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Paper Creations by Susi-Q
Live in So. California
Addicted to Art, Decorating, and Home Renovations
Interests: I love stamping and paper crafting 3-D projects. In my spare time I enjoy walking, and of course shopping. I am a native of So. California, but love to travel to far away places. Love all kinds of cats, and have rescued many over the years. I hope to some day live in a much cooler climate like Montana.
Recent Activity
Why don't you try using a 3" or 4" wide spackle or Joint Knife. You can find these at Home Depot or any hardware store. They have a thin enough blade, and you could just gentle hammer it, prying open the walnut and even cutting it in half. I would place the nut on a mouse pad or a thin piece of foam to keep it in place.
Toggle Commented Oct 9, 2011 on A Teeny, Tiny Mayflower at Purple Sage Creations
You can see the tutorial on You Tube. In the search box put in: Dania Welch Triangle Witch Hat box. That will take you to the page to select her tutorial to watch.