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TRG Tory
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The £1,440 could be presented as a mortgage bombshell a la 1992.
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Peter, Nigel, Any chance of something constructive from either of you two?
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It's an outrage that the Today program didn't report this. Instead they majored on The Guardian's Tories-want-to-ruin-the-NI-peace-process crap.
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The NHS is a bigger issue on the doorstep than crime where I am. Leaflets must be local specific.
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The new Sainsburys slogan is Try something new today. We could use that instead of Vote for change!!!
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This is better politics than telling dissatisfied parents they need to set up new schools.
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Dull answers. Gorgeous photograph.
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Grayling's work rate is indeed remarkable. He's an example to the rest of the shadow cabinet.
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2010 on Who should be the Tory attack dog? at thetorydiary
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Good, but it shouldn't have taken this long.
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Hague told Marr's Sunday show that Ashcroft only accounts for 2pc of Tory fundraising. That fact needs to be set against 80pc of Labour funding coming from the unions.
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I fear this will distract from the main conference. I won't be going.
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I third Adam and Peter Pragnell. Good piece Louise.
Toggle Commented Feb 25, 2010 on No guts, no glory at CentreRight
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Exactly the right tone from Green.
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We'll fix the deficit by ending wasteful spending. We'll cut taxes on business to boost growth. We'll cut regulation of small business.
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I don't mind selling shares but not (as Osborne proposes) at a discount. "Cheap shares" is the Sunday Times headline. No!
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Scrap ID cards should be on the list.
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Oh god. So stupid from Osborne. Byrne is right. Every penny must go to cutting the deficit. The deficit is either the number one issue or it isn't. The Tory leadership must make their mind up.
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Although too Eurosceptic for me, everything I've heard about Nadhim has been positive. This is good news.
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Something Inside So Strong.
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Although I'm not mad keen on the Mail they did back Ken Clarke as Tory leadership candidate in 01 and 05.
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No more disastrous wars and debt explosions. We promise. Give us another chance. Please.
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Labour had 364 economists in 1981 and they were wrong then. 60 are still wrong today.
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Still too close for comfort though. I hope there are still Shy Tories.
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