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I'm so glad you dropped by, Fujimama :-) What adorable stories about your kids - especially about slinging the cat!
Close Enough to Kiss
For a person like me who loves snuggly babies, gorgeous fabric, and the ease of hands-free mothering, babywearing has always been a perfect fit. I had my first baby nine and a half years ago and had him in a sling from his first day of life. Here he is in a New Native Baby Carrier, loaned to me ...
I'm breathing a sigh of delight looking at these. lovely!
Spent a bit of time this morning playing around with papers from the recycling bin. A little bit of collage-therapy in a busy week. Hope your Tuesday is going happily.
How beautiful. These pictures really remind me of our life 6 months ago!
one weekend in early summer
Here are some photos I took on the weekend. Here, where early summer is in full swing, everything is humming, buzzing, unfurling. We had sweet peas climbing, icecream melting, a cousin from the north island staying, sundresses on the beach, a tea party in a rose garden and a late-night m...
Completely beautiful!
peace cards
It's about the time of year where I start to think about sending small gifts and cards to my friends living overseas, and that means trying to send everything before the Christmas-crazy-panic sets in around here. I made a watercolour + collage card last week, inspired by the leaves of a tr...
Wow. Utterly beautiful. Those shoes make me sigh in delight!
Shown above is the very first rose I've ever grown: this little bud broke off in the wind so has been slowly opening from the shelter of the kitchen windowsill. I've always loved roses but assumed they were beyond my skills to grow. But then I was kindly given a rose plant for my garden an...
Oh - that's great! We forgot to put an item symbolizing music there, but should have!
The last first birthday
Anna is our last baby, so it was a poignant thing to celebrate her first birthday. First birthdays are big in Korean culture, and all our other children had a dol, or Korean first birthday ceremony, where they sit in front of a low table piled high with fruit, rice cakes, and symbolic items. Eve...
Thank you all for your comments! Amber, thanks for letting me know you've read my book. I always love to hear from my readers! Love your blog, too.
Tutorial: A doll's bike seat
I commute everywhere here with the girls on a bike with me, the way many moms do in Japan. The commuting bikes used here are called "mamachari" and they have child seats on the front and the back, so that you can put a baby or toddler in the front basket while your older child rides in back. T...
That's a gorgeous yarn. I love it!
wrapping up the week
I'm so glad it's Friday. We went to Tucson today to see Lindsay for lunch - she drove in from LA to go to the football game. We had a quick, but fun visit and then drove back home. Tonight I'm sitting on the couch with my knitting. I'm knitting myself a steeked cardigan sweater - this one fo...
Christine is now following Erin | house on hill road
Nov 19, 2010
Great idea - I love the simplicity of this.
cream clay
These simple little clay ornaments were made to hang in the window for Christmas-time. They were very simple, as you can see. Just a disc of polymer clay, smoothed and rounded, with some sort of decoration and embroidery thread for hanging. I tried pressing pieces of old lace into some of ...
I adore Elsa Beskow, and this seems to be somewhat similar....I will try to hunt this down!
Library Monday: The House Above the Trees.
A friend lent us this book awhile back, but it took us a bit to get to it since Mariam and Dan have been doing The Hobbit as a read aloud lately. The Hobbit is kind of a major commitment, read aloud-wise, and it didn’t leave a whole lot of time for other reading. After a particularly vivid s...
Just from your writing, I could picture the scene you describe! So perhaps words are a good way to stop time for a bit....
The sight of a little person in muddy rainboots never fails to cheer me up immensely. It's even better when the little person is stomping around in actual mud puddles in actual rain, but I've yet to figure out how to take my beloved camera out in the rain. Any suggestions? There are, really, s...
I don't carry one around consistently enough right now, but I look forward to using my iPhone again when we are back in the U.S. - I have had fun getting some interesting photos on that!
The sight of a little person in muddy rainboots never fails to cheer me up immensely. It's even better when the little person is stomping around in actual mud puddles in actual rain, but I've yet to figure out how to take my beloved camera out in the rain. Any suggestions? There are, really, s...
Yes, I think photography is my favorite and quickest way to record moments these days. But I also feel sad when the image on my camera falls short of what I see before me!
The sight of a little person in muddy rainboots never fails to cheer me up immensely. It's even better when the little person is stomping around in actual mud puddles in actual rain, but I've yet to figure out how to take my beloved camera out in the rain. Any suggestions? There are, really, s...
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