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Nicola Cornick
I write Regency historicals for Harlequin HQN Books and also work as a historian
Recent Activity
Nicola here, introducing the ever-popular Wenches monthly round up of what we've been reading. As always, our virtual shelves are groaning beneath the weight of recommendations and we hope you will share your reads with us - and add to the TBR pile! - as well as enjoy some of the books we're talking about. October is the perfect time to curl up with a good book, so without further ado, let's dive in! Anne here. The standout read for me in October was Some of it Was Real, by Nan Fischer. It’s a contemporary, and though there’s a relationship,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2023 at Word Wenches
Nicola here, reporting on a recent trip to Greenland and Northern Canada in which we cruised part of the North West Passage in the footsteps (or sails!) of early explorers. We flew to Iceland and from there to Greenland, where we joined our ship, the SH Vega at the port of Kangerlussuaq on the west coast. This was an "expedition cruise" but frankly from the first it was clear that we were in for a very different experience from some earlier sailors, who had run out of food and been obliged to eat their own shoes and wear the same... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2023 at Word Wenches
Nicola here. There are a lot of old buildings in the UK and a lot of different names for historic types of buildings, whether it’s a castle, manor, hall, tower, mansion or cottage. A castle, though, conjures up very particular ideas of what a building looks like. The dictionary definition is “a fortified building as in medieval Europe” or “a large, magnificent house especially if the home of a prince or noble.” However, I think fortifications – crenelations, towers, turrets etc are essential for it to be a proper castle. Often a castle, which has been around for hundreds of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2023 at Word Wenches
Nicola here. I’m in deadline territory so I’ve dusted down and added to a blog piece from 9 years ago on a topic that really interests me – books that make us cry. This is intended to be a cheerful blog, not a miserable one. It’s not about the latest craze in what has been dubbed “sad girl books” which are apparently about millennial women who are unhappy in their lives. I haven’t read any and the present time isn’t the right moment for me to start. No, it’s about authentic emotion and the way that can touch us. A... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2023 at Word Wenches
“Why, Grumpy… You do care.” Snow White discovers Grumpy’s compassionate side. Nicola here, introducing this month’s Ask A Wench and a topic that has caused much discussion among the Wenches lately. (Photograph: Wikimedia Commons: Alex Patel). “Adjectives to describe heroes have changed over the years. "Grumpy" seems to be popular these days. What does this mean to you? Are there other such adjectives you've liked or hated for heroes?” Christina here and I don’t actually mind grumpy heroes, if they have a reason for being that way. Recently, I’ve read quite a few contemporary stories and the grumpy heroes usually... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2023 at Word Wenches
Nicola here. Last month I was fortunate enough to go on a cruise of Medieval Baltic Cities of the Hanseatic League with Fred Olsen cruises. We chose this particular cruise because the destinations were fascinating; I’ve been interested in the history of the Baltic region for decades and a number of my distant ancestors came from that area. This was the perfect opportunity to get a taste of the Baltic. Mary Jo has also blogged about her Baltic Cruse experience but a big difference for us was that these days the itinerary doesn't take in St Petersburg. Instead we got... Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2023 at Word Wenches
Nicola here. I've been away travelling for the last couple of weeks and (hopefully!) just got home today with piles of washing to do and (again, hopefully!) lots of lovely memories which I can turn into a blog post or two to share in the future. In the meantime, however, I'm calling up a short, updated Wench classic post from nine years ago. How the time flies! It seems appropriate, though as it's all about travel, whether in real life or via our reading. So, step back in time to 2014: "There’s a meme that was going around on Facebook... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2023 at Word Wenches
LOL, Janice! But you would know the significance of that letter and that's what makes it special!
Toggle Commented May 31, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
1 reply
Vicki, I'm exactly the same on saving the special cards for the right person/occasion - and then finding I've kept them for years and years! It's a bit like books for me. They are beautiful and I like having them around. It certainly gives me pleasure. How wonderful that your mom kept all those letters and captured that time. It is an amazing experience to be able to read about the past first hand like that.
Toggle Commented May 31, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
1 reply
Hi Karin! Yes, social media is good for keeping in touch on one level, isn't it, and that is a very useful thing. It definitely makes all our lives easier in some ways. But letters are different and special! Sitting down with a cup of tea and a long letter from a friend... What a treat!
Toggle Commented May 31, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
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Oh Annette. What a sad story! But with karma, I am sure he got his comeuppance!
Toggle Commented May 31, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
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Oh, how wonderful, Constance! I must read the Dorothy L Sayers book! Letters can be particularly moving, written in the "voice" of the person and giving such insights into their character as well as the opportunity for lovely language. I love postcards too. They are different, but such a sweet glimpse into different and exciting places.
Toggle Commented May 31, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
1 reply
Spot on, Lil. Email is easier and less painful for those of us with arthritis and the pleasure of receiving a nice message is still strong, but letters are special.
Toggle Commented May 31, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
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I'm so sorry, Denise! it's not you - or anyone else - it's a Typepad issue which means that the comments aren't showing up. We've asked them several times to fix it and are hoping it will be sorted out soon. Thank you, and everyone, for the lovely comments which we can read and are sorry that at the moment we can't share them.
Toggle Commented May 31, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
1 reply
Denise, it was in that documentary that I first heard the Sullivan Balou letter and I cried buckets. I still do! But it is such a beautiful evocation of love and duty. I absolutely love your story of the postcard!!
Toggle Commented May 30, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
1 reply
Mary, that is such a lovely story about you writing to your grandma! I do believe these things are so important and are part of forging important relationships and happy memories for us.
Toggle Commented May 30, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
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Pat, I think that's wonderful that you have all those letters as keepsakes. I wonder whether younger people will come around to seeing handwritten notes as special in the same way that they have embraced other "old" things? I do hope so!
Toggle Commented May 30, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
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Thank you so much, Teresa, I am glad you enjoyed it. Your comment about getting the birthday card – and ten shillings! – reminds me of how excited I was as a girl to get money sent in birthday and Christmas cards! A bit of independence to buy what you wanted… I too had a penpal and it was fun waiting for those letters from exciting places with their unusual stamps. Ah, nostalgia!
Toggle Commented May 30, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
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Apologies to everyone who has commented on the blog and whose comments aren't showing up. We have put in a ticket to report the problem again. Thank you all for your thought and comments!
Toggle Commented May 29, 2023 on The Joy of the Letter at Word Wenches
1 reply
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really thrilled me because it feels so unusual to receive hand-written cards and letters these days. Despite this, cards and other beautiful stationery are very popular and I’m always tempted to buy some when I visit historic houses or other lovely places that sell smart stationery.... Continue reading
Posted May 29, 2023 at Word Wenches
Nicola here. An astonishing twelve years ago, I wrote a blog piece about what constituted a gentleman in the modern era. Is it dress, manners, background or behaviour? I was thinking about this again recently (and indeed, wondering what makes a "lady" in the equivalent sense) after reading a depressing article in the paper at the weekend which claimed that everyone is getting ruder as a result of the pandemic making us forget how to relate to one another and the pressures of modern life being to great. The article cited stories of drunken fighting in the theatre and abuse... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2023 at Word Wenches
Nicola here. This weekend we took part in our local village charity quiz, fifteen teams trying to answer questions on everything from the names of Disney princesses to Olympic swimming champions. Amazingly, we won - as a team we knew a lot of obscure, random general knowledge! - plus we raised some money and enjoyed an evening out with friends and neighbours. It was all very good humoured, unlike some of the quizzes I've been involved with where professional teams got very irate if they didn't win! I’ve always liked the word “quiz.” It's got a fun feel to it,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2023 at Word Wenches
Nicola here, blogging about food (which I seem to do quite often!) Tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday, otherwise known as Pancake Day, Mardi Gras and various other names around the world. Like many festivals that have become popular celebrations, Shrove Tuesday originated in the Church calendar and is still observed as a religious festival by many people. The name Shrove Tuesday comes originally from the word “shrive” meaning to absolve, as it falls just before the beginning of Lent. The name Mardi Gras, “Fat Tuesday” is more descriptive, however, as it gives a clue to the theme of eating up all... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2023 at Word Wenches
Nicola here, introducing this month’s What We’re Reading. As usual we’ve got an interesting mix, and we’re really looking forward to hearing about your latest reads as well. Looking at my Kindle, all the most recent books on there are recommendations I’ve picked up from the other Wenches and these posts. Having read every single one of the Jayne Castle Harmony and Rainshadow series, with attendant dust bunnies, I turned to the Arcane series and now to the Fogg Lake series, which is a contemporary romantic suspense trilogy with paranormal elements. There’s a Midwich Cuckoos vibe going on here. Years... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2023 at Word Wenches
Thank you! What an interesting family and an insight into how inheritance can pass to junior lines of the family...
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2023 on Heirs and Spares at Word Wenches
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