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Sally McNamara
Washington D.C.
Senior Policy Analyst in European Affairs
Recent Activity
Would you post the Q? Or is that too transparent for anything EU-related?!
Here is your starter for 10...
Last night, the TPA held a Euro Quiz night in Westminster both as a celebration of the success of our recent book (which is still available here) and as an opportunity to get together with some of our fellow campaigners for a bit of fun, as opposed to the policy and politics chat that is the nor...
National Socialists?
A request to the BBC to provide an accurate label for the BNP
A little earlier I complained about the BNP being described as "Far Right". I've drafted a letter to send to the BBC. Before I zip it off I'd be grateful for redrafting suggestions... "Dear Mr X, On this morning's Today programme John Humphrys referred to the British National Party as "Far Rig...
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