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Scott, Thanks for posting these articles related to Pastoral Burnout. There is some good insite and helpful information there. As a member of the Been There & Done That club I can relate to a lot of what was written. Having spent the last 15 years reflecting on my 20 years of ministry experience I've come to several conclusion: 1. There is a systemic problem within the American Church related to leadership development and pastoral training. This training is primarily accademic in nature when the job is not. 2. The current general paradigm of the American Church has been developed over hundreds of years and more closely resembles an American business than anything the New Testament believer would recognize as Church. Neither would the New Testament believer recognize modern day pastors as the shepherds of the sheep they knew. 3. Many well meaning men and women wear themselves out and eventually hit the burnout wall doing things that have no biblical basis what so ever. Many of todays ministry demand are culturally defined and are often related to Consumeristis Values and a competative striving for bigger and better. The amazing thing is I still love the Church...and am still involved in ministering in one today...though not for a check. I see the Body of Christ apart from the institution and am committed to being the pastor God called me to be by touching the lives of the people I can. I will do that till I go to be with Jesus. Keep doing the job you are doing! Godspeed...
Toggle Commented Aug 11, 2010 on ...About Pastoral Burnout at SERVING STRONG
Randy, Once again... Thanks! Godspeed...
1 reply
Wow...that is impressive! How did you do that? I've got a lot to learn! :>) No kidding, Randy, I've been watching your work and site and am trying to go to school from someone who has been around the blogging block a time or three. I'm working on my writing style and form and both need a lot of practice so I'm getting it. I hope to have things ready to go by the first of June and will let you know. Thanks a lot for the encouragement! Godspeed to you...
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Randy, Congratulations! That is some mile stone. I am watching and hopefully learning...I'm looking to launch my own feeble contribution to the blogging conversation soon...from an Ordinary Graybeard's point of view. I enjoy reading your writing and gatherings... Godspeed...
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Randy, Excellent points and, I might add, the proper response to the hounding for a quick sound bite (or type bite as the case may be). Think and check the details twice...comment once. Engagement on the critical issues of the day is not without its perils. Keep your guard up and your heart open! Godspeed...
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