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I am soooo excited to be blog hopping with Splash Of Color and Die-Namites!!! 2 Days of absolute LOVE!!!! MAKE SURE TO LEAVE COMMENTS on each of the Splash of Colors Design Team Members posts that will be featured ALL... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2014 at Splash of Color Blog
Get Inky with Splash of Color and May Arts and you could be the winner of a generous prize package! Our design team will be posting their projects all day today on our blog using our beautiful Luminarte Paints and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2013 at Splash of Color Blog
Welcome to day 2 of the Frog Dog Studio and Splash of Color Design Team Blog Hop! Today the teams are showcasing projects from the Frog Dog Studio December Mixed Media kit, featuring Luminarte Acrylic Silks and Viva Colour Modeling... Continue reading
Posted Dec 10, 2013 at Splash of Color Blog
This is really really beautiful. And inspiring. The texture is just wonderful!!
Today is the day we get to reveal our new Design Team Member Lisa Gregory. We are looking forward to the creativity she will bring to our team! Help us in welcoming Lisa!! I am so very excited to have... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2013 at Splash of Color Blog
Congrats Charlie and Jen!!!!! And Charlie my dear friend, I knew this one was a winner the first time I saw it!!!
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2013 on Ready for Some Winners? at Prima
What a great blog hop!!! Such creative inspiration.
Oh Lynne!! The layout is beautiful!! What a great layout using the Summer collection from FabScraps!! And so awesome that you won all of those lovely flowers!! WTG!! Congrats!!
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2012 on Hike & Another Surprise at Lynne's Design Studio
Lynne, just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I love this Layout!! Just gorgeous! All of the elements you put in here to make it a boy layout, yet pulled it off with flowers!! I cant live without flowers!Dont you just love LSG stuff!!!I thought I loved my Glimmer Mist most until I tried LSG!!The magical Mica's are to die for!! Well,just wanted to leave some love!! Hugs, Lisa
Toggle Commented Jun 17, 2011 on Life Is ...... at Lynne's Design Studio
Lynne, this is truly beautiful!! Your flowers are so pretty,very srtiking against the blue. What I really love is the bird cage and the DANGLES!!! Love them. What a wonderful photo of your mom. I think Blue and Orange is one of my new favorite color combos!! Beautiful!! Hugs, Lisa
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2011 on Mom & A Resolution at Lynne's Design Studio
I vote Gini Cagle to the team!!! Cosmo Cricket you have done it again!! So vintage so beautiful!! Loving the colors in all of the collections!!
1 reply
Holy Swirly Goodness Lynne!!!!Your pages are absolutely off the hook gorgeous!!! How come I am only finding them now!!! Thank you for the shout out!! I love the circle that you used the MS Iron Gate punch..Ask anyone in Swirlyville, I have been looking for that punch everywhere!Now that I see this, I want it even more!! and I have that Martha Stamp!! Fabulous, they are just as nice as the Heartfelt Creations one!! Beautiful work Lynne. Love everything you did!!!
Toggle Commented Dec 11, 2010 on Swirly Goodness at Lynne's Design Studio
I am always inspired by the ZVA designers!!
Toggle Commented Nov 29, 2010 on Zva Creative November DT Blog Hop! at Poppy Paperie
1 reply
Donna, the paper is awesome!!! It was only a matter of time before you designed and created wonderful paper for your signature flowers!!! Love it!!
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The Indeed line is divine indeed!!! But then again so is everything Prima makes!!
Toggle Commented Oct 13, 2009 on CLOSED--Fabulous Give-Away! at Prima
I was there..And personally...I think Prima had the most gorgeous booth!! and we ordered a whole lot!!!!!!!!! Beautiful stuff!!!!
Toggle Commented Aug 7, 2009 on CHA Re-Cap 1! at Prima
Congrats on all those hits!!! Woo hoo!!! WTG!!!!!oooooh I would love to win any of the following from any of the companies!!!!!! Here goes my top ten!! 1. Prima...FLOWERS!!!! 2. Basic Grey..The newest Paper packs!!!! 3. Ranger... anything Tim Holtz... 4. Maya Road...Chipboard!!! 5. Tattered Angels...Glimmer Screens and the newest Glimmer Mist colors!!!! 6. American Crafts...cardstock!! 7. Canon...EOS D5 MarkII 8. Nikon...85mm f1.4 lens 9. Art Institute Glitter...Glitter and fantasy film 10. QuicKutz...The Silhouette with downloads
Lifers Passion??? That would be sharing the air I breath with the earth...I wake up every day and thank God for another day with my family and friends. Thank God that we live in this country. And thank God for giving me the ability to make the world a better place. So my life's passion would be just living each day to the fullest doing everything that I love, with passion!! And as for a reader or lurker?? I use to be a peeker, now I will be a reader!! Love Ya girl, Love you for Keepin it real!!!! And the LO??? Simply Divine!!!!!!
Toggle Commented Mar 23, 2009 on "mini" Graphic 45 Rak at Soldier Girl's Thoughts
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