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The Taste Traveller
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Mom to a five year old I am passionate about eating well and that being about not only eating healthily but truly enjoying the experience. Inspiration comes in many forms - a particular ingredient, a place I've travelled, a recipe a friend or family member shared, magazines, online and my precious recipe books. Join me on this journey!
Recent Activity
It all sounds so yummy Suzy! Love the colour and combinations. Very healthy, lovely food! Inspiring! Keep it up!
Friday Diet Update!
This week started with a two day anniversary trip to the Bavarian tourist village of Leavenworth, so fun! But also, not great for my diet. I was on vacation, so was my diet. I didn't do too badly, didn't go crazy on wurst, giant pretzels and beer, but there were a few naughty things (cinnamon ro...
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