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Alfred Brophy
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
I teach and write in property, trusts and estates, and legal history. I am completing an extensive book on jurisprudence in the old south, focusing around academics, property, and slavery.
Recent Activity
Owen, you are, of course, correct. Nicely done. I don't know the story of Justice Wilson, but this is where State v. Mann was tried, I believe. Sally Greene will know infinitely more about this than I do. And I think Martha also has a story about a manumission that took place here....
Really beautiful courthouse isn't it?
Jones on the Free Black Family in Antebellum Baltimore (and Building Trivia)
Next Friday, October 18, Martha Jones of the University of Michigan will present her paper “Governing the Free Black Family: Reflections on Scenes from Antebellum Baltimore" to the Triangle Legal History Seminar from 4 to 6 pm. We'll be meeting at UNC Law School's boardroom. If you're in the ...
Yes, absurdly difficult, Owen.
You've got the right political party (more or less) with Fenton. Further to the hints, it's not Dan Quail's house. That is, it's not the house of someone elected vice-president.
Civil War Politician's House Trivia
Following up on my Civil War monument trivia question from Bill Turnier a while back, here's another of Bill's photographs. This one is of a house of a Civil War-era politician. Bill knows a lot about this guy. I must confess I'd never heard of him before I met Bill -- which may just go to ...
Very cool, Sarah. It never ceases to surprise me how much insight we can squeeze out of criminal law cases.
Let Whiskey Run Out Of His Mouth
Last week, Al posted about Andrea Dennis’ A Snitch In Time: An Historical Sketch of Black Informing During Slavery. Among other fascinating vignettes, Dennis offers an example of how slave owners used criminal law “to prevent other Whites from interfering with the owner’s interests.” In Harring...
Hi Anon,
You've raised some great issues, asked some important questions about legal education's commitment to reform in the Depression, and set out an ambitious research agenda. But you're asking the article to do more than it's attempting. Anders is focused on the changes in Llewellyn's thought as a gauge of changing attitudes towards professional education and interdisciplinary perspectives on law. Dealing with how, if at all, this affected lawyers' ability to get jobs is a different project -- also an enormously difficult one and can't be accomplished in one paper, I wouldn't think.
Walker on Bramble Bush During the Great Depression
Jeff Redding's already mentioned Anders Walker's paper "Bramble Bush Revisited: Karl Llewellyn, the Great Depression, and the First Law School Crisis, 1929-1939," but I want to include Anders' abstract: This article recovers the plight of legal education during the Great Depression, showing how ...
Welcome, Sarah! Go Sooners.
Welcome Sarah Burstein To The Lounge
We are pleased to welcome Sarah Burstein to the L0unge. Sarah is an associate professor at the Oklahoma University College of Law. She holds a JD from the University of Chicago and writes in the area of IP. You can find publications (and other important biographical info) here. Welcome to t...
Congratulations, David!
David Barron Nominated To First Circuit
Harvard Law Professor David Barron has been nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit by President Obama. He is a Harvard Law grad and has served a couple of stints in the Office of Legal Counsel - including, most recently, serving as the Acting Assistant Attorney General for...
I agree with everything you say, ajr.
The Invisible Man Disappears
Well, what can I say, the school board in Randolph County, North Carolina, has voted to remove the Invisible Man from their public school library. School board member Gary Mason said, “I didn’t find any literary value.” Pretty much everyone who's studied the novel disagrees -- and I'd add tha...
Further thoughts here on the school board. I think the things we need to emphasize in response to Parson's complaint are, that the sex is an important part of the critique of racism; it's not gratuitous. (I wondered why the complaint doesn't she mention that naked white woman with the American flag painted on her body from chapter 1? But that's aside from the point right now.) Second, the novel is incredibly important as a historical document -- that is, it says a lot about American thought in the middle part of the twentieth century and it helps mark the whole-sale remaking of our attitudes towards equality; third, it continues to be among the most spoken-about novels in American history. And finally, it's quite a moderate book. I'd drive out to Asheboro for the meeting myself (I now realize it's only about an hour from Chapel Hill), but I'm headed out to the land of Ellison (Oklahoma City) at the end of the week for a conference.
Ah, well. At least we know who the historians are on Wednesday and it's pretty clear how they'll put it down.
The Invisible Man Disappears
Well, what can I say, the school board in Randolph County, North Carolina, has voted to remove the Invisible Man from their public school library. School board member Gary Mason said, “I didn’t find any literary value.” Pretty much everyone who's studied the novel disagrees -- and I'd add tha...
Thanks for this update, E. I'm delighted to hear it and I wish I could attend the meeting. Sounds like this ill-considered decision is going to be reversed.
The Invisible Man Disappears
Well, what can I say, the school board in Randolph County, North Carolina, has voted to remove the Invisible Man from their public school library. School board member Gary Mason said, “I didn’t find any literary value.” Pretty much everyone who's studied the novel disagrees -- and I'd add tha...
Not at all, ajr. Thanks for asking.
By way of background, one of the key themes of Ellison's work is the ways that we are bound together on issues that cross racial lines. While IM is often thought of as a novel of particular importance to the African American experience, it is also about how some things we think of as central to the American experience come from the African American experience. (I'm thinking here of the scene in the paint factory where black paint dropped into the white paint made the white paint even whiter. Wasn't it National Monument White or some such?) But Ellison was also interested in other unifying themes. He said at one point he hoped he'd live to see the first African American (maybe he said black) president, but that even if he did, that person would be more shaped by his American-ness than his blackness. I think he was right on in terms of President Obama. And that's been the cause of a lot of disappointment among many Obama supporters, I suspect. But to return to my statement: while I suspect that Ellison wouldn't have liked the banning one bit he would have enjoyed that it was the subject of controversy for something other than race.
One further thought on this -- I actually think that the issues with sex are racial, but Ms. Parson isn't seeing them that way.
I hope to have a lot more to say about this down the road.
The Invisible Man Disappears
Well, what can I say, the school board in Randolph County, North Carolina, has voted to remove the Invisible Man from their public school library. School board member Gary Mason said, “I didn’t find any literary value.” Pretty much everyone who's studied the novel disagrees -- and I'd add tha...
Thanks for this, CM -- I didn't know any of those stories about Hackney. I agree that there's something about having spent a lot of time in the south that improves the focus of southern history. (I can't speak to the having been born in the south part of this, but I could see how that might very well be true.) There is the potential problem of too much fondness for a subject bending our perspective -- but being a part of (or at least immersed in) a culture is a huge benefit in studying it. And historians from the south can speak in terms and with nuance that can be heard by their audience.
As to the Alabama sorority story: I predicted a week ago that whatever alumnae stood in the way of integration would be unceremoniously tossed off the boards of their sororities (or find that their work and/or family obligations prevented them from continuing on the board) and that next year we'd see progress on this. I'm glad to see that at least as to the progress part of this I was off by 11 months and 3 weeks. What's not clear to me -- and I very much hope that the Crimson White will continue its coverage of this -- is just how many people stood in the sorority door (so to speak). Some of the reporting I've seen suggests it was less than a handful. I like to think that was the case.
I am grateful for every ray of sunshine and so am of course heartened by recent events in Tuscaloosa. I want to hear the story of how the administration fit into this picture and whether they were -- as I hope -- leading the push or were simply responding once it became clear that no one in power in the state supported the status quo.
Sheldon Hackney (1933 - 2013)
I have just learned the sad news that Sheldon Hackney passed away last Thursday. He was a professor of history at Princeton and later in life president of the University of Pennsylvania, head of the NEH, and finally returned to Penn in the history department. Hackney was a specialist in the ...
That's right, Charles. Nicely done.
Civil War Monument Trivia
Well, I'm pretty much out of trivia questions, so I'm relying on my friends and colleagues. Bill Turnier sends along this picture of a monument. I've actually been to this one -- rather enjoyed it, but it's been years. This one ought to be pretty easy for some of our readers. Where is it?
Further to Bob Strasfeld's comment, I remember when I was in my first semester (must have been first week or two, actuall) of law school having a conversation with one of my classmates about how we didn't know that Oliver Wendell Holmes (whom we knew as a poet) was also a judge. Didn't take long to forget about the pre-law school Holmes. Though down the road I do want to talk a little bit about his 1859 novel, Elsie Venner, which has a subplot of division of property among heirs.
Significant American Authors Of the 19th and 20th Centuries: 1936 Edition
I'm a pack rat and one collection that I carry with me from place to place is my grandfather's 1936 Encyclopedia Britannica. Once in a while I pull a volume off the shelf and read. This morning, I flipped to "American Literature" (contained in Volume 1, A to Anno). The entry includesd a nice ...
Congratulations to Kent and to Syracuse! Very exciting.
Kent Syverud Named Chancellor of Syracuse University, Leaving Wash U.
Dean Kent Syverud of the Washington University in St. Louis School of Law is leaving to become Chancellor of Syracuse University. Before joining Wash U., Syverud was dean of Vanderbilt Law School from 1997-2005 and a member of the law faculty at the University of Michigan (where he obtained hi...
Congratulations, Brando!
It Can Soon Be Yours!
Last summer I blogged about my book on the term Uncle Tom. Those who would like to eventually read it will soon be able to. I was offered a book contract from Cambridge University Press. The book is finished. But now, of course, I have to respond to reader’s comments. So next year, I assume...
Michelle -- very interested in your thoughts on the political orientation of utiliarianism. I face similar questions with my 19th century thinkers/politicians/judges. We usually associate utilitarianism with Bentham and Mill -- both antislavery. Yet, a lot of the proslavery types employed utilitarian calculations. So often when I talk about the proslavery politicians and judges and how they were employed considerations of utility I get people asking (in essence), how can that be? Utiliarians are anti-slavery. And some of my proslavery southerners explicitly criticize Bentham and/or Mill. A lot of the explanation is what values one plugs into the calculations of utility.
Was Coase Pushed Out of UVa on (Presumed) Ideological Grounds?
That's the claim of this article, which notes James M. Buchanan (he, too, a future Nobel Prize winner) as a second victim. Both were faculty in what was then called UVa's Thomas Jefferson Center for Studies in Political Economy, and according to the article, their offense (and, the article sugge...
That's interesting and I guess disturbing if we think that peer review for books is less rigorous than articles.
Hello and a Word in Favor of Student Editors
Greetings, and thank you to Al & Dan for having me here. So, I expect to talk about state constitutionalism mostly, probably a bit about the state of the state of law schools debate, some news from Detroit, maybe a word or two about being married to a rabbi, and likely some miscellany, 'cause e...
I'm confused by your first paragraph. Are you saying Stuntz' claims were made in a book? I'm guessing so, given that Schulhofer reviewed it in the Michigan book review issue. Certainly the book undergo peer review. Or are you suggesting that books get a different (and perhaps less rigorous) peer review than articles?
Hello and a Word in Favor of Student Editors
Greetings, and thank you to Al & Dan for having me here. So, I expect to talk about state constitutionalism mostly, probably a bit about the state of the state of law schools debate, some news from Detroit, maybe a word or two about being married to a rabbi, and likely some miscellany, 'cause e...
I think we're going to be hearing a lot about this book. It has lot of themes that are important -- slavery, commerce, universities (particularly elite northern schools). I'm very much looking forward to September 17.
Wilder on Ebony and Ivy
MIT history professor Craig Wilder's Ebony and Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America's Universities will be appearing from Bloomsbury on September 17. Cribbing now from the Press' website: A 2006 report commissioned by Brown University revealed that institution’s complex and...
You are, as always, correct, Jason. Nicely done!
Antebellum Courthouse Trivia
Well, we're at the 182nd anniversary of the end of the Nat Turner rebellion. It unravelled on the morning of August 23, 1831. After the rebellion ended following a battle at the Belmont plantation, there was some really gruesome extra-legal violence -- I mean gruesome -- against rebels and ...
Really interesting work, Sarah. I haven't thought much about this, at all. But I can think of two examples of audience-oriented crime that might be related to this. The first are the tar and feather mobs of the Revolutionary era (I guess I'm thinking about this because I pulled Pauline Maier's From Resistance to Revolution off the shelf to spend a little time thinking about how when I heard she'd passed away a few weeks back.) I guess the mob mentality amplified the desire to tar and feather. But I'm not sure whether there was ever criminal liability for the audience. I'd be curious to know that. Seems like there would have been a good incentive to punish those who witnessed as well as those who participated actively in the crime as a deterrent. (And now that I'm thinking about this, I think these kinds of questions came up in New York's anti-rent movement in the 1830s/1840s. Need to pull Chuck McCury's outstanding book off the shelf to check how/if that was handled.)
As to the presence of witnesses who maybe could have intervened but didn't, in the twentieth century some states had anti-lynching legislation that made municipalities/counties liable for lynchings in their jurisdiction. The idea was to impose liability without fault to encourage local officials to do what they could to prevent lynchings. I'm thinking that's a somewhat stronger version of the spectator liability that you refer to. That is, even if local officials weren't spectators, the local government had civil liability.
Audience-Oriented Wrongs
As I mentioned in my last post, one of the things that I've been thinking about lately is how law and scholarship are beginning to pay more attention to the importance of audience in various contexts. One interesting student note I encountered while researching this article identifies a categor...
This is proving tougher than I'd expected. Are Owen and Jason on vacation?
Antebellum Courthouse Trivia
Well, we're at the 182nd anniversary of the end of the Nat Turner rebellion. It unravelled on the morning of August 23, 1831. After the rebellion ended following a battle at the Belmont plantation, there was some really gruesome extra-legal violence -- I mean gruesome -- against rebels and ...
Eric, I don't know the breakdown of 2L and 3L enrollment in his seminar on current issues in racism and the law. My guess is it tended towards 3Ls.
I take President Obama's proposal was off-the-cuff, though I'd be very interested if there was some discussion behind the scenes about this. I know virtually nothing about the operation of the White House, but I would have suspected that pretty much everything Obama says is scripted. Maybe I'm wrong on this? Or maybe there's some serious discussion in the White House about higher education policy that's focused on law schools. I'd be interested in other people's thoughts here.
Obama: Law School to Two Years?
Ian Holloway sends along a link to a report that President Obama has called for law school to shorten to two years. Whenever I hear Obama talking about law school or race I think about his course on law and race -- which Stacey Gahagan and I wrote about.
They are both quite similar houses. Lots of stone!
I thought I'd asked about Washington's headquarters at Brandywine a while back, back I can't seem to find that. So maybe that's one to use down the road.
Colonial Building Trivia Question
This one's a little easier than the last building trivia question (the Caleb Pusey house in Chester, Pennsylvania), but I took it from a different perspective than you usually see for this house. It's one of the first buildings in America turned into a tourist attraction for its historical sig...
You got it, Juliet. Very nicely done. I'm not sure there are any photographs (at least none that seem easily accessible) taken from this vantage -- the front is much more popular. I think the front is actually one of the most-photographed images/buildings related to the Revolutionary war.
There's a real distinct style to southeastern Pennsylvania architecture, isn't there? I had the chance to spend a lovely couple of hours at Valley Forge last time I was home in Philadelphia. I'd last been there as a child, so my memory of the park wasn't great. They've done a really nice job interpreting the winter from all sorts of perspectives -- the forge, the soldiers, the military objectives. I was particularly interested in the reconstructed soldiers' cabins -- they weren't grand, to say the least. Wouldn't want to have to winter in them. Even Washington's headquarters seemed far from sumptuous.
The park makes some interesting (to me) interpretation of the law at Valley Forge (court martials), which surprised/intrigued me. I certainly didn't expect talk of a gay soldier drummed out of camp or of prosecutions of deserters.
Colonial Building Trivia Question
This one's a little easier than the last building trivia question (the Caleb Pusey house in Chester, Pennsylvania), but I took it from a different perspective than you usually see for this house. It's one of the first buildings in America turned into a tourist attraction for its historical sig...
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