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David Schraub
Recent Activity
My understanding (which could be mistaken) was that the Bork hearings were more substantive, but that this was a deliberate strategy by Sen. Biden to discredit Bork. That is, by suckering Bork into acting like this was a law school symposium, Biden was able to draw out those facets of Bork's judicial ideology that were academically consistent but politically unpalatable, sinking the nomination.
What's the Scholarship on the Sotomayor Hearings Going to Look Like?
As I'm taking a mid-morning break from edits on Integrating Spaces, I see that lots of legal academics are disappointed in the Sotomayor hearings. I enjoyed listening to them (a little bit on CSPAN radio as I was driving through DC and listening on-line at home and in the office). But like ...
I unfortunately don't have the standard deviations. I do know that with the exception of Justice Kennedy (for whom there is no correlation in any direction) and Justice Thomas (who, as Alvin indicates, doesn't ask enough questions for him to be measured), the findings do hold solid for the individual justices.
Student Blogger - Summer WIP: Posner, Landes, and Epstein on Supreme Court Questioning
The Posner/Landes machine rolled into the summer WIP Thursday, as they presented their latest project (also co-authored by Northwestern University's Lee Epstein, who was not present but whom both effusively praised as having compiled every judicial dataset conceivable to humanity): Inferring the...
Am I the only one who reads "the hut" and immediately associates it with "Jabba"? Not the correlation Yum has in mind, I assume.
From the people who brought you KGC ...
After rebranding Kentucky Fried Chicken first as "KFC" and more recently "KGC" (for Kentucky GRILLED chicken), Yum! Brands Inc, the parent company of KFC and Taco Bell, is also moving towards a rebranding for Pizza Hut. Some restaurants will now be called simply "The Hut". I love the comments ...
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