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Wow, how cool. Love the hand lettering and the stamps. Also, I am so excited to hear you have chosen Daniela Costa to be on your teacher list for Inpired. She is terrific and all your students will be excited to meet this fabulous teacher and person.
1 reply
I love it too. We just bought our retirement home in Bend, Oregon and we will be adding to it and making it a home over time. I will document this home that we live in now and the transformation of the Oregon house into a home. Great idea. I would be interested in a kit if you make more!
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2010 on home sweet. at enJOY it by Elise Blaha Cripe
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Jan 18, 2010
What a wonderful exercise. As I am about to turn 50 I have found that I am quite reflective today. I wrote most of my xmas cards and in going through my address book, took a few moments to think about each person when I met them and how knowing them has changed my life. Some of them provided to me through their friendship incredible lessons and learnings that only today would I have known were so important. My journalling for 10 minutes consisted of writing notes to myself of these lessons and the people connected to them so that I can write out my feelings about those lessons and those people more fully. I would never have thought to do that if not for this exercise. I love BPS and look forward to another amazing year of classes!
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2009 on Write it down... at Scrap Big
Not overdoing is something you are learning and its ok that its different. Try new things and see what you like and what you dont want to do again next year. Getting out of the what is expected vs what you want is huge. Congrats on that. I am enclosing a quote I saw on Big Picture about the Grinch written by Dr. Seuss, I think it will resonate with what you are feeling....happy holidays "And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?" ~Dr. Seuss
Toggle Commented Dec 12, 2009 on This is my confession.... at TERESA COLLINS
Love this quote from the Grinch! Thank you for such a great reminder Lisa!!
Toggle Commented Dec 12, 2009 on Worth repeating at Scrap Big
So glad you got your bug back. Contact me about helping you with Roxie - until then check out for great information about raising a puppy. I head out of town on the 19th and back just after the new year.
Toggle Commented Dec 11, 2009 on I Got IT! at The Art Life Blog
wow! Those were the days huh? Do you remember Mitch Miller?
Toggle Commented Dec 10, 2009 on Peace on Earth at Scrap Big
So glad they are following their hearts. thanks for sharing the story and the opportunity to win!
1 reply
Congratulations - sounds like everything fell into place as it is supposed to and everything was lovely. Thank you for sharing the photos. I hope to see Blindside very soon. I understand the young man in the story is playing in the NFL today. I love true stories of courage, kindness and triumph.
Toggle Commented Dec 7, 2009 on Taylor's Wedding at TERESA COLLINS
You gals are so creative and fun to watch. Love the projects - so simple - thanks so much for your enthusiasm and for sharing!
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Perhaps contacting Tim Gunn at project runway to get a few designers to use your idea/challenge/products in their designs...with you as the model. You could have an entire wardrobe...!
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on my first ART SKIRT... at simply me
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I love the inspiration piece as well as your studio. It makes me happy. Thank you for the opportunity to win! I know exactly where I will put this if I win to inspire me each day.
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on "you are right where you should be" at simply me
1 reply
Love it - I remember my Mom used to play the Christmas with Mitch Miller 33. I loved singing those old songs along with him and my siblings while putting up the christmas ornaments. Wow does that take me back! Thanks for the link good old Perry Como!
wow - incredible the machine too and I had no idea I needed one of these? Thanks Donna for indulging my need for all things type... when are you putting your old typewriters up on ebay or your store?
Toggle Commented Nov 27, 2009 on BLACK FRIDAY DEALS + MY NEW APRON at simply me
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Love it, its so you. Fresh and spunky... where do you keep all your stamps now? in a few drawers? Congrats to you!
Toggle Commented Nov 20, 2009 on day 25: the studio redesign is complete at simply me
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woweee! Pick me!
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Love the curls...very vintage and romantic...unique too for this era...with all the straight hair styles. She is a one and only her! Congrats on the play.
Toggle Commented Nov 15, 2009 on GREAT weekend ahead!!! at jamieharper
Pretty neat...sign me up!
1 reply
Love the photos, especially seeing their hair flying up...excellent extensions and form girls - well done. Good camera work as well. making exercise a habit is so important. have the ladies at Curves watch you do the machines. It could be as simple as posture and intensity. Going everyday to move for 30 minutes is key then if you can add some walking (which is hard this time of year in Utah) that will really kick your metabolism into shape. I am proud of you...keep it up. I continue to walk and eat healthy. Vitamin D is the trick for me. Getting enough. It has completely curbed my taste for any junk food. I only want apples and carrots and healthy stuff to snack on and eat for meals. I eat 5 small ones a day and feel terrific. I am lost a dress size so far in the last month and I am in that last 20 pounds zone where its super hard to whittle down. But its working and I am in a habit of eating right and dont want to change...Good habits are hard to to you!
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2009 on Drill TEAM & Bridal Showers at TERESA COLLINS
Congratulations Taylor and may this journey allow you to grow with your partner and explore life together. What I have learned after 23 years of true happiness~ 1) to communicate clearly, never assume and remember that as the person who loves you dearly their intent is never to hurt. If you have a bad day, when you get home from work, let your partner know, this way they won't take any emotion or tones personally. You should be allowed to vent to each other, but know and trust each persons feelings are valid and that together you can accomplish anything. 2) simply enjoy each day together
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2009 on MY little girl.... at TERESA COLLINS
My favorite vintage find was a pocketwatch from my Grandfather's stash and my Grandmothers earrings which she made herself. They were turquoise blue princess phones that dangled from hook portion of the earring. I admired those when I was little and now am the proud owner of them. I am also excited to have found photos that my grandfather hand tinted. Its a photo of my grandmother as a Zigfield dancer. All the dancers dresses and shoes are matching. No one knew my grandmother was a dancer until we found the photo (after her passing). She was always a serious lady and you can spot her by the lack of smile on her face compared to the other dancers. thanks for the chance to win!
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Congrats...what an accomplishment! The dressform is precious. No other word comes to mind than that. Love the quote too. Creative Wednesday did not disappoint.
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Love the details of this event and about the scrappytv video as I love your kits. I have several of them. The Score It guy did a great job of course...I too commented on Stephanie's blog when I read about her challenge. I had not met her in person, but she is a geniune person and we corresponded over email. She is a delight. I would love to go to the event and will see if I can do so. thanks for the info...and for being you.
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2009 on INSPIRATION UNLIMITED part 1 at TERESA COLLINS
Very intriguing...I am not familiar with Roben-Marie or Paper Bag Studios and so happy to find it here on your blog Donna. Thanks so much for the opportunity and I would love to explore this venture further!
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