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it seems like you could be bouncing in and out of companies rapidly if you follow the tools is that correct?
Toggle Commented Apr 2, 2009 on Phil Town on Stockpiling vs. Trading at Phil Town
1 reply
Thanks Phil, But something I am a little slow on, Let's say that Komatsu (Kmtuy) is attractive at $60. Say i bought it at 49 because the tools said to. Four days later the tools say to bail. The price is down slightly but then goes up later that week. Am I to wait to look at the tools when the price is near the sticker, or do I Jump in and out with the tools? In your Buffet example he buys more Garmin as it gets lower. Sorry I am just trying to get a handle on this. Thanks, Charpe197
Toggle Commented Apr 2, 2009 on Phil Town on Stockpiling vs. Trading at Phil Town
1 reply
what is stockpiling exactly?
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2009 on Phil Town on Stockpiling vs. Trading at Phil Town
1 reply
Hi Doug, I did not get a reply but he did mention me and Lynn in his next post. I redid my calculations. The first time I used an "estimated EPS growth rate for the next 10 years" as 19%. This gave me a sticker of 286.67 and a mos of 143.34. The second time I used 15%, a more conservative number and came up with a sticker of 190 and mos of 95. I think that Lynn used a more conservative eps growth rate than 15%. If she did not, than I think her calculations are just way off. I have read the book twice and after seeing her post I went back to page 234 and absorbed something different... that it is a "ballparking" number. So i am hoping with experience i will get good at it. I think a more conservative approach should be taken today with today's economy. I do not think we are out of the woods yet. So even if the experts say 18.7% and I came up with 21.9%(just using eps), maybe we should error on the side of caution... that's why I went back and used 15%. Maybe Lynn's even more cautious calc's are the key. I am new to this and do not have a lot of money to invest. I will be dealing with $1000 in 4 accounts. One for me and the wife, and 3 individual ones (custodial) for each of my 3 kids. Each only starting with $1000 dollars. I have big dreams for it... we will see what happens. If I do well I will take over my wife's old 401k and our ROTH IRA my self... because the big boys have done nothing with them. See ya, and let me know what you think, Charpe197
Toggle Commented Mar 23, 2009 on The Bottom at Phil Town
1 reply
I am not sure where to post this... so let me know with possible answers. Has anyone done a sticker on AAPL (Apple)? I come up with a sticker of 286.67, and a MOS of 143.34. I have read the book twice and am finally doing calculations. I am wondering how well i am understanding this. Thank you.
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2009 on The Bottom at Phil Town
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