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This is a perfect example why I love reading your well written posts. You express everything that a special dinning experience is about in a way that I could never put into words. We've been to Aldea twice and have sent friends there because of you. Keep up the great work John, it's appreciated. BTW, my niece is graduating from medical school in Mn. this weekend. We're attending her wedding next Saturday in Mlps.. They will honeymoon in NYC the following week and will dine at Aldea because of you. We're all connected.
Sam Mason's Greatest Hits at Aldea
Sam Mason first came to my attention when he opened WD-50 with Wylie Dufresne. At the time Sam was the pastry chef and was combining savory elements into his desserts in amazing ways, blurring the lines between them, but always maintaining a focus. After a few years at WD-50, having built a ...
I'm glad you're back in the saddle. Our paths cross rarely but I really do appreciate your insights and opinions. You probably don't know this, but your posts have led me and I'm sure many others to restaurant experiences that we would not have without you. Aldea comes to mind right away. Health matters the most and allows us to live life to the fullest. Your recent scare touches all of us that read your excellent posts. My best wishes to you and please keep up your great work!
I'm Back!
I'm back. Starting with a bad kidney stone attack (an occupational hazard) a few weeks ago, I needed some time to step back, recover and get myself back in order. In the process, I have re-examined a few things and re-prioritized parts of my life. Food will always be important to me and I hope t...
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