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Interests: hockey, gaming, fantasy, writing, scifi
Recent Activity
Yes, that would be awesome!
anyone interested in a short fiction collection?
I have a question for everyone who reads my blog: if I put some short stories I'd written together into a little collection and sold it at Lulu, would you be interested? I ask this because I collected a few short stories into a limited edition chapbook for last year's PAX Prime, and it's been si...
I was in college and between classes, so I was watching the launch.. I always watch the launch. Today I was on my laptop.. strange since in 1986 it was on an old black & white TV in a dorm room..
Amazing, always has been, always will be
some of us are looking at the stars
On January 28, 1986, I was home from school with the flu. I remember that, no matter what I did, I couldn't get warm, so I was sitting in a hot bath when my mom knocked on the bathroom door. "There was an accident with the space shuttle," she said, in the same voice she used when she told me th...
Paddy is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Great! Just great.. Tomorrow all I am going to see is Lizard Brains walking around with ASCII dong's.. just faboo! :)
this post brought to you by wil's lizard brain
You know about the Blue Car Syndrome, right? It says that when you buy a blue car, you suddenly start seeing blue cars everywhere. It doesn't mean that there are actually more blue cars than before, it just means that you're more aware of them. About a month ago, I read something about The Lizar...
The sampler is cool. I like the Wilwinc, that is cool, maybe add the h? as in Whilwinc.. The 'net just rocks man, keep it spinning eh?
a brilliant, genius, incredible idea: "...if only the bookstore could come to us"
Catching up on my RSS subscriptions earlier today, I saw this at Boingboing: JC Hutchins -- he of the boundless energy! -- has assembled a free "holiday sampler" of excerpts from great new books, handily bundled together in a handsome PDF, well suited to loading onto your device or printing out...
That is an awesome moment in time. Thanks for sharing that. At the time I was twenty and a movie about young kids was not my thing. Boy was I wrong. Today I love this movie thanks to the better 1/2. Again, thanks for the trip in the wayback machine.
i never did national network tv interviews later on in life like the ones i did when i was twelve
When we filmed Stand By Me, none of us knew it was going to be the huge success that it became. None of us expected it to be part of that 50s revival that was so much fun in the mid-80s, and none of us knew that it would essentially launch all of our acting careers. But I think that, if you aske...
Ok I am a big fan of terrain, and we often just build our own for our mini games. I have a horrible habit of getting stuck painting that cool mini army cause I got to have it all. I have a Tanith army cause well, the Tanith rock. You wanna hear a room full of twenty some odd gamers playing 40k and hear the wife of a new guy say 'Oh isnt that cute, your friends play with dollies too..'and the room goes silent with the grrr sound off in the corner....funny, so true post
"...tactical terrain for building utilizable dioramas"
Gabe: The box of Dwarven Forge stuff I ordered showed up yesterday, and when Kara saw it she told me it looked like a dollhouse for boys. I laughed and explained that it was actually tactical terrain for building utilizable dioramas. This afternoon as I was placing the tiny mugs of ale in the ...
Dude, you were in Farpoint? I was all of twenty one and staring at Troi and Tasha...
Just kidding, I knew you were there, the Wesley character just was not my focal point. Having said that, there was a few episodes where you were front and center. I cant wait for this to come out, must have book.
Boy, there sure is a lot of pain, and it is painful. For Troi and the audience.
...let me tell you all about the pain. I've written enough books and things to identify a few milestones along my creative road. When I was ... well, I almost said 'still figuring this out', like I have it all figured out, which I don't, so I'll try again: When I had even less figured out than I...
I wss bummed you couldnt make it, but being sick like that? No way, you stay home, take care. I couldnt make it to Penguincon either and have been bummed all weekend.
To everyone at Penguicon:
My friend, editor, and partner in crime, Andrew, is at Penguicon right now, and he's graciously agreed to be a substitute me for the weekend. I asked him if he'd read the following at the opening ceremonies tonight. If we timed it right, he should be reading this right now: A few years ago, I ha...
I loved this, it was just so cool. I played it for my two teenageers and they thought it was cool and gave me that look, like, whoa, Dad did not just show us something way.
kyle + rosemary is finally online
I'm too busy to write about how incredibly awesome my trip to Seattle was, but I just found out that kyle + rosemary is online, and I want everyone in the world to watch it, because I'm so proud of it: Find more videos like this on Channel Frederator RAW (Thanks to reader squonkmama for the ...
Nice to see the TNG cast in an episode of Family Guy. I laughed and thats what counts. Oh the irony....
just in case you wanted to talk about tonight's TNG reunion on Family Guy...
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