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Man of the West
Just a redneck determined to preserve Western Civilization.
Interests: Jesus Christ, Bible, Western Civilization, chess, go, martial arts, family life, church, history, Sherlock Holmes, baseball
Recent Activity
Looks intriguing. Just might print that one out and give 'er a try soon.
Beef Enchilada Casserole - stolen from my Baby Sister
Of course, she's only 18 months younger than I am, so she's not a baby... But she's MY little sister, so she's always gonna be my "baby sister." **grinz** Well, I only saw her make this once, so I don't remember all the stuff she put in (and had to wing it, once I got home) , but it's easy, it's...
I've said before that I'm leaning Bachmann-Cain, but I sure wouldn't mind Sarah Palin being on the ticket.
I agree with you; it's likely to be a polar day in the nether regions before libs agree that opposition to a Cain/Palin ticket would necessarily be both racist and sexist, though those are the metrics they applied to criticism of the Obama candidacy and presidency.
In liberal eyes, opposing Herman Cain wouldn't be racist, as he would be labeled some variety of "tom" or "oreo," and opposing Sarah Palin wouldn't be sexist because, as one feminist put it a few years ago (I'd give my eyeteeth right now to remember which one, but I can't), she isn't a real woman, that is, no real woman could possibly fail to support "reproductive rights" and other items on the feminist agenda.
With so many liberals, especially those on the Hard Left, it's always a game of "heads I win, tails you lose."
Just because I would LOVE to see their heads explode
[source] Because if you oppose THAT, then you're either a racist or a sexist - or both! Let's see if the Liberal-Progressive-Nutcases are willing to subject themselves to the rules they themselves set up in 2008... My prediction? It'll be a very coooooooooold day in Hell...
...I am leaning more toward the Fair Tax...
That's 'cause you're smart. The more I read about the history of taxation in this country, the more I'm convinced that the Fair Tax will have most or all of the salutary effects of high tariffs--it was during the period from the War of Northern Aggression to Woodrow Wilson that we had, simultaneously, an almost unbroken string of Republican presidents, enormous economic expansion, small federal government, high tariffs and no income taxes--with few or none of the negative effects (the occasional shielding/propping up of businesses that would otherwise go under due to shoddy management.
Well, D'UH!
There are many arguments for a flat tax: Compliance costs are lower, it’s easier to understand, it doesn’t create a divide-and-conquer dynamic with regard to the tax brackets, it aligns taxpayers’ incentives, etc. But there’s a practical moral argument, too: The tax code is corrupt. Using the ta...
Well, I wear a watch and feel pretty much nekkid as a jaybird without one. Maybe that's just the ancient ol' redneck in me comin' out.
People still wear watches?!
I MENTIONED MARKDOWNS ON WATCHES THE OTHER DAY, and I now wonder if they’re desperate. Reader Duke DeLand emails: “April 20th 2009 I removed my wrist watch and it still rests on my bedside table. With my phone always there I found it less-than necessary. Many with whom i talk say the same. Have m...
Tough, yes.
I used to know a pastor who once remarked that he'd done a lot of funerals, and that at one of them, a mourner had come up to him and remarked about how hard it was to deal with someone's passing, even someone whose profession of faith in Christ was very clear, and everyone knew exactly where that person was. "How," the mourner wanted to know, "do people deal with it when they don't know where their loved one is?"
"They don't deal with it very well," was all the pastor could say.
I have kept that story in mind ever since. It is a terrible thing to leave a family behind without making it clear that you know in Whose hands your eternal destiny lies, and I have always encouraged people to let their relatives know.
Clearly, your grandmom did that for you. You have no doubts as to Whose fellowship she is enjoying right now, even though it's painful for you to be apart from her. That's a blessing; you know that someday, you will be reunited with her. Hard as it may be to focus on that at holiday time, it's something to hold onto.
Thanksgiving Minus One
Today was a good day, but it was also a tough one. I thought about it as soon as I woke up this morning. My Grammom is gone. This is the first Thanksgiving without her. I figured that the first round of holidays without her would be difficult, and I was right. My sister made the Cope's corn that...
The liberal love affair with Islam is perplexing.
After reading The Grand Jihad (highly recommended), I would disagree. It is a case of the left and Islam having many goals in common. Or at least I would argue such when it comes to the movers and shakers on the left. People that are more-or-less ignorant dupes--well, they're more-or-less ignorant dupes.
Are they hypocritical? Or just willfully blind? Or simply... stupid?
The liberal love affair with Islam is perplexing. While liberals tend to hate traditional Christianity for its more socially conservative worldview, they insist on vigorously defending Islam and its adherents. From Jon Stewart’s moralizing, to Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg’s outrage at Bill O’R...
Amen, and amen...
I'm reminded of something I heard Levin say. Pity I don't have a transcript, this is from memory:
"We're not looking for compromise with those that seek to undermine our Constitutional liberties! We seek victory!
Obama - do you hear us NOW? (UPDATED)
(UPDATE: Oh, and I forgot that Michelle Malkin has a lovely round-up of the President's hubris in her article yesterday, "Take Your Olive Branch and Shove It, Democrats." So. "Compromise"? *ak, pffft!* Fuhgeddaboutit!) I'm wondering, Mr. President, if you remember saying this: President Obama l...
Herman frequently substitutes for Neal Boortz on the radio; I have heard him many times, and he is absolutely da bomb.
Herman Cain
Video introduction playing now... His website is here. ... later.... WOW! Very inspiring speaker; I'll have to check out his radio show. I was able to get his speech on video (yay for charged batteries!) in two parts, and I'll see if I can get it up from the Convention.
"The mean people...are everywhere; the world is crawling with them."
But of course!
Here's a trick that works well for me: every day, I pretend that I'm going to the circus to watch the clowns. Life can be hilarious that way.
I've Had it Up to HERE With People
Sometimes I get really crappy comments on my blog. As a blogger, it's pretty much a fact of life. The longer you blog and the more your blog grows, the more idiots show up to try to bring you down with nastiness. Some people just weren't raised right, and on the internet they are given a free pa...
We all have "roaring lions" in our lives...
Boy howdy. You said it.
Like sheep who are wholly dependant on their shepherd, we must fully rely on God's wonderful grace and love for protection, strength and guidance.
It also helps to have an accountability partner who will actually hold you accountable and whom you can completely trust. This has helped me immeasurably.
A roaring lion...
We all have "roaring lions" in our lives, even if they come in looking all cute and cuddly. Actually, often lions are the most dangerous when they look cuddly, because who wouldn't want to have the chance to snuggle up to a lion without - we suppose - getting eaten? And so, we snuggle in close, ...
Kat, I haven't looked at the comments over there (and may not--well over fifty comments at this point, and there's only so much time in the day!), but truthfully, I'm not sure that there's much point in engaging him on most of what he wrote. He pretty much gave the game away when he wrote:Let’s not kid ourselves as to who these 20 million people are. 20 million Canadians, or Irish, or Europeans probably wouldn’t phase our American sensibilities so much. In fact, we’d probably welcome them with open arms to revive our manufacturing base, do the jobs nativist Americans simply do not do, or to reinvigorate our population replacement rates.
But it’s 20 million Mexicans.
20 million people of a foreign people (i.e. not European).
20 million people who don’t speak English.
…and so, rather than appealing to our logic, we appeal to baser instincts.So, there it is: you want immigration laws enforced it's because you don't like Mexicans.
Heck of an argument. Seen if often before. Have to wonder why he didn't just openly call people raaaaaaaacists.
Times like this, I'm grateful for my wife's heritage (her grandmother immigrated from Mexico; her mom's side of the family is pretty much all Mexican-American, bilingual, the whole nine yards...). Grateful, too, for the opportunity to teach English to Mexican immigrants (legal ones, insofar as I know; I'm pretty sure...), as between the two, it makes it darn hard, in my case, anyway, for people to make the "you just don't like Mexicans" crapola stick.
I'm not at all familiar with the gentleman who wrote the original post. I have to wonder if he generally leans libertarian. Rather a lot of libertarians find themselves highly offended at the thought of laws limiting where a person can live; like globalists, they think free markets exist only where there is free flow of goods and people across borders. I noted that at one point, the man apparently confused free trade (it has a very specific definition) and free markets; if he did not, he was mixing his arguments somewhat...
It's fundamental to any nation to be able to say who and who should not be able to enter. If you cannot say who and who should not be able to enter, that is, in effect, the same thing as saying that everyone should be able to come--a practical, to say nothing of logical, impossibility. More consistent thinkers, in my opinion, recognize that not everyone can come here, for one reason or another, and further, that the determination who can come here rests not in the hands of would-be immigrants, but in the hands of the country's citizens.
Just my two cents.
"Illegal alien/immigrant" DOES NOT EQUAL "illegal person"
(UPDATE: My latest comment on this issue, and I would urge you to read the whole thread. Although there are some supporters, most of the comments lean heavily in favor of enforcing the law.) How. Many. Times. Does. That. Have. To. Be. Said?! I'm very tired of seeing this argument, but even more ...
Obviously, I didn't know your father, but you certainly come across as a clear-headed person, loving, lovable, and firm in her faith, and the old saying is that the apple don't fall far from the tree, so he must've been a pretty good guy!
Gone to Glory: Harry Harlan Stuart II
My Daddy passed away this morning at 9am and is with Jesus. I want to thank all my friends and "family" on the Internet for all their prayers for Daddy, and all their encouragement and support for me and my family. If you feel moved to do so, would you please leave a comment here so I can pri...
Nicely done!
A meditation for Holy Week: Grace vs. Works (or, "Am I refighting the Reformation?")
In our Christian life, we often walk a fine line that balances between faith and unbelief, credulity and skepticism, legalism and lawlessness, grace and works. Many - most! (including myself) - stumble toward one side or the other, forgetting that inspired tension that characterizes the true Chr...
Sorry to hear about your loss. Can't be easy.
Farewell, Princess Pixel. Godspeed.
This past Wednesday, 16December, I noticed that Pixel seemed to be having a bit of difficulty breathing. It was late in the evening, so I brought her in to the vet the next afternoon (yesterday) to see what was going on. Initially, the veterinarian thought it might be asthma, but Pixel was prett...
Glad you enjoyed the cartoon!
My mother's sent me most of the funny stuff I've been publishing lately. Only God knows where she gets it.
The latest "medical" breakthrough: Hydrogen Barakside
via BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (And if you don't have my buddy, Man of the West, on your reading list, then you're missing out!)
There's not much in life more satisfying than seeing your children do well.
9th Kyu in the House
On Wednesday night, Big I was promoted to 9th kyu in Danzan Ryu Ju-jutsu. The week before, she tested and it was so awesome. It was a very serious event and she did quite well. At one point she had to do a hip throw and she did a great job. Here's her partner, taking her down with a wrist esca...
I look forward with great anticipation to MSM coverage of this news that will, no doubt, be commensurate with the coverage they gave the unveiling of the fossil.
I mean, they wouldn't fail to adequately cover this just because they have an axe to grind, would they?
Another one bites the dust...
It was billed as one of the most important fossil finds in history, a “missing link” that would challenge everything we knew about human evolution. Darwinius masillae, the primitive primate that was unveiled to the world with huge fanfare and a Sir David Attenborough documentary in May, seems ...
See, this is how it's supposed to work. Now if we could only get Congress and the administration to let health insurance be sold competitively across state lines.
Nah. Never happen. That might actually work.
WalMart and Amazon go to war
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. launched a brash price war against Inc. on Thursday, saying it would sell 10 hotly anticipated new books for just $10 apiece through its online site, That was just the beginning. via Amazon is matching (not surprising), and this means t...
It will, I promise you, get far, far worse before it gets better. I deliver and install home medical equipment for a living, and after seeing what I've seen among the old, what I see among the young scares me. People are just flat refusing to take care of themselves. They don't seem to think their health is their responsibility.
A Nation of whiney hypochondriacs...
Health care costs too much in our country because we deliver too much health care. We deliver too much because we demand too much. And we demand it for all the wrong reasons. We're turning into a nation of anxious wimps. I still love my job; very few things are as emotionally rewarding as reliev...
Thanks for the link!
Great googly-moogly, the whole world's gone nuts...
"Claiming to be wise, they became fools...."
President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," the Norwegian Nobel Committee said, citing his outreach to the Muslim world and attempts to curb nuclear proliferation. The stun...
I've always felt strongly that an armed society is a polite society. Or at least more polite than it would otherwise be.
I like guns, Kat, I really do. I offer up only this one caveat: don't ever rely on them, or on any other weapon, for all your defensive needs.
Ever wonder why there are so many wrist releases in martial arts? It's because the natural thing to do, when your opponent is obviously about to pull a weapon, is to grab his arm or wrist. To successfully use a weapon--any weapon--you first have to be able to successfully get it out.
All I'm sayin' is that while firearms are a great thing, one shouldn't overlook the fundamentals of unarmed defense.
Banned concealed carry in church: is it a First Amendment violation?
Obviously not all churches have the same beliefs about the legitimacy of self-defense and defense of others as does the New Life Church. This brings use to the second violation of the First Amendment. The morality of using deadly force when necessary to protect innocent lives is a strongly debat...
No, really, c'mon, tell us how you REALLY feel...
Obama: Community organizer to the world
Israel is looking like the new leader of the Free World. The previous leader, the United States, resigned this role last week at the United Nations to take the position of global community organizer. This was made plain by President Obama in his speech, titled "Responsibility for Our Common Futur...
Congratulations! We look forward to many years of blogging to come!
Happy Blogaversary to CatHouse Chat!!!
Today, CHC is five years old... I mean, YOUNG! I've moved from politics and current events to Bible blogging, quilt blogging, food blogging, CAT blogging (of course), family blogging, and all sorts of other things... Poliblogging still shows up, but I now classify myself as a "life-blogger," bec...
Ya did good, Miss Kat...
God Above Human Philosophy - Charles Spurgeon
Image via Wikipedia "For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent" (1 Corinthians 1:19). This verse is a threatening so far as the worldly wise are concerned, but to the simple believer it is a promise. The professedly le...
Excellent post. I don't know that I can add much to that!
Well, if you're speaking biblically....!
* Religious attitudes are a major source of sexual prejudice. For LGBT people of color, many of whom are regular churchgoers, the conflict is acute. More than half of LGBT people of color interviewed feel treated like sinners by their ethnic and racial communities, and faith communities are among...
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