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Nicola Cornick
I write Regency historicals for Harlequin HQN Books and also work as a historian
Recent Activity
What We're Reading in October
Posted Oct 30, 2023 at Word Wenches
In the Footsteps of the Polar Explorers
Posted Oct 2, 2023 at Word Wenches
Capturing the Castle
Posted Sep 6, 2023 at Word Wenches
Emoting over Books
Posted Aug 14, 2023 at Word Wenches
Ask A Wench - Who's Grumpy?
Posted Jul 14, 2023 at Word Wenches
A Taste of the Baltic
Posted Jul 7, 2023 at Word Wenches
Where in the World are You?
Posted Jun 16, 2023 at Word Wenches
LOL, Janice! But you would know the significance of that letter and that's what makes it special!
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Vicki, I'm exactly the same on saving the special cards for the right person/occasion - and then finding I've kept them for years and years! It's a bit like books for me. They are beautiful and I like having them around. It certainly gives me pleasure.
How wonderful that your mom kept all those letters and captured that time. It is an amazing experience to be able to read about the past first hand like that.
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Hi Karin! Yes, social media is good for keeping in touch on one level, isn't it, and that is a very useful thing. It definitely makes all our lives easier in some ways. But letters are different and special! Sitting down with a cup of tea and a long letter from a friend... What a treat!
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Oh Annette. What a sad story! But with karma, I am sure he got his comeuppance!
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Oh, how wonderful, Constance! I must read the Dorothy L Sayers book! Letters can be particularly moving, written in the "voice" of the person and giving such insights into their character as well as the opportunity for lovely language.
I love postcards too. They are different, but such a sweet glimpse into different and exciting places.
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Spot on, Lil. Email is easier and less painful for those of us with arthritis and the pleasure of receiving a nice message is still strong, but letters are special.
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
I'm so sorry, Denise! it's not you - or anyone else - it's a Typepad issue which means that the comments aren't showing up. We've asked them several times to fix it and are hoping it will be sorted out soon. Thank you, and everyone, for the lovely comments which we can read and are sorry that at the moment we can't share them.
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Denise, it was in that documentary that I first heard the Sullivan Balou letter and I cried buckets. I still do! But it is such a beautiful evocation of love and duty.
I absolutely love your story of the postcard!!
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Mary, that is such a lovely story about you writing to your grandma! I do believe these things are so important and are part of forging important relationships and happy memories for us.
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Pat, I think that's wonderful that you have all those letters as keepsakes. I wonder whether younger people will come around to seeing handwritten notes as special in the same way that they have embraced other "old" things? I do hope so!
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Thank you so much, Teresa, I am glad you enjoyed it. Your comment about getting the birthday card – and ten shillings! – reminds me of how excited I was as a girl to get money sent in birthday and Christmas cards! A bit of independence to buy what you wanted… I too had a penpal and it was fun waiting for those letters from exciting places with their unusual stamps. Ah, nostalgia!
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
Apologies to everyone who has commented on the blog and whose comments aren't showing up. We have put in a ticket to report the problem again. Thank you all for your thought and comments!
The Joy of the Letter
Nicola here, talking about letters and cards, letter-writing and research. Last week, a friend who lives a few doors down, put a hand written card through my door to fix up a get-together. She could have texted or used any one of a half dozen other ways of getting in touch but the card really t...
The Joy of the Letter
Posted May 29, 2023 at Word Wenches
The Qualities of a Gentleman
Posted Apr 5, 2023 at Word Wenches
What a Quiz!
Posted Mar 13, 2023 at Word Wenches
Pancake Day!
Posted Feb 20, 2023 at Word Wenches
What We're Reading in January!
Posted Jan 30, 2023 at Word Wenches
Thank you! What an interesting family and an insight into how inheritance can pass to junior lines of the family...
Heirs and Spares
Nicola here, talking slightly tongue-in-cheek about a certain trope in fiction, that of birth order. The concept of the “heir and the spare” is something that has been discussed quite a lot lately and it’s a theme that those of us who read historical romance are very familiar with. The noble fa...
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