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Randolph, NJ
Stay at Home mother of three,Knitter, Book Lover and Scrapper
Interests: way too many for a lifetime
Recent Activity
I am moving my blog to a self hosted wordpress blog. So what's changing nothing! Just go here and you'll see my new home. I am working out the kinks. Everything should be ready and working for monday...I hope ;o) Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2011 at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
I should write this down and read it 200 times a day
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A perfect mama bag with lots of pockets ;o)
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Thank you Sarah Jane!
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Thank you Del!
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Me too!! Sometimes I just don't feel like combing it
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Thank you Lisa. I got it at Marshall's..a steal ;o)
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I just have to keep an eye open for them
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This weekend was a bit out of the ordinary. We changed our regular schedule of swimming and staying home for some fun at the farm. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm was having a "Winter's Day at the Farm", and after all the snow and ice we all needed some fresh air. It was really fun! The boys helped taking corn of the cob and making feed for the animals. I am not sure that's how you say it but my farming knowledge is rudimentary especially in English. They also helped to pull ice out of the pond. They fed cows, sheep... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
Sometimes it gets too crazy, too stressful.I get tired, I feel anger. Today I tried to not let it overcome me. I picked up my camera and looked for the things that make me happy. Because those little things make my days. They make my life. They make my heart sing. So next time you're having a hard day, look for the little things. .:. His love for Lego .:. Her morning hair and messy face .:. Her little desk by mama's desk with all her favorite things and a drawing from her brother .:. My knitting with a flash... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2011 at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
Lovely pictures of your boy! I love it when I can find things that engage them!
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2011 on Doran's Hearts at Peach Coglo
My husband is a big fan of TED's conferences. He watched this a couple of weeks ago and told me it made him think of me. I watched it several times over the past weeks and I thought you would appreciate it too. Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2011 at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
Remember when I told you things were changing in my life. Weekends have taken a different meaning for me. They have become the busiest days of the week. This weekend I am working on some marketing products for my Photography studio. I am going to need your feedback on which pictures to use for my flyer. Which storyboard do you like best: or this one Thank you!! Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2011 at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
You are so generous, I'm afraid I don't have such a good heart ;0) casting a new one is a good way of healing ;0)
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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I love this idea! I just used it on my next set of mittens. Thank you!
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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I laughed while reading your post. And thank you for the owl pattern!
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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Thank you Lisa. I love it when someone takes the time to leave a comment. I am glad a fellow knitter found her way to my blog
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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My son read it in school. He even brought a craft back. I should pick it up at the library
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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Let's start thief not-so smattering moms ;0) I love company!
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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I sure hope so ;0)
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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I like that way of thinking too ;0) one more excuses to shop...oops I meant to use yarn from my stash ;0)
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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You have to share your secret. Does it involve duck-tape or glue?
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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That was the fate of last year's knits courtesy of Mr Hubby. You're right, it is an excuse to knit more
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Smart moms at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
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I am not a TV watcher. Rarely do I sit to watch a TV show. I'm more of a netflix, hulu kind of girl. The truth is that commercials annoy me and boy do we have commercials in the US. So right now my addiction is Grey's Anatomy. I watched an episode once or twice but right now I am watching all of it. From season 1 and up. It's eating up all my free time, which I don't have a lot of. The truth is that it is eating up my sleeping time. I know it's not good for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2011 at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
I have to knit the cowl...and it's all your fault ;o) I read Stieg Larsson and decided it wasn't my cup of tea. Right now I am reading Nora Ephron, editing pictures, eating soup, wishing my cough gets better and watching snow fall
Toggle Commented Jan 27, 2011 on Enjoying at Linaloo
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