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Interests: hockey, gaming, fantasy, writing, scifi
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Yes, that would be awesome!
1 reply
I was in college and between classes, so I was watching the launch.. I always watch the launch. Today I was on my laptop.. strange since in 1986 it was on an old black & white TV in a dorm room.. Amazing, always has been, always will be
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Paddy is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Great! Just great.. Tomorrow all I am going to see is Lizard Brains walking around with ASCII dong's.. just faboo! :)
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The sampler is cool. I like the Wilwinc, that is cool, maybe add the h? as in Whilwinc.. The 'net just rocks man, keep it spinning eh?
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That is an awesome moment in time. Thanks for sharing that. At the time I was twenty and a movie about young kids was not my thing. Boy was I wrong. Today I love this movie thanks to the better 1/2. Again, thanks for the trip in the wayback machine.
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Ok I am a big fan of terrain, and we often just build our own for our mini games. I have a horrible habit of getting stuck painting that cool mini army cause I got to have it all. I have a Tanith army cause well, the Tanith rock. You wanna hear a room full of twenty some odd gamers playing 40k and hear the wife of a new guy say 'Oh isnt that cute, your friends play with dollies too..'and the room goes silent with the grrr sound off in the corner....funny, so true post
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Dude, you were in Farpoint? I was all of twenty one and staring at Troi and Tasha... Just kidding, I knew you were there, the Wesley character just was not my focal point. Having said that, there was a few episodes where you were front and center. I cant wait for this to come out, must have book.
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I wss bummed you couldnt make it, but being sick like that? No way, you stay home, take care. I couldnt make it to Penguincon either and have been bummed all weekend.
Toggle Commented May 4, 2009 on To everyone at Penguicon: at WWdN: In Exile
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I loved this, it was just so cool. I played it for my two teenageers and they thought it was cool and gave me that look, like, whoa, Dad did not just show us something way.
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2009 on kyle + rosemary is finally online at WWdN: In Exile
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Nice to see the TNG cast in an episode of Family Guy. I laughed and thats what counts. Oh the irony....
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