to the Fact we do NOT have it to give! In order to give ANY financial aid to Israel we have to ask Ben @ the Fed to print it up for us oh and that 3 billion devalues all the dollars before it! So the question becomes do we Sacrifice our own nation's economy/currency to aid others (even Israel)I regret to say we must Not!
Speaker Boehner to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren..."the United States is committed to standing by our close ally"; Ron Paul to Israel: Drop Dead
Nothing shows Obama in a more true light than illuminating moments like this. It is no small comfort to freedom-loving peoples across the world. Statement by Speaker Boehner on Visit with Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued th...
Trump is a Chump! He talks out of his ass & is nothing more than a Smooth Talking RHINO! His interests are his Own & he'll just use a Presidential run to make some $$$$$! As to Ron Paul with our deficit in Insane category Land & our monetary policy setting us on the Road to Hyper-inflation Ron Paul's message will be the Voice of Reason in the cackle of the Old Republican Guard of RHINO's!
He'll take the youth vote away from most except for Palin-I truly believe she'll win in the end!
Palin/Bachmann 2012 will win
Don Trump at CPAC: "Ron Paul has Zero Chance of Getting Elected"
Best speech of the day, I gotta tell you. Money quote of the day from Donald Trump, "Ron Paul cannot get elected." Crowd goes wild. Yay and nay. I was whoooping. Best line. And this, "If I run and if I win, this country will be respected again."
All that is needed to see in this article is this:So would the Muslim Brotherhood, if in a position of government, help groups like Hamas?
Yes, sure.
Do you recognize Israel as a state?
Enough Said! Obama is Anti-Israel/Anti-Jew he makes Jimmy Carter look sensible by comparison!
He wants Israel & it's people Gone & the Land "restored" to his Muslim brothers & sisters!
Muslim Brotherhood Chooses ElBaradei as Their Frontman
As if it weren't enough that ElBaradei is Iran's man, and aided and abetted Iran's nuclear weapons program and covered for them for years. It is widely acknowledged that Dr ElBaradei repeatedly omitted evidence that the atomic agency had been given about Iran's covert weaponisation plan. Here's ...
I agree with Cate, I believe this conflict is being escalated in hopes of creating a situation where either Bibi is killed or removed from office in a coup attempt. Any war there could give them the opportunity they are looking for to bring CENTCOM into Israel & then with a leader of their choosing in place & our military to back it up give the Palestinian's Jerusalem (pre 67 borders) for now & more to be ceded back later. I have news for them, there is a GOD and HIS (the Jews) people live on the Land HE gave them & if it is not in His will then no matter what they try to do it will FAIL!
War Between Israel And Hizbollah "Imminent" Syria Warns US
So why is Obama backing jihad? War Between Israel And Hizbollah "Imminent" Syria Warns US Zero Hedge blog hat tip Terry The middle east powder keg is on the verge of exploding. After repeated warnings of possible escalation between Iran and Israel, we get the first official confirmation that t...
I have no doubt that this is Obama's main plan to FORCE Israel to cede ALL the West Bank to the Palestinian's but in order to get our troops in there he needs to de-stabilize Israel from the government down & have them ask him for help but that's when this Beast will show his True colors!
President Jihad: Obama Encouraged Violent Palestinian Muslim protests against Israel
This is one bad, ugly man. That's a fact. America has no clue what she is dealing with. The President of the United States is advancing jihad against the oath of office that he took. If he is agitating Muslims against Jews, will he declare war on Israel? It was reported over the weekend at Forei...
I think it's time to send these traitors to our Republic a virtual pitchfork to give them a visual of possible coming attractions should they DARE pass Obamacare tomorrow
send it to all the dem's especially pelosi & reid
CODE RED RALLY ...We the People ....: "Mr Obama, Tear Up This Bill"
UPDATE: Here's the Speaker's Lobby at noon today of the incredible crowd rallying against this #HCR bill. Storming the Bastille. Thousands are amassing on the mall for the Code Red rally at Noon, West lawn of The Capitol... Can't get to DC? Work the phones. Go to the Code Red website here....
Now it has become crystal clear as to WHY the dem's tied the takeover of student loans onto the Obamacare-If doctor's & nurses try to leave their professions & still owe on their student loans-too bad so sad-indentured servitude to Obama or pay your student loans back in Full-your choice!
Nationalized Health Corps Workforce Army
Another Obama army. Americorps is not enough. The army of eight-year-old goosesteppers is not enough. Prisoner army, not enough. It is jawdropping and scary. Lurking within the recently-released Reconciliation bill is a brand new corps of government workers. Page 911 of the 2010 Reconciliation...
What I find most interesting about this pic as the longer end of the cross is at the top thus making it inverted-Gee who does that? The devil that is who-mocking Christ & his sacrifice on the cross. This man & those who serve him-serve the Evil one-Period end of story!
This is seriously sick. O-propaganda from the New York Times. Seriously sick shiz. We are under cultural siege. The Times and their media comrades will sell their mother to ram through socialized medicine. Oganda -- the country that used to be America.
L_rd please heal Rush, touch his body in Y'shua's name Amen!
Prayer Flares for Rush UPDATE: Rush "Resting Comfortably"
Rush Limbaugh 'Resting Comfortably' at Honolulu Hospital Our thoughts and prayers go out to the man who speaks for the voiceless. Limbaugh hospitalized with chest pains KITV.COM: Conservative radio talk host Rush Limbaugh was rushed to a Honolulu hospital on Wednesday afternoon with chest pains,...
Pray, Pray & then Pray some more! Islam is a False & Pagan religion & is powerless against the God of the Bible! These men foolishly strive against God but it is He who will have the last word to them & that is Guilty! Rifqa is in God's hands & I can't think of a Better place to be! Father give Rifqa your Peace & Supernatural favor at her next hearing in December & bring confusion to the Islamic lawyers sent against her-In Jesus name Amen!
Rifqa Bary's case is a test case in numerous ways. It involves the question of whether American courts can successfully be compelled to follow Sharia provisions regarding the imprisonment of female apostates. It will show whether the American legal system and American society are up to the chall...
He is after all a Muslim so like that Nasad guy his allegiances are with Allah & Islam first & foremost. Why should we expect anything else but his utter complete disrespect for our flag,Constitution & it's people!
Who is this guy?
Salute, pledge, something! Anything! Pretend to be a proud American, creep. The teleprompter is saluting. Look, it is. Above photo: President Barack Obama at taken at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia to mark Veterans Day, November 11, 2009. (photo ha...
What I fear for this poor girl is that the "Authorities" will forcibly send her back to her family where she will be killed & then they after disposing of her body they WILL claim she ran away again this time never to be found.
Atlas Vlogs Rifqa Bary's Mortal Enemies
Fortunately for me my conscience is clean regarding voting for either Franken or Ellison. What concerns me & my wife most about all this is that the Mosque where ALL of these Somali men were recruited is here in Mpls and what is to keep them from just strapping on bombs here in the cities instead of going back to serve Al Quieda back home? Minneapolis "Could" be the source of the next terrorism event here in the U.S. and that is most chilling a thought as I would ever like to think but thanks to Congressman Ellison it could be a reality sooner rather than later.
Your Muslim Congressman at Work! Ensuring Missing Somali Terrorists Safe Return to US
Keith Ellison, the haj congressman who made his pilgrimage to Mecca on the dime of the Muslim Brotherhood, is fighting to bring in ..........jihad fighters. Read more about this plant here. Ellison studying Islamic law in Qatar Ellison Attends Pro-Hamas rally ELLISON AT THE HAJ, URGES MUSLIMS TO...
This is one of our favorite sci/fi-conspiracy flicks, John Carpenter wrote the musical score himself one of the best Blues beats you'll ever hear in a movie. Oh and the scene in the store where the alien says that We are moving into a new era is so Obama-esque it's scary plus all the subliminal signs all over-Great flick-enjoy
Saturday Night Cinema They Live
They Live -- Classic film about state manipulation. (hat tip Howard) is a 1988 film directed by John Carpenter, who also wrote the screenplay under the pseudonym "Frank Armitage." The movie is based on Ray Nelson's 1963 short story "Eight O’Clock in the Morning." Part science fiction thriller an...
Pamela, it sometimes shocks me too that it seems as there are Jews who have forgotten about G_D's covenant with Israel :( Iran & her allies can bluster & boast all they want but at the END of the battle Israel & her people will still be there! I know that Iran still has a part to play in the End Times we find ourselves in as in Ezekiel 38 there is a war where Iran,Russia,Turkey & Egypt(and others)will attack Israel to plunder her riches & try to wipe it off the face of the earth (again)
G_D is Faithful & He will keep HIS land & HIS people safe (Read Tehillim 91) Baruch Hashem!
IRAN: "No More Than 11 Days to Wipe Israel Out Of Existence"
As the Muhammadan president of the United States plans to sit down with the annihilationist Islamic Republic of Iran, they have issued their latest policy statement: Iranian Army General Commander Ataollah Salehi: It Will Take Us 11 Days 'To Wipe Israel Out of Existence' Following are excerpts o...
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